To My friend
I felt you close, inside my chest
I felt your presence, next to mine
You came with me for a year
I heplessly tried to ignore you for the first months
Endlessly distorting my mind and body to thumping BPMs
Spewing words out into the air, so that they would stain the silence
I would still hear you as I looked out at the trams, moving across the city in the night
I would feel your shoulder...
Tuesday 13th February 2018 3:17 pm
The room at the back of my brain
The room at the back of my brain is where I run to
The room at the back of my brain is where I barricade myself
I found it as a child
I found it as they kissed my face and handled my body
I found it as I lay there still, waiting for it to end
I began to decorate it when I understood shame
I hung up lyrics on the walls, the first time I was left out
I moved a sofa in when they returned...
Friday 2nd February 2018 11:11 am
Everything hurts
I can't look up
I can't look down
I am stuck inside
I am stuck behind my walls
Closed off
I am otherness
never able to fully join in
I know you won't love me
So I will never let you even try
I will speak for you
I will act everything out for you
So that you can't really see me
I am sorry what did you say?
I was busy isolating myself
I was busy bera...
Wednesday 13th December 2017 3:17 pm
Written to George Fitzgerald Boxed In
I lean back and close my eyes
The light in the room retreats as the door shuts
Leaving us in swimming in darkness
I don't know where you are
But I can feel you
I can feel your heart beating ripples into the air
My knees sway like long grass in the night
Waiting for you
You stalk me like prey
Inching closer
Watching me
You're so close now
Wednesday 6th December 2017 9:10 am
Listening to Airship: This is hell
As the illusion shatters around me
As the dust melts away into reality, I realise
I realise like everytime before, this wasn't real
Everything you said to me wasn't real
Everything I felt was real
Every moment we shared I managed to translate incorrectly
Each look misjudged
Each smirk misread
Each nudge misinterpretated
'I never liked you'
'I never li...
Wednesday 26th July 2017 11:33 pm
Written whilst listening to Sam Smith: I'm not the only one
I can smell her on you
I can see her in the wrinkles of your shirt
I can feel her on your skin
I want you to love me like her
I want you to look at me like that
I want you to feel that way about me
You don't love me
You don't see me
You don't want me
You say I am too much
You say I am not enough
You say I am not her
We won't work
We don't belong together
We aren't anything
Monday 24th July 2017 1:40 pm
Written whilst listening to Solange: Don't touch my hair
My wound is dark
My wound is deep
My wound is disasterous
My wound comes everywhere
My wound won't heal
My wound is my nightmare
My wound bleeds
My wound cries
My wound is infected
My wound hurts
My wound seeps
My wound wripped further
You can't see my wound
I can feel my wound
Nobody cares about my wound
Monday 24th July 2017 1:24 pm
Written whilst listening to Ghost Poet: Dial Tones
Tick Tick Tick
You're leaving
You're leaving me alone
You're leaving me lying here
You're leaving me with the memories
Tick Tick Tick
I slowly return to my body
I slowly start to feel my skin again
I slowly feel the bruising on my lips begin to swell
I slowly start to feel the shame seep into my body
Tick Tick Tick
I lye there thinking of you
I lye there thinking of them all
I l...
Monday 24th July 2017 1:02 pm
Written whilst listening to Incubus: Wish you were here
All the anger
All the rage
That you filled me with
You took my body
You took it for your satisfaction
You took it for your enjoyment
I didn't know what you were doing
You told me we were playing a game
You told me it was normal
You told me I would enjoy it
I some how knew I wouldn't
You were older though
You knew best
You kept returning over the years
You kept bringing ...
Friday 21st July 2017 11:03 am
Written whilst listening to Placebo Ask for answers
I don't know what makes me so untouchable
I don't know what makes so unlovable
I don't know why
Every advance, challenged
Every feeling, negated
Every love, lost
I try to be strong
I try to be complete
A full perfect circle
But if this were true, it wouldn't be this hard
It wouldn't be this hard to be seen
To be heard
To be felt
Instead I listen to the awkward sound of someone...
Monday 17th July 2017 8:35 pm
Written whilst listening to Jay Som: Lipstick Stains
The corners of your lips cause my insides to melt
The shape of your eyebrows make my knees wobble
The hairs on your chest whip me into a state of frenzied madness I think I am going to burst
I just want to be in your presence all the time
I want to float next to you through life
I want to roll over and hear you breathing in the morning
Peer at you through one eye over my pillow
I want to ...
Thursday 13th July 2017 4:16 pm
Written whilst listening to SIBWIR: Munro
You walk in the room and my stomach drops
falling for what feels like minutes
twisting and turning in the air
till it lands with a large thump, all knotted and stretched.
My pupils dart across my eyes like metronomes as I try not to stare.
As the party dances around the house, I try to etch closer.
I will myself to speak, I will myself to blend in. So I drink, hop...
Thursday 13th July 2017 4:03 pm
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