confused (Remove filter)
The haunting of a broken tap: drip, drop
The thirst after the sun: drink, gulp
She never said a lot, gargling girl
Sliding in and out of my body
Helping me breathe, walk, talk
That was why I swam
It was water
Brought me alive floating out to No Man’s
Diving down to skim the sand
It was water
Wanted it, always had it, but could never catch it.
It was water
Tuesday 28th February 2023 7:17 pm
We were like ‘yin and yang’,
‘Spick and Span’
- Hot pot, big pan -
slick and tanned!
The could we can -
sweet, sweet like marzipan!
The kind of love that makes you FAT,
that attracts the sniff sniffing rats.
- Rap! Trap! Rat! The blind bats! -
But I walked and you ran,
I was kicked like tin-can
then you thought you were tin-man,
cause you forgot your heart ...
Tuesday 21st February 2017 11:28 am
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