The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


 alive again

the world that once faded away

now resurrects 

the world so elegant


your the outcast 

a hollowground

vison is the way of communication

and you are left to be silent

welcome to wonderland


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 alive again

the world that once faded away

now resurrects 

the world so elegant


your the outcast 

a hollowground

vison is the way of communication

and you are left to be silent

welcome to wonderland


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Always to Never

Always is a long time

But together its lovely

Constant fighting

Don’t want to be alone

Everyday without you would be pain

Forget about me

Got to move on

Have to forget the memories

I will face what's new

Just move on


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Happy is an endless emotion

Always triggering a smile

Popularity is only a game

Possessions are only things

You will see, when you can be happy with me.

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Its been a Long time coming

I've traveled Over and around the world

Looked in Various towns searching

For my Everything, My only Love.

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 Forever Told what to do,

always afriad to stray from the crowd.

Never Wanted anything New,

the old is what she stuck too.

The world had Bigger Plans

For one day she would soar,

With Eagle Wings Fly Away.

Sing from the mountain tops,

No longer afraid to fall.

Dream of Skys above ,

Realizing whats under will be no more.

She will sing a song of mercy,

She knows wh...

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Live Long, Die Old

My Mother

My care taker

My Besfriend

Words of Wisdom

Face the world bodly

Face the world with a kind heart

Face the word with a free soul

You'll live a long life, and die old

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Above The Skyline

“Above the Skyline”
A Short Story 
By: Alysa Hatcher

“Goodnight mom, I love you” Misty Exclaims as you can hear her mother repeating the sentence, adding in,
“Don't you stay up late again, you've been late for school two days now!”
“Okay!” She barks back slamming and locking her door. She leans against it, reflecting on her thoughts for a split second. “It’s spring break, not that she would...

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My heart is breaking

Particles of glass are shattering

The happiness that once existed is now but a lost memory

I will truly miss the way we used to be

A family once one whole

Now two halfs, and I am in the middle.

I push myself away,

I can always stay strong for the rest of the day

Behind closed doors I am a wreck

My heart can't help wondering what will break next



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My Love

Our love circulates in the sky,

Round and Round though it shall never die.

The galaxys have nothing on our beauty.

Our love is 7 times 70.

For our love is Cosmic,

lets hope we never see the last of it.

My love you will be my last.

My love for you shall never pass.

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love poetry

Bipolar Love


Baby, your not Bipolar.

Your heart just changes its mind, like God changes Arknasas weather.

One day your hot, one day your cold. 

For our love is neither bipolar, it only changes with the weather.

One thing my heart will always know, God loves Arkansas weather.

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Above The Skyline

“Above the Skyline”

A Short Story

By: Alysa Hatcher


“Goodnight mom, I love you” Misty Exclaims as you can hear her mother repeating the sentence, adding in,

“Don't you stay up late again, you've been late for school two days now!”

“Okay!” She barks back slamming and locking her door. She leans against it, reflecting on her thoughts for a split second. “It’s spring break, not t...

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