vulnerable (Remove filter)
Acknowledge me
It reaches further than "please fuck me" or "don’t touch me"
It’s a liminal in-between
A line we like to call blurry
But I never asked you to undress me
My body abandoned me
My words went slurry
Tongue too thick to go beyond a mumble
Kind sir escorted me to save me from stumble
Four times play on my mind
One of them I even forgot
Until it accosted me during a usual d...
Friday 12th January 2024 5:07 pm
I: skeleton
Face like stone
Hard to read
I find myself taking pride
In my totem pole
Of expressions, I can hide
Masterfully deceptive
Every bit secretive
All heart without sleeves
Makes it easier to breathe
But being naked
Really stripping off
And just letting everyone watch
That is true strength
True power
Is knocking down this tower
Being bare
Just a sk...
Monday 11th September 2023 7:56 pm
I’ve peeled off my skin for you
I’ve let you crunch my bones,
Consume beyond my flesh
Beyond my visceral tissues
Beyond my beating heart
Beyond the fibres of my being
Down to my soul
I’ve let you gobble up my spirit
I’ve let you slurp up my mind
Lick the lasting crumbs
of my emotions
Everything in me
Everything making me, me
All that constructs me
Monday 27th February 2023 6:22 pm
I see why love is red.
I can’t tell you.
But last night, you entered my chest
for play, some kind of game, like ‘Operation’
and then I couldn’t sleep
I jolted – shivered – jerked – quirked,
now my eyes don’t close
and my body is a pulse,
you tiptoed across my ribcage,
leaving foot prints enlaced by landmines,
you slept on my lungs,
short wired my arteries,
you clipped the circuits of my ...
Wednesday 27th September 2017 2:10 am
The stranger on her neck
Can you see the track marks up her arms?
I spy
With my wide eye
The stranger upon her neck.
Like the birthmark of a bloodhound,
Like a grisly flesh pinch,
An angrily sealed wound,
A Chinese burn,
A beating burning bruise,
A bloody blush:
The bite of the hungry.
Teeth she counted like cash,
The molars which paid her fine
And got her Alice's very own wonder
-ful escape...
...Monday 22nd February 2016 9:13 pm
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