The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Beyond the dream

How would it be if we could see through the mirror of that Dream 
Its  the story with in which you find your own true glory 
Would it Stars single glorious songs 
Father Sun would shine the love all around 
Mother Earth would hold us in carrying hands 
I see the picture in my heart where Divine thread 
Connect us all, sewing infinite patern of Love.
Each of us shining like eternal light 

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Being Self

In the edge of insanity You will find your true self 
But be careful 
There is thin line between
 Being Insane and Being Self... 

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Nothing it's everything

The vast sky,  feeling the trust,You seeing infinite Blast, 

the space of knowing from nothing

But still it's something when you precive it 

View of unnamed,  untouched awareness 

Grasping space of Stillness,  presenting it self in you 

Us you melting down and forgetting to remember

Alow your self to be nothing... 

Can any thing be lost up there?  

Everything what you touch...

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Love is everything

The love don't judge 
The love don't have opinions 
The love don't have a interest 
The love it's just a love 
It doesn't examin 
It doesn't expect
Love is nothing what you can imagine 
But it could still be Everything for You 


Be the love that You are and You will be Everything 

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Being Naive

I'm naive to belive 
But I'm still fallow it indeed 
I'm naive to live 
So I enjoy my Being it 
I'm naive to be free 
And my freedom it's with me
I'm naive to see 
But when I look on you 
The love it's presents to me 
I'm naive to breath 
So each breath I treat 
Like a last that I ever will take 
I'm naive to dream 
But in all of daydreaming 
I see the infinite beauty all with in

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Old Soul

When you look in to deeps of all things 
That's mean you been here many times before 
If you findind joy in all simple things 
Thats because you experience a lot in world 
If you see the world  with eye of love 
It means you felt a lot  through out...

But what really means to be old soul? 
Is it a Compassion to everything that exists? 
Is it love to everything that live? 
Is it und...

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" I "

As I dream
I know I'm you 
As I  create 
I know I'm you 
As I live 
I know I'm you 
As I die 
I know I'm you 
You it's also " I "
And " I "  it's  Love

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Healing journey 2 ( song)

I going deep I going deep 
So deep that nothing left of me 
The eyes of love the eye of love 
Completely feeling me 
So sing with me so sing with me 
The love is growing on our tree 
And as we grow and as we grow 
The joy of life if filling All 
So sing with me so sing with me 
The river of love transcending fear
And us we flow and us we flow 
The life is showing way see 
So sing with ...

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Freedom song

Free you Heart, Free your body  free your mind 
Let the spirit free it self... 
The freedom calling you here and now 
It gently whispers to your ears 
Come and dance with me us  I dance for you 
My beloved I'm here for you 
Stop looking  for the future,  
leave the past behind 
Join me brothers and sisters, 
 Let us All Dance for freedom, 
Free you Heart, Free your body  free your mind 

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Lady Life

My beloved Lady...
You was there from the first moment
When I start grow in the womb of my mother 
Your first kiss bless me with my breath 
And your last one will free me from this body 
My beloved Lady... 
You hold my hand no matter where I go 
You accept me no matter what I do 
You smile to me and You cry with me 
You lough when I  laughing 
Your freedom it's all in me
My beloved Lady...

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Mother Earth (song)

Ooooo Moooother oooooo
Ooooo Moooother oooooo
I feel you in my body 
I feel you in my Soul 
With every breath I take 
I feel you even more 
Hey a hey a ho hey a hey a Ho
Hey a hey a ho hey a hey a Ho
Ooooo mother ooooo 
Hey a hey a ho hey a hey a ho


Ooooo Mother ooooooo
You show me the way to my body
You show me the  way to my soul 
So many times you hug me

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Divine Marriage

Divine mother us our left Hand 

Divine Father us our right hand 

Crossing them in our Hearts

Welcoming Feminine and Masculine 

With gratitude of everything that Is

Balance of universal Order whit in Us 

We are the true lovers of existence 

In sacred marriage to Divine

Unfolding beautiful mystery of Life 

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Love and Heart

Love we are 

Love we see 

Love we  touch 

Love we give

Love as all 


Born to love 

Breath to love 

Live to love 

Die to love 

You as love 


In your heart

Be your heart 

Feel your heart 

Hear your heart

We all as one heart 


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Every present moment

Flow as you are...

Be all there it is... 

See in the eyes of love...

Hear your silence...

Touch the true...

Taste the view... 

Everything in you...


Alignment of every present moment 

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Contemplation on Creation

When you create 

You start doing that for your joy 

Then you doing that to share your joy with others

After that  you realise this is who you are  

And this is what you came here Create 


Joy of creating and sharing with others 

It's inseparable part of our existence  


Most beautiful creations comes from Heart 

There for th...

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Elements with in You

I  Sit down on the edge of ancient forest 

Where water streams flow between the trees 

The magical place straight from the fairy tales

There are islands with strong single dryads 

Growing proudly straight to the sky 

But there are also pack of family trees 

Sharing the same piece of land 

Hugging them self under the ground 

The wild wind comes like unseen conductor

And a...

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Healing journey ( song )

Can you feel it the dance of your soul 

Can you see it the beauty of its own 

The shining light feeling your heart 

You are the children's of the starts 


So be it be it with it now 

So hear it, see it and full feel it 

So be it be it with it now 

So hear it, see it and full feel it 

Here and forever now 


Let the serpent of the cosmic dust 

Teach us  the infi...

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Be Here Now

Peaceful feeling of realisation, 

creating itself and passing by 

simultaneously in the presence 

of your own inner being. 

Shifting all your senses 

where effort it's meaningless. 

Form and matter untouchable 

In the silence of this space. 

Educated moment of Harmony, 

with out need to remember 

or worry to be forgotten. 

Everything and nothing is 

the structur...

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We are one!

I been ask 

Who you are?  

I try to think but I'm not my thoughts 

I look in the mirror but I'm not the flesh I see 

I taste, smell, touch, see and hear 

But I'm not the senses that I feel 

Not even the knowing it's part of me 

But it feels like always been 

So who em I?  

I am  You and You are the dream 

That With in everything appears in me 

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Silent language

Between now and then 

That moments with out words 

Silence echo of endless life 

Sincere love scattered 

Benefit the surface of mind 

In the blink of dyeing eye 

Senses dissolve from reality 

The beginning of end 

Filled by grace of emptiness 

Loyal companion of existence 

Speak with out words 

Listen with endless Compassion 

Always present from the begin

To ...

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Driven by the moment

Close your eyes, take a deep breath,

dive in to the heart to heal  moments of sincere love,

snuggling in the silence of your soul .

Forget that you are , releasing from any actions.

The existence passing away in full harmony.

Dying and reborning with every moment  .

Another deep breath, to return to the body,

feel on the skin  transient process of life.

Speak loud from the ...

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Conditional artist

Grey States of self, steal the criticism .

Searchers of Ego with outer look  

fight with the identity of them self. 


The logical determinants in flash,

they played into the the world . 

Left behind freedom of consciousness 

faithful spark without worries.


Pride of the shaping force 

Fully strike center of  knowledge , 

the heart  average fried 

with a hint o...

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Over time in the depths of its being,

creates a ubiquitous pattern of existence. 

It goes beyond all concepts of logic,

nevertheless the shaping canon 

is originally simple in principle.

A choice is its inseparable companion,

but it's not subject to any supplementing laws.

In itself is a determinant of authenticity.

Mythology of its values ​​is a reflection of harmony.


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On the waste lands of existence

I found my self in the cracking shell of my mind,

where the foolish limitations of my Being,

was drag by the constant stream of thinking,

I could only see what's been  brought to me.

Even though I felt there is something more,

but the mind didn't want to let go.

Every action was like madness of MidEvil War 

I was looking for a shelter in my h...

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Face of love

It makes us whole 

Even if we fall 

With out judgment 

It always wait for us 

With the infinite trust 


You can feel it all 

No matter where you are 

And what you do 

The love it's always 

With In you 


So be the mirror 

Of your self 

Don't try described 

Just taste that 

Perfume of soul 


As you stand

Face to face 

With yourself 


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Garden of Awareness

Let me invite you to the wonders 

Of my Soul where you can rest 

In the garden of Awareness 

bringing fresh aroma to aliveness

I watching the day passing by 

Drinking the cup of Joy 

With two  spoons of happiness 

I got some alleys of Peace 

Where I like to spend some  time 

And then flowers of the bliss 

Mmmm they smell so beautiful 

On the middle of my garden


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True desire


Everything what you truly desire it's Within You

All the rest it's just tasty addition


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I know you are somewhere up  there 

Our hearts beating in same rhythm 

I feel your presence within me 

We just waiting to join

That Beautiful dance of life

The moment we will meet 

word's become meaningless 

 space will fill it self with pure love 

The time will slow down 

And we will look in to our eyes 

With out any disguise 

Seeing through the mirrors of our sou...

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What is it?

I can't speak,  I don't think but there is something 

I don't know what... What could be that?  

I can't see it fell it or even hear it 

But there is something drawing my attention 

Hold on or mabey I drawing attention to it 

Should I speak mabey I shout,  would it help?  

But I don't feel that need,  so why do I think?   

And what is that,  I start being mad 

This is not r...

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The road of self discover...

You are the creative force of existence filled with expanding will and power of choice. In Every moment you are constructing the universe that filling your Being.Be brave and strike the concept of your limiting mind. The thoughts bouncing in your skull making impact on your life, but they really there for you to choice the the one that fits your needs and the mind is to create not to over come you...

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Healing Heart

Heart filled with the joy of cosmic expansion 

Educating  mind on path of Healing 

Sending waves of love through your body

Vibrations of acceptance travel  in you veins 

Compassion filling you with each breath 

In your chest you feel expanding force 

Of warm energy,  that's your center 

That's who you really are 

Allow yourself to sink in it 

And create your reality cons...

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Love and Compassion... compressed in the existence of view to Be 

Be... the light expanding from your True 

True... always filling essential core of Wisdom 

Wisdom... above all information and knowing comes from With In 

With In... every soul there is that majestic flow of You 

You... as immortal example of the View 

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Road of love

The universe Guiding my way

The Christ consciousness feeling my Being 

My soul fallow the call of life 

The love it's only way,  it's my way 

That I offering you to join me 

Don't be afraid to let go 

Stand by my side and grab my hand 

Don't ask where we go 

If the road its love

It can only take you home 

Each step fell us with trust 

Each breath bring you back to ...

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Before the lighting strike there is that moment of total peace 

It's like you know something will happen

before you realise it's done it strike the ground

sound of the thunder waving through your body 

Leaving the feeling of letting go 

Surrendering to the nature of your soul

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Mother Earth

I see the beauty of yours waking in the forest 

Being by the sea tremendous power it's shown to me 

Reaching the top of the Hills I feel completely free

So many times you hug me, wrap me in my tears 

So I could let go of all the fears 

Your unconditional love spread around my being 

With purpose of Healing. 

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Breathing the starts to heart 

Let the feelings guide your path 

See what's been unseen 

Make a statement in your dream 

So it will last until the day you will pass 

And then you will rise 

From the seed of  your spirit need

At will you connect to your essence

The sense of knowing will disappear 

To make a space for trust 

And being in full power of its blast 

The ...

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Cycle of life

In the presence of trees I imbrace my peace 

The sound of the  wiseling wind 

Make my soul feel so free 

I imagen my self us a small leaf 

Grown with the season's flow

Waiting to be blow 

And us I let it go 

Completely trust the wind

Please take me back home 

Where I will reunited 

With all my brothers and sisters 

Laying on the grass 

Where each of us 


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Look in the mirror, who do you see

You call your self by the name 

Is it really what you feel? 

You judge the shape of yours 

But can you see within? 

Start pointing things to change

Why can you stop being mean?  

Accept the beauty that you are 

And see yourself us shying Star

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Moment to moment and in between

I start the day with the big smile

The joy of life taste like pie

I toke the shower hot and cold 

It wake me up and my joy 

Few moments later I drink the tea

Enjoying life just being me 

Now some moments of peace

Meditating in deep bliss 

Not always like that 

Sometimes the mind is like 

Chat chat chat.... 

Back to the day, it's time to write 

Grabbing the pen l...

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Guiding Pen

I don't know what to Wright

But my pen still scribble light

Through the pages of unknown

I try to think what is right..

But he doesn't give me a time

Words filling the emptiness

Guiding my way to fullness

I try to think what is right...

Looking for a better side

But the pen is wild pushing the limit

I can't stop that demand

I feel likeI 'm loosing my mind

I try ...

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Rom Rom Rom  of the beautiful drum
Striking energetical sound 
With my magical wand 
Letting my self to faid away 
So I can comeback in lighting sade

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Where's that anger coming from, it can't be mine...

I'll should fell like blessed vine

I feel so afraid of being alone, it's just a stupied fear...

Can't be always a drama Quinn

Anxious it's like my home, oh it's gone....

I can deal with real life form

The power of emotional prison stopping us

from seeing the true nature of our Being.

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