th3 H3LL 0f my m!nd
Running, pacing, fleeing from these thoughts..
staying out of the dark and just thinking alone.
struggling to find a way to even do this on my own..
i see the bad guy.. its just a stare down in my mirror..
a moment of silence and its like nothing was clearer.
theres no way in hell im walking out of this a winner,
So i guess ill be a sinner and just try to take the river..
i do...
Tuesday 17th February 2015 6:09 pm
~the Day i Fell for You
the day i fell for you, i know i will never forget..
well it was more of a weekend but still time well spent. ⌚
i had no one around, but you were always there..
it made me depend on you, because i knew you really cared..
Tuesday 17th February 2015 5:10 pm
I could never forgive myself for all the lonely nights you cried. I could never forgive myself for all the times that I lied. I could never forgive myself because I never always tried. But how could I forgive you for all this hatred I made for myself inside?
Monday 2nd February 2015 11:55 am
I said, I'm my own enemy, because I know where I hide. I know my weakness will always fear me inside. As tempting as you are I'm not sure if I could decide. But I can't bare to remind myself why we even tried. Cause all the lonely nights, we made each other cry. It makes it so hard to believe that our love didn't lie..
Monday 2nd February 2015 11:51 am
The palm of your hand
Out of nothing but instinct, And luck,
it leaves you in the palm of my hand.
Who need we'd be in like this, i mean fuck,
im in the palm of your hand.
Well our romance is a crime, and our affair is horribly right.
But im hand and hand with you already,
So lets just take our time, make it a hell of a night,
We can make it like counting sand,, just in the palm of your hand.. c;
...Wednesday 28th January 2015 7:03 am
So here's a shot for freedom, although why should i pretend. With a broken heart inside me, and the drugs im getting in.., theres a bottom to this bottle, and along with all my friends. we can make it in this world, just as being bubs till the end.
Tuesday 27th January 2015 8:29 pm
F#ck your depression, F#ck your hope.
Im burning thru my own world, its like I'm on fire,
i dont know how i got here ,could i get any higher?
i dont know why im pacing, but these dones got me estatic,
add a couple xanax to make the situation frantic.
oh shit, im nodding. now its all just tragic.
im getting high off these beans like their fucking magic.
letting go of life, cause the morphine kills the pain..
Tuesday 27th January 2015 8:04 pm
i dont even know
create my escape, create my destiny.
just give me a way out before life is the death of me.
im just another victim to the new way out.
id rather be high, then crying on the down.
i always feel low, my self esteems never high,
i just wanna fake some smiles and show that i try.
be so fucking high, that you all think im happy inside,
but miles away from endding my ride.
Tuesday 27th January 2015 7:00 pm
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