Intuiting multi-dimensional truths
The art of being
Harmonious communication with every atom spiralling
The highest vibrational energy
Illuminated pathway
Intuition followed
Emotions guiding
Existing beyond dimensions
Being love
Living love
Limitless within love
Wednesday 3rd June 2020 9:21 am
The sun rises
Nature’s light show plays out before me
Daylight reveals highways of the sea glistening on the horizon
Dover to Calais ferries dart between the wake of mammoth container ships
Walkers processionally pass by on their way to The Cliffs
Few pay me attention
An elderly woman with a walking stick stops
She leans on the convenient railings
Bidding me “good morning”
...Wednesday 13th May 2020 12:27 pm
Are You Ready?
Spend your life dreaming about trivia and that's what you end up with
Make your dreams big ones...big, bold and in glorious technicolour
Paint them across your imagination and go wild.
And if the dream is possible, however remotely, there is a good chance the way will be made available to achieve your dream.
It will happen...the choice is then much do you want it? and how brave do ...
Thursday 7th May 2020 7:05 am
Let's Talk
How we communicate with others
those vibes we send out
our personal power
creates our life
our relationships
our World
energy, pure and simple
lifeforce energy
our emotions sending out these waves of power all the time...creating and
Friday 24th April 2020 7:51 am
The Shaman In The Park
He walks as he chants, feeling the grass beneath his feet
Smiling inwardly, he knows who he came here to meet
Sacred sounds reverberate, into air and within the ground
Soon it happens, by him they swoop, begin to fly around
Warmer weather is here, swallows confirming this
As by fractions of a centimetre our shaman they miss
Feeling his energy, chanting he continues, projecting lo...
Tuesday 14th April 2020 9:47 am
All Roads Leading To The Eternal Now
PART ONE – So Many Changes
Born into this World of mystery
Exploring into greater understanding
Schooling according to someone else’s plan
Nature teaching infinitely more
Night sky fascinates
Stars and moon familiar friends
Healing others in innocence
Rediscovering who I am
Telling others of my dreams
Falling mainly upon closed ears
Yet keeping the dreams all ...
Friday 10th April 2020 8:20 am
London and Art
It’s a good a place to cross as any
London Eye destination of many
But not us, we seek Southbank for sure
It’s just other attractions have more allure
Art and creativity our magnetic attraction
Walk past tourists, our vision abstraction
Dali Universe to be our first port of call
Give ourselves all morning taking in it all
She pushes a melting clock it swings with ease
Thursday 9th April 2020 7:46 am
The Ancient Tree
A thousand years or more it’s lived so they say, at least
Centuries before it became guardian for the deceased
These ancient builders of the church all knew
The magical and deadly power of the yew
Locked deep inside the secret of immortality
Pure poison within the yew, result fatality
Sitting in quiet contemplation, “tell me fine tree
A thousand years lived, what did you ...
Wednesday 8th April 2020 7:57 am
The Spark of Understanding
Why is it thought such a fight
Living life within the light?
Purely expressed feelings actual
Emotional balance is only natural
There never was anyone else to blame
Personal responsibility to now reclaim
Life being ours to make of what we will
Thinking purely, truths, freedom until
Our future to be shaping and moulding
Parallel with our learning unfolding
The spark of...
Tuesday 7th April 2020 8:21 am
Art Of Being
To fathom all the depths
The art of being
Harmonious communication with every atom spiralling
The multi-dimensional way of truth
The river so to carry
Intuition intelligence
Emotional maturity
Existing beyond dimensions
Simultaneously exuding love
Living within love
Monday 6th April 2020 8:04 am
Acting Upon a Dream
A vision of another time
Feeling the landscape
Reaching into the past
Mineral rich
Quarry his location
Seeking to communicate
Follow his intuition
Off the well walked track
Reading the ground
With closed eyes, he sees
And walks with purpose
Yes, it is just as he saw
Hidden under long grass
This hollowed out depression
He drops to th...
Sunday 5th April 2020 9:43 am
Summer Rain
To walk in the cleansing summer rain
Nirvana for humans and parched ground
Pine trees, roses, the damp earth
And a thousand other scents
All at once nature ‘s fragrances
Teasing senses with their beauty
Thoroughly soaking wet and caring not
Simple joys of being alive…
Tuesday 10th March 2020 8:05 am
A Break In The Wall
A Break in the Wall
A busker plays piano accordion at the cross
Incongruous or perhaps that’s me?
Here to retrace the steps
Of my ancestors?
Well…no not really
Unless they were Roman?
Where was I?
Retracing steps…yes
I have been here before
Oh years before
Resided a stones throw away
Walking the wall
There are ghosts along this wall
Of my own mak...
Monday 17th February 2020 7:54 am
Boots 3
On the cold winters morning thermal boots are pulled on
The radio announced…ground frost and the promise of snow later in the day
And yet she is happy…
Happy because she is doing what she loves
The market is freezing in December
Icy winds blow and there is no sunlight to warm frozen hands
It’s the people you see
Fellow workers on the market, pleased to see her
Customers sto...
Tuesday 4th February 2020 10:57 am
So many words
So many words
So many words
Words of threat
Words of bullying
Words of thoughtlessness
Words can crush any potential
So many words
So many words
So many words
Words of encouragement
Words of support
Words to lend a Loving hand
Words can move any mountain
Taken from poe...
Monday 3rd February 2020 11:06 am
The Short-Term Memory
Taken from poetry album A Healing for Gaia.
Thursday 23rd January 2020 7:13 am
The Quantum Poet...
Our bodies borrowed from the Universe
A billion years old
Yet renewing every moment.
What will history say when your story is told?
Sunday 5th January 2020 9:59 am
Finding Himself in Nature
Deep in the heart of the forest
He lingers a moment to rest
He knows well his destination
Two hours meander his estimation
Finding the oldest tree of all, he hesitates
Sat, leant against the trunk he meditates
High within the mountain peaks
Within himself answers he seeks
All the world below somewhere
Quietly he finds his spot up there
Sheltered by cairn, thought...
Thursday 26th December 2019 8:17 pm
Some truths are hard to conceive
Beyond what I’m able to believe
The joy remembered as tears we cried
How is it 35 years since Ian Curtis died?
A man who once lived in Macclesfield, this poem was written in May 2015
Saturday 26th October 2019 8:24 am
Eyes Open Wide
With purest open heart
Negativity now depart
In beauty walking
Inner voice talking
Cleansed, whole
Mind, body, soul
Harmonious living
Smiles easily giving
Complete inside
Eyes open wide
Still point that is sought
All actions, all thought
Transformation undergo
To understand, to know
Truly deeply fathom
Love in every atom…
Dean Fraser - The Quant...
Monday 7th October 2019 6:57 am
If I Take My Leave
If I take my leave of the green green wood
Home to Herne the Hunter and Robin Hood
Sunlight finding its way through the branches…magical
A living breathing ecosystem starting with the botanical
The symphony of nature provided by operatic birdsong
Natural balance perfecting, every creature does belong
If I take my leave of the green green wood
Would it cease to exist? I wo...
Tuesday 17th September 2019 7:14 am
Which style of clothes we choose to wear
Are those designer labels on show there?
Or supermarket jeans with matching top
Did that bag come from an online shop?
Got to dress-up that look, make it “you”
Designer a must, branded training shoe
Myriad of gadgets await our pleasure
How exactly to enjoy our leisure?
Binned phone, new model pride of place
How is it better, ...
Tuesday 10th September 2019 6:49 am
Island of My Mind
I would look from my window yonder
Untamed nature
Waves crashing upon beach
Heart of winter
Gales pounding
Residing here
Pioneering buccaneer
Safe in my sanctuary
Seasons change
I would share this transient place
My island
Waves lap gently upon beach
Heart of summer
Warming breeze
Growing here
Deeply see and hear
Safe in my ...
Wednesday 4th September 2019 7:22 am
Today in this 21st Century
Today I pull up the drawbridge
My domain
My castle
None may enter
Today I go to the mountain
My niche
My cave
None may find me
Today I commune with nature
My forest
My seashore
None may follow
Today I bid adieu for a while
My freedom
My retreat
None may know
Dean Fraser - The Quantum Poet (from Beyond Poetry) www.deanfrasercentral...
Wednesday 28th August 2019 9:06 am
Spend your life dreaming about trivia and that's what you end up with
Make your dreams big ones...big, bold and in glorious technicolour
Paint them across your imagination and go wild.
And if the dream is possible, however remotely, there is a good chance the way will be made available to achieve your dream.
It will happen...the choice is then much do you want it? and how brave do ...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 6:45 am
Talking to Myself
As I observe, I feel I need to ask myself “Why is it that people talk without thinking first?”
I see it everywhere I venture, people creating their very own version of hell and I wonder “Why would they do that? Make their life so limited and one dimensional?”
Further pondering on the matter drew me to further observe “They ask for exactly what they don’t want, all the time, why would th...
Wednesday 21st August 2019 7:47 am
Super marketing
Promotions offering
Now less than half price
Luxury range is twice as nice
Free wine with every ready meal
Buy one get one free, what a deal
10p off washing powder
Save on our bean chowder
Giant store dominates the landscape
Spend now, there can be no escape!
Dean Fraser – The Quantum Poet (from The Lancashire Poems)
Tuesday 20th August 2019 8:32 am
She bit into the green apple with perfect white teeth
Is her hair really that shade of red? I suspend disbelief
Smartly dressed she stands there all of the day
Kitchens, selling them to anyone, to earn her pay
She sees all life going on, standing, smiling next to her display
She must have heard it all, chatted up in every possible way
Managing to look like the kitchens she sells ...
Monday 5th August 2019 8:45 am
Inspiration in a Rose
Dean Fraser (
Taken from Audio-Book A HEALING FOR GAIA.
Sunday 28th July 2019 8:47 am
I like bridges and piers, in a parallel World I’m a civil engineer
in this World I am mostly civil and mostly sincere
I like architecture, in a parallel World I designed Big Ben
In this World I just sketch buildings with my pen
I like trains, in a parallel World I drive them across the USA
In this World no leaves on the track is for all I pray
I like trees, in a parallel World I ha...
Monday 22nd July 2019 8:35 am
Eyes Open Wide
With purest open heart
Negativity now depart
In beauty walking
Inner voice talking
Cleansed, whole
Mind, body, soul
Harmonious living
Smiles easily giving
Complete inside
Eyes open wide
Still point that is sought
All actions all thought
Transformation undergo
To understand, to know
Truly deeply fathom
Love in every atom…
Dean Fraser - The Quantu...
Saturday 20th July 2019 8:17 am
Rhododendrons And The Hudson River
Unexpected botanical specimens appreciated as we wait
Rhododendrons growing wild, well untamed at any rate
We want to see it after dark, adding textures, night views
Navigated Hell’s Kitchen, towards our Liberty Cruise
Flowers near the ferry office, she takes photos up close
Standing back I admire, a poem in my head I compose
The tour starts, Liberty awaiting our pleasure
Our ...
Thursday 18th July 2019 3:59 pm
Nature Freely Gives
Jack In The Green awakens from his slumber
Spring is upon us, nature in all her wonder
Gaze in awe of rebirth, renewal, fertility
Stood deep in the forest, deep within tranquillity
Robin Goodfellow his mischief to perform
Souring milk, trampling crop circles from fields of corn
Tripping those who into the green wood unwary tread
Laughing, yet another traveller away from p...
Sunday 14th July 2019 7:47 am
The street infused with an amber glow
Changing moods and colours into a twilight reality
Of half remembered days before
When night was dark and a panorama of stars stretched out across the sky
All the constellations existing as everyday entities
The Pole Star…re-assuring in its certainty to guide the way
Whole Oceans being crossed using only the night sky as a map
Compasses be...
Friday 12th July 2019 6:34 am
Boots 2
He slept with his boots on
Although true sleep is alien to him now
A cacophony of sound disturbs his slumber
Fear being his daily reality
He had volunteered, the Chorley Pals they called them
His friends were right there with him, wanting to do their bit
He had been in the hell to which they sent him for only two weeks
And yet he had already outlived all his Pals
A veteran ...
Wednesday 10th July 2019 9:14 am
Every Day A Celebration
Remember, Remember…the what of November?
Was sure there was something…try to remember
Dates in a diary reminders of significance
Sure there was something...just think perchance
Perchance to think…or was it sleep?
Or is perchancing to think altogether too deep?
Ahhh good old computer the answers I seek
To google or not? I’ll just have a peek
November is Vegan Month…hurray!
I’m writing this...
Monday 8th July 2019 12:34 pm
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