Thaumaturgically Charged
Now I have released the Beast
I send it forth
Tail whipping; teeth snatching
the old
the young
thither and yon
until thaumaturgically charged
it breaks forth
Lightning striking
red slash/
and lo
black and gold
until thaumaturgically charged
it knows....
Monday 14th November 2011 12:48 pm
Blip Blip
Is is safe to surface now?
is it safe to come out?
from under the radar??
Is it safe to surface now?
Is it safe to come out?
into the light??
is it safe?
To tell the truth........
Tuesday 8th November 2011 11:38 am
Scene 13
love is forever
charity is forever true
friendship is neither
and life puts them both in the blue.
Friday 9th April 2010 8:41 pm
no connecting(for Janet and all loud writers whom I love...without connection)
i like you all in cyber-space
not sure i'd like you to your face
in fact i know i definitely not
would like you such a lot
you came into my face without permission
invaded my space and pervaded my person
made me feel like a guest in my own
mi casa no es su casa
my life is mine to lead
i do not sit in your place of authority
i do not he...
Monday 5th April 2010 8:51 pm
growing Up well
My life is not an open book
for just anyone to read
yet my life has no secrets
that cannot be revealed.
some people revel in revelation
Some like to gossip a lot
some like to know secrets
Thinking it puts them on top.
Truth is the more you know
the less able you are to discern
So busy gathering secrets
you forget to learn
that Life is its own revelation
We sho...
Sunday 4th April 2010 5:04 pm
I've cried my last cry
I've shed my last tear.
Now my time has come
I shall dis-appear.
Monday 1st March 2010 7:50 pm
tweet tweet not twitter
dance of death
ashes to ashes
the fire flames
I rise I rise.
Thursday 25th February 2010 3:44 am
To TC and the loud writers
I am not Thaaumaturgically Charged
But thaumaturgically challenged
I like his input
no matter he hides from Facebook
Because I understand the need for Privacy.
So I sit in my privvy
Not thinking at all
Hoping that TC
will someday call.
Love to Janet and the others too who make this space worthwhile.
Thursday 18th February 2010 1:26 pm
Valentine's Day- A Little Folly
Valentine Valentino came from Spain
or some such whereabouts
he had a hooked nose, a crooked smile
and eyes brown like fresh dung.
Valentine Valentino came to my space
played his way in my life
he had a tanned skin, a lithe body
and hair the colour of dung.
valentine valentino came, needless to say
to circle my head in pain
he gave me a labot...
Thursday 11th February 2010 8:55 pm
Me Myself and I----A Mermaids Song
Jameson Archers Bells
Gordon's Captain Morgan Smirnoff
Guinness Tia Maria Baileys
Pernod Carlsberg and Strongbow
Days made up of these.
Sunny Days
Silk Cut days
Silk Cut nights
Sand between the toes
Blue water
white blue skies
music disco
Breakfast on the Pier
Days well made
tailored to suit
Thursday 11th February 2010 8:09 pm
The Rose
The flowers unfold
as I pick the rose
walking in the park
way after dark
with my boyfriend.
I lift the rose
as i climb the fence
wondering what the passer-by thinks
of me and my boyfriend.
he lends me a hand
as he stands on the pavement
smiling with his eyes
this handsome man,
my boyfriend.
the passer-by stops
as i be...
Tuesday 19th January 2010 9:21 am
the death
too much darkness
no light
i see gas masks around me
too much darkness
i need more light
why do you want to harm me?
why do you hate me so?
why try to suffocate me?
why do you not want me to have my rights?
why should I care for those blacker than midnight?
when all civilities cease maybe then you will understand-
until I get my own I will care for no...
Sunday 17th January 2010 10:41 pm
For Fidelity.
I sit alone
you do not sit with me
i sit alone
i do not want your company
i sit alone.
i stand alone
you do not stand with me
i stand alone
you do not stand beside me
i stand alone.
do not stand behind me
do not stand before
do not stand
do not sit
do not walk
do not be beside me.
what ever I do I do alone
Saturday 16th January 2010 6:32 pm
Artist Talking-To Artist
Artist talking to artist
As Light to Light
No outsiders hearing
What viewers have in sight.
The colours of the paintings
Reflects the artists thoughts
Though the onlookers never know
The artist’s. Mind.
Artist talking to Artist
Like words from a book
Pictures revealing
Their outlook
One slash here, a line there
A rounded curve
A mountain
A landscape. A portrait
Of dots connecting dots
As ...
Sunday 3rd January 2010 12:43 am
As Is--.He Is As He He Is.
Another outlook
Another view
Uncoloured by perception
Created by Truth.
For in truth the ‘outsider’ artist
is neither within nor without
but above all, and reaching up.
Reaching not looking
Not looking for, but knowing
And being the one person they are.
For truly all artists
Whether within or without
Once unbounded
Are seers – historians Judges
Builders(‘) instructors
...Sunday 3rd January 2010 12:33 am
Artist Supporting Artist
Artist supporting Artist
Supporting Art
Not underground
Not under the radar
But above it.
Artist supporting artist
Paintings on the wall
Not hanging by a thread
Not hung at all
But painted onto it.
The wall being the backdrop
On which the artisan paints
The back ground
For every artist’s palette.
Etchings, sketchings,
Lines and hills
Dips and gullies
Monday 23rd November 2009 4:42 pm
No Warning
No Warning
I hung up me guns;
But for you, you cunt
I’ll take ‘em down
Don’t push me
I’m at the end of my tether
I love peace, love, freedom
You love neither.
I’ll give you a bit o’ Irish
‘Cause we know how to war
You might know aggression, oppression
But we’ve whipped that before…
I hung up me guns;
But for you, you cunt
I’ll take ‘em down
Don’t push me…
I lov...
Monday 23rd November 2009 4:18 pm
An Artist’s Reflections
My Life is not my art
My art is not my life
Yet we are like husband and wife-
When you know my Art
You begin to know me.
Life is not Art
Art is not Life
Yet they are like reflections
When you know life
You begin to know Art.
Life does not imitate Art
Neither should Art imitate Life
For when art is at its purest
You begin to know
Monday 16th November 2009 5:08 pm
Trees with dark green leaves
Pock-mark the urban landscape
Like beauteous sores. Oases
In an otherwise unblemished bleakness
Out of place in their naturalness
Rooted in the brown earth
Amid the artificially stunted grass
With an innocent hedge there misplaced.
Trees casting their shadow
Providing shade from the sunlight
That gives them their strength and colour
A contrast heig...
Monday 16th November 2009 5:00 pm
Going Home
Cars bumper to bumper
Trucks, buses, coaches
Engine noises,
People walking
Cell phones to ears
Hand in hand
Close together,
Women chatting
Buddies hugging
The traffic moves
Relief – freedom
Like a dam burst
All travelling
Going in the same direction.
Monday 16th November 2009 4:40 pm
At the Core
There is no santa claus
that is all tripe
it amounts to emotional abuse
by hypocrites
who instead of telling their children the truth
feed them a lie
and then bemoan when their children's trust is blown
not acknowledging that the seed was sown
all the years they repeatedly said
a fat man in a red suit with white trimmings
loves you more than your own
never realising that bribi...
Friday 13th November 2009 1:17 pm
The Conclusion.
But the mind of the artist
Is what He minds
That to which he tends
That to which
Monday 9th November 2009 4:20 pm
EEK! (With acknnowledgement and apologies to Coleridge?)
John Gilpin was a citizen of credit and renown
A train band captain eek was he
of good ole London town....
Well John Gilpin is no longer
and london no more a town
but to be a true citizen
is worth of credit and renown.
the values, they have scuppered
many lost upon the track
of railroaded progression
with loads of looking back.
how can the train go forward
if it is facing abaft?
though it has two faces
it ...
Friday 28th August 2009 6:12 pm
Hope Square
Hope Square
A Place where
People linger and stare
Watching as others go by
While some sit eating
Smoking drinking.
What a cruel name, Hope Square
For a place where
Nothing actually happens.
An ugly man passes my line of vision
I sigh……..
Burgers and fries
From McDonald’s, which claims
It is “going that extra mile”
To protect the environment
From their litt...
Thursday 27th August 2009 1:55 pm
basic as I am getting going
Wholesome food
comes from the ground -
The earth.
The grass goes into the cow -
Comes out as milk
Helps to flavour the beef.
The wheat provides the flour.
The pellets the chickens eat
Are scattered on the ground -
From whence they came.
The bird feed
From the earth’s trees –
It’s seed.
Fished from the waters -
Sea food meals
And seaweed sweets.
The ...
Wednesday 19th August 2009 5:40 pm
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