'Why don't you ever write poems about me?'
Because I don’t have to use words like porn uses a fluffer
Because when you’re here I am all over you
Because you are always telling me to get off the computer
And anyway, I do
Wednesday 3rd July 2013 5:50 pm
Half way through the year of the travel bong
With nicotine cordial-
A nursing tool for a caterpillar-
I realise that cigs haven’t been around that long
And perhaps like corsets
They will soon become a fetish
But at the root of it all
Plants have devious ways-
And as the cane and the bean
Still make their filthy way
Around the world
...Saturday 22nd June 2013 4:23 am
Or worse
As honesty doesn’t come in half measures
I squared up to him-
‘In this tin is worms,’ I said,
‘I won’t mince syllables,
As I am meant to be gritty-
There’s already too many
In this bit…’
Then we went to town
Dressed as old goths
And we went to town
On each other
Tuesday 30th April 2013 8:18 pm
If we eat in a cafe
My Mum loves to sit
Near a group of young men
Who are hungry,
‘Oh I love to see a lad
Tucking into a pie with his friends me-
Wolfing it down.’
But she doesn’t seem
Half as impressed
When I do it.
Friday 19th April 2013 2:42 pm
The Last Word
When the air is clear,
Not quite as blue
And every other problem
Isn’t you,
When the demon lit
Calms the hue
And allows another point of view-
Then I’ll grind the shells
Beneath my shoe
And I’ll hope it’s not too late
And worth the wait.
Get some bin bags.
Monday 25th March 2013 12:04 pm
My son's first love
I said to myself I would like you
After all
We had both been swimming
Against a tide
A thing worth having…
And all that
‘There isn’t a girl in this world that doesn’t like me’
I said to him
Wanting that to be true
And one day in floats you
Quietly striding the breadth
Of the living room
Expecting to see a monster
Thursday 31st January 2013 12:25 pm
For digging in
Statuesque and patient
Giving me the rope
But holding the other side,
For caving in
Graciously and reserved
Showing me the door
But leaving the light on,
For diving in
Desperate and afraid
Throwing me the ring
Throwing me the ring
Throwing me the ring
And never expecting a catch,
For having eyes...
Wednesday 28th November 2012 6:02 pm
Change is inevitable
Though it is hard work
Now the tunnel sheds no light to see
If a shadow still clings
But from all angles
It tugs and pushes
And everyone is trying to be cheery
So it must be turning
Like when this fret
Dissolves with the frost
And light creeps up limbs, picking away
At the sores of winter,
The will of t...
Tuesday 27th November 2012 1:24 pm
In Debenhams
I am going to read this out on Monday in the Sandbar. I am a big fan of Jonathan Swift (particularly The Lady's Dressing Room) and Norman O Brown and this is a true (unfortunately) tribute to them.
Stirred from browsing,
My intestinal arousing
Yearning for soft furnishing-
Almost spent
And yet my system
I had so much more to give.
I wa...
Saturday 10th November 2012 2:03 pm
Posh Tramps
My friend Julia loves this type of bloke. Every now and then she goes off to Hebden Bridge on a barge and she pokes a tree with the sharp end of her guitar and one falls down. She whips them off to Salford with her, then soon gets sick of them scrounging food and banging on and returns them. They can also be found in Manchester from All Saints Library up to and including Hulme.
Sunday 4th November 2012 12:19 pm
Truncated Circle
Whatever you do don’t think about trees.
But if you do happen to think about trees
Think about elephants-
Tiny elephants in a photo mosaic
Which when you stand back
Looks like a tree.
But don’t think about trees.
Friday 26th October 2012 4:12 pm
Corridor- the urban desert
Dawn breaks
An egg
On the face
Of the dregs
Who attempted to drown
In this town
They thirst
From drink
As they squint
At the mirage
Of a distant cab
Or a kebab
Tongues hang
And slurp
At a friend
Who becomes
A seducing meat
That whispers ‘eat’
Fishes on dry stone gulping, they flip flop in...
Sunday 14th October 2012 1:25 pm
Things Are Ticking Over Nicely- a country song I have written for Bush Pig
I’ve been married to Jackson Junior for nigh on fifteen years
We’ve a mortgage on our semi that’s never in arrears
Our kids are grade A students, say their prayers and are polite
I guess that what I’m saying is-
Things are quite alright
Can’t complain, I can’t complain
I’ve been happy and I’ve been sane
We’ve never had a health scare
And are kids aren...
Sunday 7th October 2012 12:18 pm
People who have a cushion with a hand sewn folk art owl on
Will at some point draw a moustache on their finger
They will place that finger under their nose and pose
For a photograph
The members of the BNP will not study philosophy
Since they are given the label ‘the far right’
They assume they have all the answers
Whether you cut carrots into batons...
Friday 21st September 2012 6:54 pm
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