bad person
i am a bad person, why does no one see
am am me and oh how i hate being me
im rude and self centered
i throw tanties like a three year old
i dont like being wrong
i get jelous like a little girl
i suck up to people like a kid who wants money
and yet people stand by me
why do people not see how arogant i am
how immature and shitty
that my brain is so small you co...
Tuesday 19th July 2016 2:47 am
when you are hurt
emotionaly or physicly
when you put up with everything
because it is the easy way out
when you return battered and bruised
feelings hurt, ego lowered
you start to say is ok
becuase you arnt worth any thing more
it stops now
i stuck up for you
what do i get in return
the moment i speak up
the day i stop putting up with it
...Thursday 25th February 2016 1:53 am
Going nuclear
It all rushes
As do waves to a shore
It lingers
As does a lover to her partner
It builds up
As done by carpenter
If an explosion happens and no one is around to hear it did it happen at all
The waves of the blast are absorbed by a protective shell
The shell that keeps all else out
The shell everyone mistakes for strength
When it is mearly an illusion to kee...
Tuesday 19th January 2016 10:47 am
life is but a dance,
from the fast to the slow
from the heartbreaking to the breath taking
we live a dance
work is merely the box step
going round and round again
ralationships are like the conga
kick a leg out only to bring it back again
life is just a dance
prosicution of the steps are key
if you fail you need to get back into the rythm of success
Wednesday 25th November 2015 2:44 am
once in a dream
twas only but once
but it may never be again
your mere presence creates deep contemplation
you left for years only to appear again out of the blue
i missed you
you with your beautiful brown hair
your glimmering brown eyes
you cheecky smile
and the insanity of which only the fun of us have
i missed you
your humor is over whelming
as is your back breaking...
Sunday 22nd November 2015 10:00 am
friends are indeed the notes to lifes song
they are more than that though
they are laughs
they are a shoulder to cry on
they are the ones that understand
no matter what they are there
they are there when you feel low
they are there when no one else is
they are the ones that hurt the most
when they are angery
you feel it hardest
when they are sad
you ...
Tuesday 17th November 2015 1:12 am
life is like a river
with turbulent streatches
and sharp rough turns
with shallow parts
and dark gloomy depths
that threaten to pull you down
you can choose to jump in
and face the rapids
or you can sink in the depressing mud
will you jump in
Tuesday 17th November 2015 1:05 am
when all your life just seems to way you down
when you dont know where to go
when the darkness threatens to over come
remeber you are not alone
when you feel as if this horror shall never end
when the sun is blocked out by sadness
when all you see is a never ending road
remeber you are not alone
when your friends are there
but you cannot hear them
when laug...
Tuesday 17th November 2015 12:43 am
push on
when all seems lost
when you think you wont win
when the path looks endless
and the sky is dark
push on
when you begin to tire
when the world keeps turning for everone but you
push on
when you finaly find something good
and it gets taken away
when all seems disappear
push on
becasue you can never find the good without suffering the bad
Monday 16th November 2015 11:34 pm
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