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When you left, you took a piece of my heart

When you left, my whole world came tumbling down

I became so lost

I was left in the dark

You took with you my light 

When you left, I learned to fight

I learned to navigate this world without you by my side

I learned to be strong to no longer rely on your love

You thought I was weak,

For feeling too much

Now, you're the one ...

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Heart beating fast asking, begging, praying, for it to slow down

It can't take the pain of being in love

A love that is impossible, a love that is gone

So she takes a hit, and then everything moves so slow

Her heart calms down and she forgets the pain 

The clouds fill her lungs and she takes a final breathe

Her heart calms down and the pain is no more 


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painstoner poetry life madnessloveheartbreakimpossible


You lie awake in bed with your eyes swollen from the tears and the pain

Wondering why you deserve to hurt

You play back scenes in your head thinking , " Was it all fake!"

The smiles, the love, the times we laid together in bed, talking about children, and houses by the lake

You close your eyes and tears fall down your face and you cry to God , " Please, please make it all go away!"


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paindreamsheartbrokenGodfaithfakefeelingsrelationship breakup

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