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(the word was)


















(and dwelt among us)



A happy, peaceful, (and merry)

Christmas to all my fellow poets

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Touching...and going


Sleeping, topless, deeply rested

She was so superbly-breasted

That I felt I must –unheeded - sneak

And tweak them a reverential tweak.

So reaching timorously… slow,

(Intending just to touch…and go)

I inched toward her gingerly

Till – cruelly and disastrously-

My feet (both) skidded under me!

Propelling me head-longingly.

(And turning my adoring touch

Into a ru...

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Touch and go comp



(After the space probe)


Strange to think

That lovely lustrous Venus

Seen close to

Is naught but a ball of fuzz.

While common frost,

Mantling the land

And lit by a wintry moon,

Makes everywhere an everywhere of stars.

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We protest


       Regarding the letter of support for Anne Feradi


We, of the millions strong male Mao branch of the Chinese abortees battalion firmly dissociate ourselves from the pro feminist views of the paltry hundred and eighty thousand total 2011 British abortee intake.

We have long suffered from the deliberate favouritism shown to our female sisters in the matter ...

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Nature`s `revenge`


(re-titled, revised and `sonnetised`)


At the multicultural fellowing,

The steel-pans softly mellowing,

I watched her for a long, long while,

Dancing with a lithely grace,

Wondering:  `Did she never smile`?

This lady from the far-off place.


Then suddenly, like daybreak beaming-

Ivory through a forest gleaming -

Laughter, lightening her face,


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Lines of support for Anne Feradi

 (From the ninety thousand member

(year of 2012) Celestial Abortees

Feminist  Society)


Dear Anne,


So, certain girlie-sprigs were sorted,

Selected, gendered and aborted

Sorted from mothers and next of kin

On the ground of being feminine?


Bravo! we here are all supporting

Selecting females for aborting.

You ...

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The shortest poem wot I ever wrote


With homage to Isobel`s `Chlamydia`



(For the beautifully-breasted actress who rolled over me in the warm-up class)


Nadia, Nadia,

I was so glad`ya !

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 The shock

Though only slight

Is centring.

It is

An almost



Into true,

A click

Of re-connection,

And a whirr

Of power-on.

A difference


But barely noted.

Save that afterwards

All is changed.

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Pidgin poem about wondrous canal lock


canal-boat nudge

into hill

not budge



into tall slot

back-gate close


water spill

from top

slot fill



up and up



to top

front gate

boat stop


man shout

gate open

boat go out.



water down

boat up

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(Odysseus yearns for Penelope across the wine-dark sea)


Mighty Aphrodite grant my groan.


Let not no moon

 nor star, nor any sky light,

Only her eye light -

Under her brow beckoning bright - 


Safe-harbour me home.

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(A full explanation of the mystery surrounding 52 hertz)


It`s attested scientifically


That that fish I`d had last night for tea

(Battered so deliciously)

Had now become a part of me

Sat here writing poetry.


(Sitting – as I was wont to do –

Poohing and peeing on the loo

Penning verses earnestly

To Lily, who`d abandoned me).

And down...

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52 hertz


 (an uncouth case of timing on the day the first Gulf war ended)


Down in the gulf the war was finished

(A blink, and it might have all been missed)

Sadaam was sad and quite diminished

As out in the desert the victors kissed.


In Paradise the Ancient Valour

Looked forward with a grave delight

To pro-and-con it in Valhalla,

That coming Friday`s `Viking N...

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 As `The Sick Man of Europe` their mid-sixties multi–European fraternal trade union visit to Hungary was slightly deflating. So they focused instead on the pleasant task of observing the beautiful young student daughter of their `minder` shyly and nervously embarking on her very first job as an interpreter…Her name was Nadia.


 After enduring a few sly `sick man` digs at the (drunken) ...

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It was almost nonchalantly done.


She lurked through the eddies of the crowded room

And moved towards me…we both realised

That it was now the time – the one time –

And never afterwards a time again.


I sensed she was behind me, and I felt

Her desolate enormous helplessness

With such a fierce compulsion that it seemed

My very heart must claw out fr...

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A poet at prayer





Lord, send me a natural woman.

A straight, proud, toss her head,

Fling back her curl,


Steady-eyed girl

With satin-supple flesh.

Let September sunsets through a mesh

Of low mist glint

And deepen her hair to a copper-gold tint.

Let her be lovely, and lissom, and lithe.

And all her outlook calm, untroubled, and b...

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 with a long howl

 lessening down the night



 as a lost soul

falling a great height





And my

incredulous heart

 hissed  ` murderer! `



And died.

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four from the Gazebo menu Epic


(another piece of fun from the old Liverpool scene.

Molly –the owner - never charged us for the room

so we did her a `Gazebo Menu Epic.`)



Are you secretly ashamed

At the narrowing of your scope

Because you never have been named

A future british Oscar hope?

You are socially green

Not to know what most folk know.

All the candidates are seen


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The way it was.

(People sometimes ask me what some of the lesser venues in the Liverpool poetry scene in the sixties/seventies were like. …This is a bit long – but here goes!)



The scene…Liverpool in the early seventies

 The place…The Gazebo restaurant in Duke street.

 The poet…Me…compering my first gig and ambitious to `civilise` the poetry sene.

 The poem…(printed on all the advert...

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If you knew Geraldine…


You`d worship there

Not just the loveliness of her,

At how, under the sheer sheen of her hair

Her eyes rest, wide, apart,

As through their gathered darkness subtly dart

The glimpse-lights of her soul`s dear beauteousness.

But stilled to a reverence in your mind you`d bow

To all the calm peace that`s set

Within the twin-templ...

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stay and cruise


(a holiday in two halves)







Over liquored

Over fed

Fronded garden

Downey bed

Tiny sea-shore

Quite secluded


(And all-included)





In the deep places of the chest

Rumblings become manifest


And strikes the dreaded (rhyme–destroyin...

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The anti - promiscuity calypso


(A song written in answer to excellent (and

very funny) Liverpool poet Sid Hoddes`

`promiscuity Calypso`)



Promiscuity, promiscuity

It isn`t a sin or a vice

So just make your choice

And enjoy your joys

Everybody be promiscuous




Johnny Holiday

In the bath one day

Was giving his body a slush

When he looked down wit...

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Lily going by


(A revised post from my vanished blogs)


Hers was a beauty shear and clear and clean!

 ……………A beauty born to break

 Across the placid sight of placid men,

 Leaving such lovely turbulence in its wake

 That they be never - ever - the same again.


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Should he go to Specsavers?

(sense over science)


That time he tried to leave me in the lurch

By `scientifically` coaxing me from church:

How some weird mess of pre-historic goo

Evolved, in some way , into me and you.


How somehow some mysterious molecule

Heaved itself up from some primordial pool

Wended through four million million years

And ended up as me and all my peers.



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