fear (Remove filter)
I’ve peeled off my skin for you
I’ve let you crunch my bones,
Consume beyond my flesh
Beyond my visceral tissues
Beyond my beating heart
Beyond the fibres of my being
Down to my soul
I’ve let you gobble up my spirit
I’ve let you slurp up my mind
Lick the lasting crumbs
of my emotions
Everything in me
Everything making me, me
All that constructs me
Monday 27th February 2023 6:22 pm
You’re right
3 years ago, I viewed frogs as aliens
Now I wonder whether they’re angels
Months ago, I hated the sound of songbirds
Now I write their songs
I tweet along
Everything I did, I did do
It still was
Even if it no longer is
Whatever I am
I still am what I was
Even if I no longer am
You’re right
I was right and now I’m left
But the person I was hasn...
Tuesday 1st February 2022 11:42 am
Afraid Of the Dark
How many times must I rinse off the moon
And unpeel the stars from my skin?
Have someone ask what were you drinking?
How many times must I try clinging to lamp lights?
Try configuring keys into shining beacons?
I cannot see in the dark
Yes, blackouts steal my sight
But when finished,
I wake up feeling feverish
And fear ferments and festers
The night can be sticky
Monday 13th January 2020 2:41 pm
Misplaced Memory
Minds mould cannot always bend to the will - Look!
A blur of surreal reality:
it’s vivid, a memory, a means
but travel through years
and maybe it’s a dream,
or the worst fear:
(for the youth with infantile stretch marks to hear)
For the youths with flat ironed flesh and barely dogmarked ears,
what we all fear
is to forget.
Tell the boy with the newly ...
Thursday 7th June 2018 3:52 pm
World's end
Suffocating under the rhythm of your heart beat
Like drowning beneath a sea of thumping marbles.
You are the ball pit, the sand pit, without end – falling!
But who can ever stand when they are - head – over – heels – for someone –
And you pulled me in like a rip tide, a whirl wind, a sinking pool,
Wrapped me up like pig in blanket with your tangled hair
And the salt of it...
Wednesday 17th August 2016 9:21 pm
(‘Ask me why and I’ll spit in your eye’ - The Smiths)
Pinch the rogue flesh slipping from my jeans,
Dig each thumb and forefinger into my hand,
Scratch me with that caress and turn when I blush,
Let the fire wash over my face whilst pretending not to realise.
Leave me be even though our legs are intertwined,
Please leave me be even though our mouths talk and share,
Leave me be even thou...
Saturday 4th October 2014 6:20 pm
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