The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 38 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.


" Hello moon," can you help heal this broken heart

Can you take away the pain of the one I've lost?

The waves crashed loud, my heart beat fast, tears fell down my cheeks as I cried,

"Hello moon" can you help heal this broken heart

Can you take away the pain of the one I've lost?

My feet touched the ocean waves as the moon shined bright on my teary face

I just want to let her go, ...

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brokenheart and soulLove lostlove passionobsessionlosssadnessmoonlgbt

Darkest Times

In the darkest times, there is always a light,

Someone who will hold you, or just sit with you,

when you are feeling doubt.

Maybe it's a person? Or maybe it's a dog? who looks at you with non-judging unconditional love,

and makes you know everything will be alright!

That makes you put  on your armour and continue to fight,

Because warriors might lose battles and even have scars,


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Do you ever?

Do you ever just have tears fall down your eyes?

You have a memory suddenly flash and your heart begins to beat fast and before you know it you're back in the past 

You are wondering what did you do wrong to deserve all the pain from the one you loved 

You have done everything you can think of to get over the hurt 

You want more than anything to forget her voice, her hugs, her eyes, th...

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Broken-heartedlovebreak-upbrokensadnessmemorylove hurts


When you looked me in the eyes, I wanted to feel your love

To feel the love that you said, was gone

I wanted to believe with all my heart that you would come back...

I wanted to believe that I could be enough

I wanted to believe that we could grow together but the truth is, it was all an illusion created by a stubborn heart,

Instead, I let you close and you hurt me, broke me, and ra...

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Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong

A teacher....

Teach your students colors,shapes, letters, numbers, teach them about life, and now keep them safe from guns

Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong, remember you are a teacher

Teach your students to not be afraid, yet in your heart you know the world is again...

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teachermass shootingschildrenloveeducationtearssadnesshopeteachhoplessnesssafeemotionsstudents

Final Goodbye

It’s hard to say goodbye to someone that you once loved with all your heart!

It’s hard to realize that the time has come to let go and move on.

To move forward and heal your broken heart,

To say goodbye….

Goodbye to all the love that once kept you alive,

Goodbye to the future and dreams you build together; to the life you had.

The pain is so sharp, your heart wants to hold on jus...

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broken heartgoodbyesadlovetime to move on poemsLetting go of the pastpassion and sadness

Is it me?

 I used to believe that it was me.

That I was broken.

I used to believe that I was the reason you left; that I was too dark to be loved.

That I deserved to be left behind.

I used to believe it was me!

I looked in the mirror everyday and I cried praying to God that he fix me.

Thinking that there was something wrong.

Praying to God that he would make me worthy of your love.


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brokengriefloveself-loveheartbrokenheartsadnesslightgive up

Lost Love

To hold you in my arms one last time

To feel your touch even though I knew you weren’t really mine

To feel your lips touch mine and again feel your love 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing I could bring you back 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing to fix this shattered heart

But a touch, a kiss, my love wasn’t enough 

You’re not coming back 

You’ve chosen 

And it’s clear now

Your love is ...

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Lovegodbrokenhealinghopedreamswishesbroken dreams


You lay in bed at night with thoughts that bring you down

You thought that you were strong, but you were wrong

You relieve the moment when you lost it and went into the dark

You lay there awake wondering if you could have done anything different

Could you have made her stay?

Could you have shown her that you lost your way?

You lay awake because you haven't forgiven yourself


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broken dreamsloveforgivenessbrokenheartshamesickanxious night


Sometimes it feels like the world is falling apart

Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you try, you just keep getting brought down

You tell yourself that everything is going to be alright

You tell yourself that you will survive

You look for a sign, anything to tell you that you are going down the right path

You pray to God that he gives you the strength to carry on

And jus...

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rainbowstormsurvivestrengthbattlegodpath of lifenewbeginningletgonewbeginings

Blue Eyes

Blue as the sky above

Your eyes shine so bright like the morning light

I was scared to let you in my heart

I was scared  that this was going to be too hard 

I was scared to fall 

But your blue eyes, that shine so bright 

Gave me hope, gave me a reason to believe, and fight

I look at you with awe

Wondering where you have been and what you have done

And I pray to God


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lovehopeheartnew loveblue eyeslightGodbreak upaweAwakening


When you left, you took a piece of my heart

When you left, my whole world came tumbling down

I became so lost

I was left in the dark

You took with you my light 

When you left, I learned to fight

I learned to navigate this world without you by my side

I learned to be strong to no longer rely on your love

You thought I was weak,

For feeling too much

Now, you're the one ...

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For a long time you felt that you were weak

For a long time you felt that you weren't loved, that you didn't belong

Too emotional, too many feelings, 

How could anyone or anything ever love the broken human you'ved become

How could anyone see the beautiful you trying to emerge from the dark

For a long time you felt that you were weak

Too emotional, too many feelings, you deserved...

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Broken feeling all alone

The dark surrounds you and all is still 

Time stops ticking 

Your heart no longer wants to beat, it no longer wants to live 

You hear a voice whisper 

You hear a voice call your name 

You fall on your knees close your eyes and pray 

You feel his strength 

You hear his voice say , "No more!"

God says , "Rise and grow!"

Have COURAGE to let go......

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brokennessCouragedarknessfaithgodhealingheartbreaklovetroubled heart


Sometimes I wonder if you ever loved me

I wonder if you ever felt the way I felt for you

Sometimes I wonder why you stayed by my side so long 

Why did you watch my light slowly die

And then blamed me when it was all gone

Sometimes I wonder why did you fall in love with someone else when you had somone by your side who gave you all her life who gave you her heart

Then I realize th...

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lightself loveterrorheart breaklovebrokenfaithprayrelationshipgodsadhatelove and hate



The suffering, the pain, it’s over now 

All that is left is a pounding heart trying to heal and move on 

A heart that fought so hard to stay alive 

A heart that held on until the last minute the last goodbye 

Thumping, beating, pulsing 

The pain, the suffering made the heart strong 

So strong that it grew a thick wall 

A wall that cannot be broken 

A wall that no longe...

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Brokentroubled heartloveHeartbreakMoving forward

Best Friend

On my darkest days you have been my light

You have helped me to shine bright 

Always telling me that I belong

Always reminding me that I am enough

When my heart it blue

You are my glue

Nothing can describe the bond between me and you

You always see me through

Thank you for being my best friend, my sister, and simply you 


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best friendlovesisterconnectionbondhappinesslightshinebright

No Doubt

What if we could have no doubt

What if we could all just look at this world through a child’s eyes

What if we could share our life’s without being judged

Let energies meet and collide 

Trust that people won’t hurt you 

Trust that people won't see you for the crazy human you are but instead for the new beautiful soul you’ve become 


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self loveworldcarehumanitylifelovewhat others think


Thoughts racing fast

Heart beating 

You can’t seem to find your mind 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat 

Thumping,racing, thinking could this be 

Energies so strong you can’t sit still and  breathe 

Thoughts racing fast 

Heart beating 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat

Thumping faster, racing, thinking could this be 

You tell yourself breathe...

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Breathenew feelingsheartanxiousbeatingloveenergy


The sounds of the ocean waves crashing as if they were  talking to me saying , " Breathe, be free."

The sound of the wind whispering in my ear, break your chains, run, run,run, don't you dare look back

My eyes closed, my heart beating fast, wondering when will the world stop spinning round and round

When will my light be free to shine

When will my soul be freed  from yours

When will...

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1000 Letters


I’ve written you 1000 letters

I’ve waited for you 365 days 

I’ve prayed to God a million prayers

But I realized now  it is all insane 

I realize now it was all in vain

I get scared to think of no longer loving you 

I get so scared that I pray for another way 

I pray that God makes me see that everything’s ok 

Love isn’t forever 

Love doesn’t always stay

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Rainbow Stripes

Mami's little princess

Papi's pride and joy

Mami taught her to be a good house wife

Mami taught her to be a smart girl

Papi taught her to think twice before saying yes to any boy

Papi taught her to be a strong and to be an independent girl

Mami's little princess 

Papi's pride and joy

The little princess grew up to like girls not boys

And Papi's heart broke

And Mami's ...

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The hard part about all this is that you already found new love

You decided she was better than me that she is enough

The words you said, "to infinity and beyond" we're all a lie and you left me when all I ever wanted was compassion,understanding, and love

But the day you walked out, I learned the truth about life. 

I learned that the only person that could make me strong was God


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Heart beating fast asking, begging, praying, for it to slow down

It can't take the pain of being in love

A love that is impossible, a love that is gone

So she takes a hit, and then everything moves so slow

Her heart calms down and she forgets the pain 

The clouds fill her lungs and she takes a final breathe

Her heart calms down and the pain is no more 


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painstoner poetry life madnessloveheartbreakimpossible


I can see it in your eyes

I can feel it in your soul

The path seems so confusing and you just don’t know 

I tried to fight your battles

I tried to keep you safe

I tried to give you love but you just ran away

Then I opened my eyes and realized

The battle isn’t mine 

So I closed my eyes with a broken heart and cried 

And then I prayed to God that he shows you the way back ...

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BattleloveBroken heartsGodlightsadness


In a world that is broken and full of crime and hate

There are people who still have faith

Faith that can move mountains and make things well

There are people who believe with all their heart that things can heal

They believe that with faith anything and everything is possible

Through pain, death, and brokeness we must always remember to have a little bit of FAITH

Let God take th...

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You lie awake in bed with your eyes swollen from the tears and the pain

Wondering why you deserve to hurt

You play back scenes in your head thinking , " Was it all fake!"

The smiles, the love, the times we laid together in bed, talking about children, and houses by the lake

You close your eyes and tears fall down your face and you cry to God , " Please, please make it all go away!"


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paindreamsheartbrokenGodfaithfakefeelingsrelationship breakup


I wish I could tell you how much I miss you but there is no point in that.

I wish that things could be different but I know that they will not.

And I wish I could stop loving you but my heart is so torn and yet so full of love.

I wish I could turn back time and make you be mine.

But these are all wishes that God hears but doesn’t act on.

And everyday it’s a battle to keep moving on ...

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troubled heartGodlovewishesdreams

Broken Heart

What do you do when the person that once brought you love brings you nothing but pain.

What do you do when the person you gave your heart too took it and threw it away. 

What do you do when your heart beats so fast it feels like it is coming out of your chest.

And the love you once had starts to change into tears and hate.

And that person that once brought you comfort and made you feel...

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Broken heartsadnessgod loves allfaithhearthealinglove poetry


Hello, can anyone hear me?

Hello, are you still there listening to my cries?

Listening to me as I fall on my knees, feeling so empty as this world falls apart

Hello, God! I need you! We all need you!

Our world slowly falls and we all begin to feel empty wanting human contact, human touch

God silently watches us and our empty lonely hearts

Waiting, quietly, for us all to call his ...

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lightemptybrokenworldhuman touchlovesadnessfaithgodlonely

Loving Me

Your heart beats fast 

You’re love is so strong 

I can hear it like beating drums 

You love me even though I’m broken

You love me even though I’m weak

You’re love is unconditional to me

I fall on my knees crying, yelling , “God why do you love me!”

The voice whispers back to me, “ Because you are beautiful because I made you as a part of me!”

The light shines bright 


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LovefreeunconditionalfaithGodlightBroken hearts


For many years I walked in shame

With my head bowed down not looking anyone in the eyes

Shame for not being good enough

Shame for not being wanted nor loved

I sat in darkness wondering if I would ever be able to find light

Sat there wondering, if I would ever be worthy or enough

Then a voice whispered in my ear, " I am here."

The voice got louder and yelled, " I am here."


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godshamelovestrengthsunraysheartsmileyearningnot enough

I am African

I have learned that I am African that I have African blood

I have African brothers that protect me and will not let me fall

 I've learned about the atrocities that slaves went through

I've walked through the dungeons and smelled and seen the horrors that slaves experienced

I stood in the female dungeon and heard the cries for help and felt the fear that these women went through


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Wait,don’t give up

Wait, everything will be fine,

“Wait,be patient,” God tells you.

Your heart pounding hard

Your head spinning with thoughts 

“God,” you yell waiting is so hard

God says louder, “ wait and your promises will come true”

So you sit and listen 

You sit and wait 

Hoping, dreaming that his promises will come true soon


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It is hard having faith

When you feel so much pain

It is hard to obey when you feel so betrayed

It is hard to smile and put on your pretty face

When your whole world has seems to have crumbled

But then that voice comes back to you and says , "Look how far you've come, look how strong you are!"

The voice tells you everything is going to be just fine

You breathe, close your eyes...

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betrayedfaithgodhard worked loveheartbreakhopesimplestrength


Many days I was in darkness
Many days I cried for help
Seeing no beauty in this world
I forgot what it felt like to smile and not feel pain
A simple act of kindness
Will you come here and slide with me?
A simple question
A simple task
Sliding down the slide made me smile
And feel the love of God

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darkness to lightsmilelovekidssimplekindnessgod

What is next?

What is next? I ask God

Tell me please because I feel so lost

Losing control of all that is around

What is next? I ask God

Then a small voice howls in the wind saying, "Worry about now!"

Smile, Breathe, Relax

Don't worry about the future nor the past

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godfuturepastbreatherelaxmoving oncontroluncertainty



I woke up today feeling a bit numb

I woke up today feeling like everything will be fine

I woke up today and decided that I was done

I woke up today and cried

Then I looked in the mirror, I said, " Girl you look fine!"

Then another voice said, " Don't you dare give up!"

So I put on a happy face,

And I headed out to find that girl I once was....

Happy. Beautiful. Strong


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self lovebeautybrokenstronghappygodfree

Dark Cloud

A dark cloud over me

No matter how hard I battled I seemed to be stuck

No matter how hard I tried to overcome the struggle it was eating me alive

Breathe, wake up, walk

What is wrong with you I yelled, " You have God!"

Get up battle, don't give up

Life keeps throwing punches at you

Life keeps making you fall

But fight, fight and be strong

Don't give up

Don't you dare ...

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sadnessinternal strugglebrokenHopefulkeep fightinggod


It's been a hard day

Smiling pretending everything is fine

If I pretend it feels better

If I do it enough it hurts less

I haven't texted you all day

I haven't ran to you

I keep telling myself I don't need you anymore

I keep telling myself I don't love you

But a voice in my head keeps saying, " Be patient, be kind, show yourself self-love."

Then I look at my arm the word ...

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courageemotional painheartbreakLasting Hopeself-lovestrength

Letting Go

I made a decision that was hard

To let you go 

To let you fly

God told me don’t worry she’ll be fine

God told me ,“ Love is patience. Love is kind.”

I cried and yelled and couldn’t accept it 

His voice was clearer his voice was loud

He said one more time, “Love is patience. Love is kind.”

I finally understood I needed to stop being selfish 

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loveGodLetting Gostrengthpassion

Warrior of God

"God, God!" I yelled and cried.

God why have you abandoned me.

I drank to see if the pain would go away.

"God!," I said I still feel hurt

I still feel pain!

Then I finally gave up and cried for days and saw nothing but darkness

Then a voice came and said, " Get up, don't give up, put on your shield, put on your armour!"

The voice was mad the voice was hurt the voice was comman...

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I Love Me

The words you said made me realize it's all done

I cried, yelled, and wallowed in self pity

Then I showered

Did my hair

Put on clothes and said  , "That is it girl get it together!"

I said, " That is it girl look at that mirror!"


I said , "I love me!"

"I love me!"


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self-loverelationship breakupcouragestrengthsadnesslove



I have this urge to call you

An urge to beg you

An urge to show you I can be happy

I have an urge to tell you that I am strong

I have an urge to tell you that I agree and we're done

An urge to say I know you aren't coming back

I have an urge to stop torturing myself and finally let you be free

I say one more text that is all I need

I say one more text that is all I ...

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heartbreakLove lostpassionsadnessself-love

I Forgot

I Forgot

I forgot how much I loved to write

I forgot how much I love me

I forgot how much it hurt to be alone

Yet, to know that you are free

I forgot how much I love to sing

To feel the warm sun on my skin

I forgot to be me

I forgot how to smile

But today that all changed

Today I remembered...

I remembered it no longer us

It's no longer you and me

Now its me!


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