Let’s talk about Why no Job is worth your self respect,
Why we don’t take the time to make breakfast for ourselves every morning.
We forget,
Use an egg,
Crack it with one hand.
Learn to crack it with one hand.
Take our supplements
Buy a French press
Why do we insist on allowing the cooperate world to rule our only world.
I got so tied up in not taking care of myself,
...Saturday 7th October 2023 11:04 pm
It’s hard for a seed to break itself,
in order to grow under the ground,
but in the end it WILL grow out of that ground
and into its own breath and onward.
Monday 7th August 2023 8:04 pm
the artist
the man who created memories for others,
the man who enjoyed caputring a. single framed moment of time.
one sec.. one frame.
a trillion pixilations.
living through a lense of longing.
behind a smile that has been trained to smile.
A personality that is of a wanderess child, running through the halls screaming with laughter,
but gets scollded for...
Friday 23rd June 2023 5:04 am
two loves one lie
Before my ex comes over to talk
id like to share a few thoughts,
i hurt this ex
yes i did.
I heart his heart and so i hid.
One day, when i fianlly learned how to not care,
i walked away, without a waking ear,
i didnt care for the man he was then,
because i loved a liar from a time before him
THat was the fucker that really broke me
took my kindness and...
Wednesday 21st June 2023 3:49 am
Fatherhood of the fallen
imagine falling slightly in liking of someone.
its not love
its not love
its not lust
its stages of understanding.
I met a man at my work and i really adored him,
i adored his smile,
his comforting aura
his being,
yet, i tried too hard.
oh boy
oh boy
oh boy, that hurt.
that was a mistake, to even trust you with the fate of where this might end up,
Tuesday 20th June 2023 5:36 am
Its been overdue
to tell you the truth
about me.
imagine that.
but sleeping away the pain,
and trying again while you black out your eyes with a better high.
i know abou the twisted thoughts you hide.
every night the feelings creeo insdie,
you are testing me,
crying in the street,
begging for men to drop their pants so i could get j...
Tuesday 20th June 2023 5:29 am
Rest in Memory
in a present time somewhere,
you tell me not to sing the song of the blue folks blues
nothing could have torn me from those words.
not even you.
you said "oh, go ahead and leave."
but i refuse.
you cut out my heart
and ran.
but threw it out anyway.
you dig your own sanctuary
and forget about me.
Because you knew i would be too tired to dig.
so i let you...
Friday 4th March 2022 11:44 pm
Where am I?
what do you mean transform?
Rejuvinate? Vitality of emotional well being?
Is it true?
and more.
I guess you're wondering where ive been,
i Definetly wont tell you
and i sure as fuck wont let you in.
ive awoken
from the spell you cased upon me
of lies, of torment
such ungracegul deads.
But now i confess
my actual Voice,
Which in this case,
is NO...
Friday 17th December 2021 1:59 am
Why did this happen?
Why did we go a drought?
Why the hell did you hurt me?
Why the heck didn’t I say ouch?
Why didn’t you just tell me you hated the way I laugh?
Why couldn’t I tell you I hated you because you cheated in the past?
Why did you talk to me like a dumb dog?
Why didn’t I tell you that your pride was too strong?
Why didn’t you say, “ I never ...
Wednesday 21st October 2020 3:54 pm
Liquor and booze
I wake at the stroke of noon
My head beats like an on going drum.
Is this what it’s like to continuously be numb?
A loss at words
An act of tragedy.
Family matters,
People dieing.
A girl who’s father is crying.
In a hospital bed
All the while
I stare at the morning sky
remembering the days...
Tuesday 11th August 2020 3:48 pm
The race we lost
Screws or
Long nails.
Or standard
Eventually they will all rust and fail.
American rides &
Forgein whips
Sounding their mating call
“What you mean my man?
Those zippy things have it all”
“Don’t you wana see me, as I Race to understand?
On how to treat a woman.
Even though I ...
Thursday 6th August 2020 9:37 am
the problem
"The problem you are
that you never seem to see
is that you put me down
without even looking through me
Ive changed you see, I AM A NEW MAN
i gave you the world,
even with my filthy hands
you bring up the past
Assuming the worst
again and again
the pattern has curved
While you slow me down
I feel your eyes
innapropriate manners
Visious innuendos in...
Tuesday 24th March 2020 1:23 am
Bi polar
This is not a phase,
As they all said.
They told me my emotions are strong,
So I tried to keep them hid.
Anger rises in me
As I,
overflow and boil.
Sadness overwhelms me,
As I tremble and burrow.
Happiness is rare,
Almost like,
seeing an old friend.
Timid and distraught,
Cautious of all men.
Never did I think I could be t...
Tuesday 7th May 2019 2:06 pm
Letting go
Let me tell you this
a secret lies within oneself,
many dare to dismiss.
Loving one who is broken,
Creates complication
And bliss.
A problem to handle,
That is not ones own.
A secret to help bury,
Yet not to hold on ones own.
The truth is set free,
When their true self is recognized
By the one who had the power,
All along on the ...
Wednesday 27th February 2019 8:31 am
Cliff Hanging
I feel my mind slipping,
almost dangling from a cliff.
Obsession and love are different,
Yet similar with a twist.
You left me in the cold,
And so I left you behind.
Although it breaks my heart
this is my time to shine.
To fend for myself,
That was the first lesson,
A scared little girl,
With no direction.
Which way do I turn?
Monday 7th January 2019 4:46 pm
No title to this sad song
I feel no warmth in your stay,
only light flames from your exhaust lead the way.
The deadliest parts of you,
I hold high and mighty.
“Clearly it’s not working out”
you tell me while I’m crying
what’s wrong with me
Sunday 16th December 2018 5:12 am
I feel no warmth in your stay,
only light flames from your exhaust lead the way.
The deadliest parts of you,
I hold high and mighty.
“Clearly it’s not working out”
you tell me while I’m crying
what’s wrong with me
Sunday 16th December 2018 5:11 am
Simple acts of disgrace
Life can be so simple,
just follow this rule.
don’t fall in love
Without expecting to drool.
Wednesday 12th September 2018 3:34 am
Save me from myself.
Staring up at his ceiling fan, thinking about this disgrace
Looking in his closet door mirror, with this horrid weed that was laced.
Sending me into a trance of pure disgust
I have to stop this now, it’s most certainly a must.
I walked out the door
With no kiss goodbye
He turned around so fast
Like the quickest speed of light.
My heart pounding as we speak
I’ve gotten to a Cert...
Friday 8th June 2018 2:57 am
-To all the girls who love their beautiful curly hair:
Life just didn’t treat you fair.
You started off as a soft delight
then darkness grew, as the nights took flight.
They screamed at you with venom,
So you hid from their mighty bite
You ran home crying,
because a bully tried to put up a fight.
Coming home with mascara running down your face,
Thursday 7th June 2018 7:44 pm
Find Me
Will you notice me?
Where are you?
don’t this just send chills up your spine.
Tuesday 17th April 2018 9:37 am
Harsh fireflies.
Sitting here
in the dark.
Smoking poison,
While soaking up the night sky like lotion.
Stars shine bright,
like little fireflies dancing in a summer breeze.
I wish upon upon the biggest star,
while there’s a breeze between my shaking knees.
I bow my head and begin to weep
I fucked another one,
a lifeless soul.
Rubbing their flesh against m...
Wednesday 11th April 2018 6:56 am
Aching Beauty
Crazy young one
your time is soon to come.
Keep shoving those rails up your pretty perfect snout.
You think your a king,
from the head you boast about.
Your smile woo’s the weak,
followers who prey.
Leaders shy away from you,
your a black sheep, eating dry hay.
Women worship you for your charm,
men beg you for your promise,
You smell of sadness and ...
Thursday 5th April 2018 9:12 am
The Young Fool
Oh how I was the fool
a girl who saw the heat in your flume
you struck me like a star in the night sky
but burned me like a nick on my rear thigh.
Your lies cut me into many pieces of broken glass
I felt your light distinguish with the slightest of gasps.
i didn’t even get to say goodbye,
for you disappeared like a whisper
into the night sky ...
Thursday 5th April 2018 8:59 am
Unbareable Truth
What a pleasurable pain
to be loved by someone who only wants to use you
someone who only wants your body and not your mind
accepting the fact that you are wanted, only for vanity and not for soul purpose.
You are but an object,
a hole for someone to dump their sadness into.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Thursday 8th March 2018 4:08 am
Super Sticky Glue
All alone in the world
full of disgrace, and disgust.
I never knew anything,
all my thoughts turned to dust.
The black and the gold,
this must have been my heart,
turning to dark mold.
Crusty and dry,
my high was fading,
and my eyes cried to a certain soul.
They all abandoned me,
and left me for dead.
As for what they forgot,
was apar...
Friday 2nd March 2018 5:28 pm
Bloody Showers
Bloody Showers
One time in a waking hour
I decided to take a long hot shower.
and to my suprise as i scrubbed,
I saw my knees, were red with blood.
Being dizzy from the night before
I couldnt recall the time i last snored,
"what happened last night?"
I dont remember..
Why my breast was bruised,
and my nails were shattered.
I only saw the day before,
because nighttime whistles, ...
Friday 2nd March 2018 6:14 am
Rough Patches
You told me cared,
I saw that you did,
Your trapped in your mind
and so I hid.
I see pain in your eyes
they are so dark for me.
I want to shine light on you
but you wont let yourself be free.
It hurts me darling ,
when there's rough patches on your skin,
because I've seen you soft,
and that feeling brought me in.
I love you.. darling
Friday 2nd March 2018 2:15 am
Deeps ocean
Deeps Ocean.
The feelings you erupted in me were too immense for me to handle,
the pushing,the pulling
being torn
left and right
up and down.
ANY direction you ordered,
I listened and bowed in shame like the fucking bitch you told me i was.
I fucked you the way you wanted me too, like the whore you called me everytime i didnt answer my phone.
I ran to you as so...
Friday 2nd March 2018 1:50 am
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