The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Right Words to Say

Searching for the right words to say...

Settling for a simple, "How was your day?"

Something superficial offering no real direction,

Ravenous for a deeper connection.


Small talk about the weather,

Hyperaware of the lack of interests shared together.

"How's work? How has your family been?"

The veil of reality getting painfully thin.


What's the point of searching fo...

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Should I Choose Myself, or Continue to Choose You?

How does one move on from betrayal and grief?

Resources swear "follow these steps to find relief".

Accept the hurt, embrace the pain,

Choose to trust your partner and learn to love again.


I'm convinced this advice comes from people who just don't know,

That being betrayed by the person you least expected to hurt you, hinders your ability to grow.

I accepted the hurt, I embra...

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Fragile Flawed and Easily BrokenTo victims of infidelityOvercoming BetrayalgriefmarriageLove losttroubled heartdesperate romanticit can still feel this hopeless if you tryhopeless romantic

Was It Worth It?

I can't help but wonder, was it worth it?

Was your transient moment of pleasure worth making me feel like shit?

It seems to be a never-ending cycle of me losing my mind over you,

Your words display such innocence while your actions prove they're not true.


Defending, deflecting, giving every reason instead of the selfish thoughts in your head,

Unintentionally cementing my newfou...

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Fragile Flawed and Easily BrokenHeartbreakSadMarriageUnrequited Love

Meritless Words

Words are such a funny thing,

Without actions that align, what value do words bring?

An illusion curated specifically for you,

By someone you wish so deeply would speak things that are true.


Screaming in anger, giving passionate praise, whispers of love, tone dripping in disgrace,

Love and hate simultaneously spewed in your face.

How is one supposed to feel,

Not knowing w...

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raw poetrydarkbroken promisesdesperationhopeless romantictrustpeople and actionsdisappointment

Not Broken, Just Outspoken

Why can’t I just be outspoken?

Why does my confidence in being who I am, make people think I’m broken?

It is true that my life has not always been kind,

But having a bad life doesn’t have to result in having a bad mind.


I take pride in what got me where I am today,

While others stare silently and listen in dismay.

Admittedly, the road I took was not always by choice,

But ...

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strengthconfidenceoutspokenraw poetryvulnerability

My Love Is For Me, Not For You

Roses are red, violets are blue,

When I think of your love for me, I lose love for you.

What does my love feel like to me?

Being surrounded by beauty that only I can see.


Hidden behind my smile is someone fragile, flawed, and easily broken.

I showed you all of my healed scars and one by one you ripped them back open.

Again and again, my mind retreats to happier days while I ...

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love lostlovelessmarriagevulnerabilityraw poetrydepressionstrengthperseverancefragileflawedeasily brokendarkloneliness

In Case I Lose This Fight

I almost killed myself tonight,

I ran out of reasons to live and reasons to fight.

Each day is a battle just to survive,

How is it that I am expected to thrive?


The loneliness in this house is overbearing,

I feel like a fool for even caring.

All I need is to be loved and feel wanted,

But my reality is the opposite while my brain is haunted.


Nothing I say or do wil...

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depressionhelplesshopelessself-destructionfragileflawedeasily brokendarkraw poetryvulnerable

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