The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

valentines (Remove filter)

sapiosexual - attracted to intelligence

practicing chiropractors
correct us —
posture up —
try, and
… stand upright

formless before the big bang
chaotic with a dark past, and
the light an omnipresent
cognizant force with foresight
for the universes future is in order

simulation theory
0’s & 1’s
the singularity
near infinite
expanding with each addition
times, O
multiplied it is still nil



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Taking time out on a couple of dates for one
May seem lonely or anti social for some
But having space to yourself - mostly all alone
Shows a few changes that you have outgrown
Valentines Day - being a special one for lovers
A time of anticipation and kindness for others
Loving yourself by being your own best friend
A journey in itself which doesn't need to end
A card, message or present yo...

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Valentines Day

Dressing up, styling hair, feeling fine
Card and presents, wait to be opened, all in a line
Roses, chocolates and bottles of red wine
Celebrating Valentines Day, its just a matter of time
Happiness shown, whether it be rain or shine
Cupid wasn't so stupid, sending his arrow as a sign
The restaurant booked, we drink and then we dine
Thinking that when we met, he must of made you mine
More s...

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take the wheel

And venturing out
as an artisan model aircrafts
... enthusiast
is a larger than life recreation
to somebody
fell in love
Amelia Earhart's
figure 8

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makeup sex

Beauty standards ...
makeup your mind
you said you'd be ready
an hour past ...
you haven't changed at all
I'm leaving you
While i tease your hair,  suck it up
I'm head over heels in love

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the Good Book

generational forefathers
bore thine
fruits of their labor,

to an heiress

Oh, the burden
given to this poor mistook child.

the Fall of man—after death
40 days and 40 nights,
If we were to predate the Gregorian calendar
… spring too,
life—before Christ—dark
and light archangels
would earn their halos
from Helios through
sun worship,
during the 7 Days of Creation,
summer was mad...

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Illustrious Demiurge

Once in a blue moon and many light years ago,
Otherworldly starseeds began to incarnate,
and add to the menageries of the Milky Way's sacral space

in-between you and I: What a “sui generis”-jagged siamese
piece of a memory
with our other half
—filling us in—
on where we’ve been our whole life

So as to make known, any preconceived notion; shown in its true light, and meant to be…the des...

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I Love Your Allure

I would never question your narrative— as it be, figuratively.

Cheers to another year: it’s ever clear — our glasses never get drunk.

(for all intents and purposes) spirited twin flames pour out libations to a personal god
No half truths with you.
I idolize your third eyes outlook on life...
Our inner visions - seen to fruition - showcase infinite possibilities
Granted we share the same ...

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NaturepoetryspiritualityValentinesloveloversromanticromantic poetrygodcreativeastrologyastronomypaperromancecreation


Hello, how are you today: upper,middle,lower— class.
front, and center.
I’d like to think if a kid were to get up and say I can’t stand this, then the teacher would get behind them in an orderly fashion.
side by side, classroom C-3 parts in the middle of the day, to make their way back to their seat,
show and tells of mommy and me– are always well received.

A pinned-up faction icon that sta...

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alignmentcrushearthgeometrygodhollywoodhoroscopeslovelovedloversnaturepoempoetrysacredspiritualityValentinesvalentines dayzodiac

Chalk Initials

Love is in the air forecasters say
at first blush, be that as it may
chalk initials in handpicked tins invoke remembrance by paving ways
palms supine scribed with written in lines tie sanskrit signs
significance is found in the now
springs and gears ticking time
as faeries grant blessings shifting through a lovers parade

Concurrent reminiscence written on akashic pages taking turn
Books ...

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love poetryloverslovelove poemsspiritualityValentinesvalentines dayValentine poem

Valentine's Wish

Don’t get me wrong

I often long for chocolate;




tied with a bow,

seems more about show

than any love that I know.


I value your time

more than a sweetly, slick rhyme.

Your words have more worth

than a purchased verse;


whispered, in private

has more meaning.


Choose genuine over saccharine.

Be present,...

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Valentine 1 - Poem by Marie

Who will remember me when I am dead 
I wont haunt any ones head 
Who will cry a tear for my memory WHO 
I know it would not be you 

Happy Valentines Day To all The Bad Men I Ever Knew

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My aching heart

My heart It aches

Engulfed by emptiness


Drowning me with loneliness

Moments apart feel like a lifetime

No idea how to cope

Don't want to cope

Just want to be with you


Yet I know I'm loved

I feel your love

It surrounds me

Protects me

My happiest times are when we're together

Side by side In bed





Why can't t...

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The Gate

By : Ali Taha Alnobani


Yesterday she invited me to see the moon in her garden
The wind tried to prevent me
Although I was sad, I walked under the rain
The gate was full of small doors and small cats were looking at me
Their shining eyes told me the tale of my baby
One night she was looking at the moon,
But a big cat with shining eyes got her dreams broken.

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dreamdreaming spiresbroken dreamsRose DrewdrunkSweet Dreams Love Poem Poetrygatecatcatlovecathy flowerlove poetrysad poemssaddnesssad loveValentineValentinesValentine's Dayclosedclouddarknessdark tower

I'm to leave now


By: Ali Taha Alnobani

I'm to leave now

A tall ghost is carrying my bag

A long street is walking behind me

A mad merchant bought my smiles

And no water to renew the dusk

I can't have my step begun

Even if the rain washed my tears


I'm to leave now

Can I have a deep look at your eyes?

Can I take my dreams, your smile

And my dried red rose?


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farewellgood-byevaleValentinesValentineValentine poemleavingshe leave me small giftslovesad loveromantic distance love dan hookslove makingLOVE SONGfalling in lovelove and time passinglove passionfire flesh love passion obsessionlove sonnetLove lostlovedlove is deadLoverslove endingThe Passionate Lover To An Artisttravel love thoughts musing




What starts as romance

Ends up as routine

With variations

For years in between

Anonymous cards

Carefully picked verse

Until you just sign

For better or worse

And each time you try

To write your own lines

You find out how hard

Are good Valentines.



Copyright(C)David Subacchi 2013


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SUBACCHILiverpool poetryValentines

Don't Forget Valentine


For those who celebrate or not, the tale of how it all began, to whom this day's celebration found its humble beginnings. Read, but do not weep, he did all for love.
Valens, you are esteemed worthy,
at the Via Flaminia you lay:
Valentinus offered up in faith.
Your deeds aren't known in our day.
In this life yo...

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The Forgotten Valentine





Valens, you are esteemed worthy,
at the Via Flaminia you lay:
Valentinus offered up in faith.
Your deeds aren't known in our day.

In this life you wed young couples;
an act the Emperor would not permit.
And though your grace the monarch received,
your execution he did transmit.

Alas, with clubs and stones they came,
challenged by your fortitude gr...

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ValentineValentinesHeartsLoveYoung LoveWedding

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