The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

unrequited love (Remove filter)

Was It Worth It?

I can't help but wonder, was it worth it?

Was your transient moment of pleasure worth making me feel like shit?

It seems to be a never-ending cycle of me losing my mind over you,

Your words display such innocence while your actions prove they're not true.


Defending, deflecting, giving every reason instead of the selfish thoughts in your head,

Unintentionally cementing my newfou...

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Fragile Flawed and Easily BrokenHeartbreakSadMarriageUnrequited Love


And so it's done

That dream I saved 

I cherished and nurtured

Fed the best parts of me

Now dried up and decaying 

Crumbling like flaky pastries


The color all gone 

Now grey and dusty

Like cobwebs in corners

Of long forgotten rooms

Like dirt on windows

No one has looked through 


The feeling I had

All diminished and dead

No longer a heartbeat 


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ex boyfriendlonelymemoriesalonelovdunrequited loveemotional pain






One small metallic

Treasure, laying untouched in blades of grass.




Chain connected to its form.


A love 

Freely given,

Refused in disgust.


Never kept,

Never worn,

Tossed into the tall green grass


Like a shiny hunk of trash,

Grown cold,

Left to rust.




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unrequited love

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