The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Watch Out

I watch 
I see
All of you
Look at me

You see 
Where I 
Come from
Jesus reigns 
Racism remains

But I’m loud
I’m proud
And I will
Always be
The queen bee

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My land


"Smells like R Kelly's sheets.


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Who can you trust?
No one.
Sons shooting mothers.
Brothers shooting sisters.
Friends shooting friends.
Fathers molesting daughters.
Husbands beating wives.
Parents beating children.
Lovers cheating on lovers.
Whites hating blacks.
Blacks hating whites.
Men raping women. 
Moms killing kids. 
Racism. Famine. War. WAR!
Humanities depravity has no end.

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The Carnivore

My Patronus is a weasel.
Wait, what did you say?
A smelly, stinky weasel!
Please make it go away!
My Patronus is a weasel
Google here I come.
Surely this is something,
I can overcome.
Weasels are sly and cunning
With long neck, short legs.
Masters of chaos, with a hint of deceit
Surely this is something I can beat!
My Patronus is a weasel.

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falling quickly,
wind noise swirling
in my ears
all i see that can
stop my fall is you.
i reach out, my 
hands grasp your body
electricity surges
burning, i die.
you always were
my power line.

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