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Upon Hearing of an ICE Raid: we want the country back
We want the country back.
America feels like a cornered rat
trembling savage
desperation spilling
like rabid light
from frightened eyes
gone flight now only fight
time stopped
avenues of escape blocked
desperation becoming bullets
fear becoming cages
heat waves of hatred
trapped in terror
paralyzed in pain
America feels like a cornered rat
Thursday 8th August 2019 7:49 am
A circle starts somewhere
Primordial and ecstatic
A spirograph of hidden design
A Mandala of movement
And we dance
Hopscotch and double dutch we dance
Fractal orbits we dance
Following the songlines of creation
We dance
Concentration, inspiration, presentation
Musical intonation
Counting with our heart
The sound of our feet
While the always int...
Friday 2nd August 2019 6:35 am
Crawl of the Caterpillar
If a butterfly decided
that it wanted to be a caterpillar
that it regretted its metamorphosis
that it would trade its powdery winged symmetry
for a few more hours or days of blind gluttony
arboreal mastication
that it did not want to flutter gracefully
admired desired
but to slowly gelatinously contract
along rough barked branch
to be more slug than swallow
more mundane ...
Saturday 27th July 2019 7:03 pm
At Noon
the long-legged shadow woman
then suddenly stopped
and waited
to be dissolved in darkness
where she could peel away
her black stockings
to reveal and revel
in her naked invisibility
and dance without limitations
of time or dimension
dream beyond the flat surfaces
which so often held her form
forcing conformity
to their inclination
desire the depth of rounded space
orbits ...
Friday 26th July 2019 6:21 am
a little brown and white garter snake
lay on my brick floor
brought in by the cats
I picked it up to take it outside
and it lay still
it's markings were southwest woven
rugs from painted desert roadside stands
smooth and cool on my hand
tiny cloverleaf head
ended two spiral curls
of cool gauzy beaded rope
there are no signs of life
in small brick-baske...
Wednesday 24th July 2019 5:38 pm
Washed Away
I had a poem
elemental in emotion
wind was anger
waters were tears
something precious was lost
like a necklace in the ocean
it was the work of time and pain
words said that couldn't be unsaid
unspoken thoughts that burned
not like embers but walls of flame
pondered but not ponderous
almost whimsical
like that remembered perfume scent
I had it in my pocket
...Wednesday 24th July 2019 6:16 am
Out the Door Medicine
Out the Door Medicine
First goldfinch of the season flushed
from unmown grass
along with other finches sparrows
and chipping chickadees
southwest they mixed
ones with steady quick beat
and the gold with her push and pause
push and pause
as though she were giving birth to flight
and the berries not black
still mixed in with blossom
green with brown...
Tuesday 23rd July 2019 5:18 am
House of Feathers
The feathers on the house are owl's
silent striated wing feathers
tucked into tile and rough cedar siding
the house is nocturnal
windows wide-eyed unblinking
sentient while others sleep while
full moon also wide-eyed unblinking
sees gathered clouds passing over
the moss on the roof is thick and quiet
bathing in rain and mist and fog
gathered clouds are also quiet
Tuesday 23rd July 2019 4:39 am
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