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Riding on red
Baby, oh cry "red red" baby!
Red stare, double dare me, baby.
You look angry maybe,
that frown like a red cloak across your gaze
with your silver tongue
words like shining bullets
cutting me down with your mad arms.
What mad, bad arms you have!
What a mad, bad glare you have!
All the better to come swinging at me
with those meaty limbs like axes.
Oh, please baby I'...
Sunday 12th June 2016 2:17 pm
Battle of our chests
There is a war rallied between our hearts:
some people say love,
other people play love.
But when life becomes a game,
when words can only be spoken by characters,
when breath can only be projected by theatre
then I lose you lose me....and I risk losing you....
And the curtains fall shut -
Shows over.
And the dice stops rolling -
We lost the bet.
Tuesday 31st May 2016 1:33 am
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