The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Babu's Death

Babu's Death


Each entry I made
Babu’s fumes I hailed
In the morning he told
Will be back
With some marigold
In the evening
He was back
With a crowd as jack
He was laying in a bed
It was new to our head
He was sleeping cold
In a white fold
Where is my marigold?
I goal'd 

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Street children



Poetry is a music a ry-them if u follow the rules u will
love it so take a glass of wine or a cigarette and read it
smoothly smoothly lovely.
If there is a forest
There is a barren land

If there is darkness
There is a sourcing light

If there is belief
There is a term relief

If there is disbelief
There is a term self

If there is good 
You know ...

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Poetry is a music a ry-them if u follow the rules u will
love it so take a glass of wine or a cigarette and read it
smoothly smoothly lovely.

My feet in Streets 
Walking Latif
Races and Faces 
Clashes Lashes
Hashish in Reef
There the passing Feet's
Difference in Attire 
Fumes said Belief
Belief Belief
Human Arrived
Clothes D...

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Freedom my soul
I hold a gold
What i am i am
I am sold to my soul
Not like any one
I like to be one
Who knows his kingdom
Who knows his wisdom
There he is one
I am only one


A fire in gold
I love my soul
I am desire
My soul entire
My own sapphire
Polished attire
I know who i am
A human kind
Freedom bind

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dream of freedom




Wind will blow us one day

To take away as fumes from ashes

But our Soul will persist

For a long journey as a migrating bird

Towards somewhere far

For a new sunrise

From a womb of a mother

As a new creature of this earth


Hari Das

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A Deflection between two community . With out knowing, an act hurts another one although their was no intention .If u see the recent era people are fighting in the name of belief .So here in my poetry how a maulana get hurt ed by a pundit but poor pundit he was feeling above the sky for his god in his way not his here i present...Maulauna.....

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Deflection between religious belief




My name is Nandini
I sell pens in the traffic signal
When the signal get orange'd
I sell pens long and elastic pens
I move door after door
Carrying bunches of pen
I knock on the door
Five a pen for ten three pens
But no one buys
They  tell we have a pen
Small and fountain pen
I don't know how to write
How to read
But i know ...

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Street children

Some Words to Heaven

Some Words to heaven (To Princess Diana)


In a Madrine world a room was soo cold
Smell of fumes were revolving inside to loom             
Each corner insisted to pick some clothes

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Princess Diana


Born in black
I squeezed for the white milk
From an unknown Breast
On the streets
I was a month old as a feast (0-1)
I balanced my feat
Raised my hands for a treat
But nobody was there
To give me a warm great
She left me alone
With my future on the streets
But three year old that was least (1-3)
Streets ...

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My girl my nature

U made me u made me

A mad with sweetness of your heart

With an emptiness of my hand

Still waiting to hold u as a wish


My girl my nature

U had shown me u had shown me

What I am for this daffodil world


U are my girl my nature

U are my girl because you born for me

For my sovereign world

Where I travel like a dream world


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Easter With Hen

Easter With Hen

Morning at 7 Easter in heaven

Walk up like a Slaughter went to buy hen

Go fast said the grandma

By giving me penny and tin.



On my way towards the butcher house

Who might be there, morning at 7

In the day of Easter with the rising sun


People were there, with butcher & his hen

Peeping from the window

From the door step

And from ...

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I rolled over my finger

On the head of a rose

It was smooth and bulky

Like a face way back to my road


With each touch of the finger

On the petals of the rose

I loosed myself in the skin of a rose

 Which I never touched

Like this beautiful rose


It drifted back

To save her self

She said to me don’t touch me again

I moved my hands back

To fee...

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I wrote something
To be something

With the end of my line
Something I won
Something I loosed
Something I got
But Where I am?
I asked to myself
Am I there
Near that window?
Am I here
In my bed?
Where where?
Or With that lost world
With a last battle
To get something
But it is still unknown
Where is that wo...

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Tension griped in a voice
I heard it twice or thrice 
It went to me like a choice 
What to do how to do
And y not to do
It said to me with a noise

But he is only one no choice
My legs went for action
But returned back with no reaction
My soul was jumping with a thrust
With a rocket propelled in a shed

May be he went away to get his life
Leaving me in the backyard of h...

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I remember those passers in my way
Who never went again like a cunning way
I know, each span of life
It finishes with each death of life

Centuries passed over by me
Without giving any notice
But I am still that black dammar
With that old concrete which forms a way

I am an object which is suppressed 
By this whole human kind
To find their designated way
I am here from many...

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