Paranoia (probably)
My hair’s a mess
Cause I slept on the floor again
That’s probably the root
Of all of my problems
Maybe I have Munchausen
No that’s definitely not right
But paranoia makes me think
That I’m about to die
I feel guilty, am I faking
If I was at school
I would be fine
Parents who feed delusion
Make me feel I’m not alright
My brain is so confuse...
Monday 24th February 2025 1:43 am
Words of dysphoric rambling
Sitting with the girls never felt right
But guys activate my fight or flight
It’s so hard to be friends with them
Hard to ask how they’re doing
But it feels right
Don’t know why…
I just thought that the girls were bitches
But they weren’t that bad
It wasn’t a gut instinct
Just dysphoria I had
And I wanna be a guy
I’m envious of everything
I try not...
Sunday 23rd February 2025 3:25 am
Fairy ants
I feel special
Every time is see
An ant with wings
And you should too
Cause they only have
A few days to live
And they’re spending
them with you
Thursday 12th December 2024 2:21 am
Live the life you want
Gotta live the life
you want
they say
Or a close to it
As you
Can be
Hey everyone
It’s not
As cool
But my dollar shop
Will do
Maybe one day
I’ll be you
If I keep trying
Keep surviving
One day I’ll be cool
Tuesday 3rd December 2024 10:49 pm
I’m not bothered
I know everything’s real
But sometimes I wish
It were not
I really need
To brush my teeth
But I can’t be bothered
To get up
I’ll feel disgusting
For days on end
But I won’t remember
To brush them
I can’t be bothered
To go to sleep
But I can’t be bothered
Staying awake
And I can’t bothered
to do anything
Even if it’ll
Make me feel great
...Monday 2nd December 2024 1:13 am
A bug named Michael
What were you like
When you were alive?
What did you do
When you were breathing?
Would I have seen you?
Would I have scared you?
Would you scare me?
Would you still be here?
What would of happened
When things went differently?
When we could both breath
When did we breathe in time?
Were we ever both there
With the same air?
Were we ever both alive?
Saturday 30th November 2024 10:22 pm
Every day before school
I go outside
And look for Appleberries
I don't know why
But I love their
Pink transparency
I hate the taste
But they're pretty on a plate
The only person I know
To like them is elderly
And honesty I
Think that she fakes it
To hang out with me
But it's alright
Because she's kind
She can eat my appleberries
Wednesday 27th November 2024 2:10 am
Your voice can make a difference
Your voice could change the world
Can my voice be someone else's
Cause I don't want to be heard
Can my voice be a text post
On a site that none reads
I can write the poem
But I won't stand up and speak
Can my voice be a gesture
Can a murmur change the world
Cause I wish for none
To hear me say words
I could change my voice
Thursday 7th November 2024 9:34 pm
My broken mission
I want to go into journalism
Cause I'm a kid with
a broken mission
I want to help spread
What's going on
On this strange side
Of the giant pond
The cult fliers
In school bus stops
The ai teams
Trying to mess with us
All the other
Fucked up stuff
Cause what the hell
Is going on
People say
That my job
Will be overtaken
By robots
...Thursday 7th November 2024 2:28 am
Just blame it on the weather
Even though the rain is pretty
Blame it on the weather
I have no better reason
So I'll blame it on the clouds
I wanna cry
Cause it’s dark in the sky
Thats why I'm tired
That's why I'm lost
It's because of the rain clouds
Lurking above
Monday 4th November 2024 11:35 pm
There's no difference in darkness
There's no difference
In darkness
As dark grey
Blobs united
You can't see
Our difference
When you can't
See at all
When you can't judge
Someone's shadow
You have to judge
their soul
When all you see
Is shadows
Can you really
Judge at all
Wednesday 30th October 2024 3:07 am
I've got a lot of problems
But I won't die
I pinky promise
So hang up
the lifeline
I don't do this
So I will "live right"
I do this
So I will survive
Friday 25th October 2024 11:22 pm
Human things
Boys don't do that
None does
It’s not a gender thing
It’s a human thing
As far as I know
I’m failing
None pays all their attention
To the way they walk
And how they talk
Not as much as me
All I've learnt
Is that I'm strange
In the way I walk
And the way I talk
None does the same
It just means I'm unique
But it makes me feel
Like I'...
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 11:58 pm
Magical wizards
They've kept me hidden
This far
Threatened lighting strikes
Out of clear blue skies
Keep me in jumpers
Year round
Because I'm scared of
Animated cars
And shooting stars
'Cause I don't want them
On me
This second summer
It's not got funner
But now it's normal
To me
If I try harder
I'll be happier
Curse lifted...
Friday 18th October 2024 12:11 am
I'll stay
I want to quit
To leave
And never come back
And all that's left of me
Is the wrong name
On a plaque
All I want to be
Is a blurred out face
In a photograph
But I can't leave them there
Like that
I wish I could talk
To those who’ve
Done it before
But I can't talk
To them no more
And I fear me leaving
Would have
The same fate
So i’ll st...
Saturday 5th October 2024 11:02 am
A tribute to my brain
My teeth feel fuzzy
I think that's a good thing
My head feels funny
I think that's bad
I’ve got six more hours
And three more days
That's plenty of time
Let's waste it away
My score’s an angel number
Eleven point one percent
And the lighting here is pretty
It makes me feel warm instead
I can't do big things
So everything is small
My body’s feeling ick...
Wednesday 25th September 2024 12:16 am
Nature's child
If you need
A place to run
You flew to close
To the sun
That's when
The wild
Claims you
As its own
If you're
Chased away by
Lights blinding
The stars will help
You finding
The place that
They call home
If city sounds
Are too much
The birds will
Lead you to
The brush
Listen to the
Rustling of trees
If you get
...Monday 16th September 2024 11:50 pm
Long slevees
Cut my hair
Hell yeah
I trust her
With my soul
She says I shouldn't though
Buts she shouldn't
trust me either
We watch the world burn
We laugh about it
She could kill me
No dought about it
I don't think she would
So let's just hope
In the good of humanity
Let's listen to shitty music
Crush on gay guys from tv
Let's sit on ...
Sunday 8th September 2024 7:30 am
I wake up wrong
Every single time
And I'm stuck
Hoping one day
It'll be right
That the voice
In my head
Will be mine
That I can talk
Not just in rhyme
Don't get me wrong
I love my life
But I'd change
Some things
That's not a lie
But I hope the future
Will be mine
When I look back
Now's not a bad time
Thursday 5th September 2024 12:11 am
Summer storms
Late night talks
On the porch
Sharing things
I've never said before
Look for lighting
Watch it strike
Count for thunder
I feel alright
Run out in the rain
Ice blocks in hand
Pyjamas are soaked
Parents are mad
Let's go outside
For one more night
Look at the sky
And turn off the light
Wednesday 4th September 2024 1:52 am
His shadow's not his
My shadow's not mine
Because I don't exist
But my shadow is his
So I'll work overtime
Painting dark grey lines
Flesh skeletons
All encompassing
Cause we're both beings
But how do I know that's real
When I don't know how to feel
Sitting on the ground
Paintbrush in my mouth
My flesh is withering
My speech is sickening
But I...
Thursday 29th August 2024 4:38 am
Fixed my binder
Ripped my tights
Gave bad dating advice
In a uniform
that doesn't fit me right
I walked the walk
I fought the fight
I danced to Chappel Roan
With all my might
Cause I love the dance
And I love my friends
So I'll stay in a skirt
Until the end
If it means that I can
Spend more time with them
Wednesday 28th August 2024 6:27 am
I'm just like you
I’m just like you
Now I won't sleep
Staying up till
Half past three
‘cause I feel more like
Myself than usually
I’m just like you
Shirtless on the floor
Please ignore the binder
I have been a guy all day
For fourteen hours straight
Please respect the grind
The fourteen hour pain
I’m just like you
I’m just pretend
Only awake till half past ten
...Sunday 25th August 2024 6:35 am
People say that I hate you
But I am you
People say you hate me
But I am thee
People say you hate me
When you make me happy
Joking with everything
That there is about me
They're not saying
not you
They're saying
me too
They make me happy
Knowing nothing
About me
Being in a group
Exactly like me
When people say
That the next Gen's doomed
Friday 23rd August 2024 1:18 am
Your cats skull
You gave me your cats skull
It was the nicest thing you could do
It looks really pretty
You even bleached it too
But you told me how you shot her
Watched her body decompose
Crawled on by the beatles
That I let you borrow
You told me how our souls combined
When her body hit the ground
How all your love towards her
Can be given to me now
You gave m...
Thursday 22nd August 2024 2:54 am
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