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Turning Africa’s Horn to its arm


A gigantic dam is born

In the backwater Africa’s horn

For long that was war-torn.


A grand dam is born

In the avenue of

Affluence, steps, pushing,

The shunned Africans ahead

To penetrate the global market

Hot red,  “The only we!”

For long that fed.


Of course, GERD heralded

Equitable utilization of resource

On hypocrites debarring a chance

In fa...

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A crack on the chameleon’s mask

By way of a mockery
You tweeted
“Always truth will take
the upper hand!”
The sanctimonious
Of your brand
That adore to
Bedraggle mother land
Cooking stories,
In deluding the
Global community,
That served you
A magic wand!

Yes true to
Your words
“The truth
at last prevails,”
Lately, your mask
Has suffered a crack;
The revolting record
Sniffed from your track

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Crocodile tears


How could I,
The double-faced
WHO’s current leader,
On par with
A chieftain
Brigade general,
Tightlipped attend
My diabolic
Party’s funeral?

Though for
My criminal
Party’s tragic end,
I have to sob,
I must labor
To garner
The pity of
The credulous, elites
As well as
The mob
Round the globe.

At the same time
Dollars I have
To underwrite
In a bid remaining

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