A forgotten England
in the depths of my daily despair
obsessive thoughts, songs & stories,
coil and twist me into words,
in this wise fool’s daily darkness
I finally find my feet: moving
under the whitespread skies
of a forgotten England.
memory, a mere nothing, always incomplete;
curdles thoughts of my sorry England,
Tuesday 11th March 2025 7:33 pm
The memory of what has been,
And never more will be. Wordsworth, 'The Lucy Poems'
When my collie-cross, Woody, races
across the field: ears tucked back,
tail tucked in, aerodynamically complete,
he looks so natural, he looks so neat.
I can hardly see his feet as he runs so fast
across the winter grass on this early spring
day I think of a coarse farming man
leaning on a 3-bar gate ...
Thursday 6th March 2025 9:53 pm
Lurking around corners — on groggy
gas lit nights, whispering death
steals into this age of the machine.
See the tender white crosses-row-on-row.
Oh! so-many windswept nights of swirling snow;
creaking branches catch a whiff of Lady Fortune’s
ill-luck in this unpleasing freezing breeze,
and pleased, I was, immeasurably,
more fool me!
Old Lady Dark...
Wednesday 5th March 2025 8:34 pm
When my broken heart beats ever faster,
when my eyes, unbidden, fill with tears
and my memory skips back to the truths
of childhood fears— the bullying and violence—
I seem to hear the music of the spheres
drawing me closer, whispering how the fault
tumbles down the generations, infects the years.
My father, an orphan in the 30s, beaten & abuse...
Monday 3rd March 2025 8:37 pm
The air was thick with spray
wetly coating my face and hair
the gulls screamed everywhere
while the ragged cliffs, defaced
with echoing caves, stood still.
These seals, shapeshifters
of the wild sea, called each
to each. Careful not to slip
from their seal skin they danced
on the beaches under the moonlight
in their human form.
If their skin was stolen,
they were forced to stay ...
Sunday 2nd March 2025 6:09 pm
A coterie of sycophants
The draft dodger and the hill billy
defamed their much-famed republic
intimidated and bullied a multilingual Jew,
who knew a little about persecution,
who had devoted years to standing up
to an orthodox Tsar...
Saturday 1st March 2025 11:08 am
WILD is the WAY
Wild is the minute and clear is the day
a world of smell and sight and sound,
the portals of discovery all around.
I enter this world, this newfoundland:
Thursday 27th February 2025 7:47 pm
Moths fly high
this cold delight
of a summer’s night
their wings sing,
but my mind’s not right,
See the showers spark high
like flaming air
sizzling on the water
blowing in her hair
Wednesday 26th February 2025 8:58 pm
Vergissmeinnicht (Forget-me-not)
i.m. Captain Keith Douglas January 1920 - June 1944: soldier, poet
In Calvados you have your cross
And though we won, you most surely lost.
Your sacrifice, at twenty-four, to modern ‘wit’
Is nothing more than a crying bore.
Who now has read Alamein to Zem Zem
Your story of the war in the western desert?
For though you certainly knew how to kill
You did so with no draperies over you...
Sunday 23rd February 2025 7:20 pm
Shifting shades afflict the ghost of David Rodinsky
As he returns to his room in Whitechapel, London
For one last look at the Aramaic and Hebrew texts
Which provided him with the hex of disappearance.
Where he came from nobody knows. Was he Jewish?
Yes and no. Was ...
Thursday 20th February 2025 4:17 pm
There’s an absence that appals:
closed doors, night sweats, white walls.
Is it the thing we first forget
which will eventually beget
this cringeing in the night
this too-familiar fright?
Or is it just the neurons as they play,
at hide and seek, all night, all day,
which make us stare forever
at that place that’s out of reach,
alone, bereft of speech?
Or is the child within us still ...
Tuesday 18th February 2025 12:14 pm
These fingers point at letters
those letters point at words
and then the disturbance -
My love she was a vixen
she howled in the night
those feelings they just left me -
This mourning which continues
throughout decades, in a line,
my lover she engages me -
in time.
These swirling skies of fortune,
this ...
Sunday 16th February 2025 6:08 pm
Silence invades the suburbs
"Hope and Memory have one daughter and her name is Art." WB Yeats
Full-flame forgetfulness
insinuates the day away
robs us of memory
and wont fade away
despite wordy tantrums
in this annex to my life
spoiling, rampaging
along the avenue
of years,
unbidden tears
trample down my face
memories stored in lace
memory not history
abides against the rules
wise fools breed
monuments to ...
Saturday 15th February 2025 8:30 pm
I took old snail upon a trip,
upon the live-long sea,
old snail she is so silent,
more silent, still, than me.
We wander forward on the tides,
and scurry back in time,
but all upon a Tuesday- drear
old snail she speaks in rhyme.
With metaphors a-plenty,
right on the cusp of nine
old snail becomes ye old March Hare
and leaves us all behind.
Wednesday 12th February 2025 6:49 pm
A VIEW of the NEW 1922 - 2022
et ignotas animum dimittit in artes, naturamque nouat. (to arts unknown he bends his wits, and alters nature) Ovid, 'Metamorphoses'
Your vernacular usage is privileged as the only discourse
Suited to the now compulsory affirmation of mediocrity.
Democracy. That’s fair enough I suppose. S’far as it goes.
Does it gather to a greatness like the ooze of oil? Toil. Toil
For endless gold and...
Friday 7th February 2025 6:07 pm
Breath after Breath
In the apple market
your south London twang
accompanies the many undulations
of passing time.
Your wild androgyny
mirrors the mirror
of yourself.
You help me
skim off the water
like a shaking dog.
You lit up, spot-lighted,
an iridescence of sound
Your songs were the water
I nee...
Friday 7th February 2025 5:06 pm
A lay for a lady
haunt my days
he whispers
butter me up quite
she replies
the green groves
of her painting
in his eyes
there is
no disguise
her speckled dust
in faded sunlight
in his too-familiar sight
her soul
declines to take flight
she’s a-tumbling
through the grasses
O! she’s a-dying
of the light
Wednesday 5th February 2025 5:17 pm
Manchester city of the bee
When my head lifts,
prior to sleep, the 40s
bounce into view, neat?
The 50s started
to slide ’em aside
those deep-finned beasts
that continue to glide.
The 60s, are gettin’ closer now,
familiars growl into view, Bethel, NYC too
yeah, the 70s punked up fast,
copied like crazy,
didn’t last. 80s were
AIDS and Princess Di
the miners and Roxy Music,
90s so near, choosin’ a Blur, or an...
Monday 3rd February 2025 8:18 pm
A scatter of images
a-flame in my head
the burden
of nothingness,
The bellows of memory,
with sunrise all a-flame,
the pumping of the blood
and the naming of the names.
This richochet of meaning,
explodes in my mind,
I seep into simple
as I climb into rhyme.
A glance and a gesture,
of times nicely coming along;
look a...
Friday 31st January 2025 9:33 pm
Today tears cloud the inside of my eyes
my view is metamorphosed into a blankness
that pervades my waking hours, retreats only
in sleep.
Tuesday 28th January 2025 8:32 pm
A Mourner’s Kaddish: so you think you can tell heaven from hell?
Gazans mourn just as Jews do.
Long queues along the coast road
traipsing in the sun, loaded down by a few possessions,
are these Gazans or Jews?
The Nazi jackboot kicked the little children to death,
gas chambers, disguised as shower facilities, accounted for the rest.
Or, often, the MG42, the German general-purpose machine gun
Monday 27th January 2025 7:12 pm
Winter wondering
Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.”
― Dante Alighieri, Inferno
A rose in December,
when it snows in July,
as far as we know
the expected will die.
Common sense has infirmities
deformities, affinities
to pie in the sky;
as we try to get by.
Nothing happens too late
that isn’t taboo
a floating moon slips
above stone-built walls,
a story of end...
Thursday 23rd January 2025 7:05 pm
Some decisions:
seemingly reasonable, rational,
seek to wipe out
sentimentality, romance
as if we lived by rules
more fools we if we do.
leads me back to a field
in high summer
in Cheshire -
a piece of the rich south
here in the north -
the roads are far enough away
to lead us to a silence:
provisional, yes
passing, of course,
but still silence
we shared a ...
Tuesday 21st January 2025 3:32 pm
People throw their hearts at strangers, don't they?
Splattered on a canvas
Or, scrawled on a wall,
Is just
A husk of form
Without the artless agony
Of daily life:
The strangled scream
And the carving knife.
Monday 20th January 2025 12:31 pm
A cloudy day at the crem: a punk's funeral
1,2,3 I'm just waiting here, full of fear,
of what will be, will be.
I can't get around anymore
the coffin's at the front, near the door.
Flames behind curtains,
at the end of the craic,
God knows I loved him
so that is that.
He was the one who spoke
reason, to me
we walked by the river
he yearne...
Saturday 18th January 2025 9:12 pm
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought Percy Bysshe Shelley
Low slung August sun shadows stonework into
deeper shadow lands —
phantoms adrift on the wide Sargasso sea —
and so unruffled, these lawns,
and all this frumpery.
So much then has time
and its opposite
done for me.
It was along these lines that we walked, it was
beneath these swaying poplars we kisse...
Thursday 16th January 2025 7:34 pm
Now, only the vestiges remain:
Conduct a forensic examination,
Then scatter the remains:
See the fragility of the body,
In the furtherance of the truth,
Note the devil’s-in-the-detail
We are condemned at the root.
A roof for his daughter,
Over a precipice-by-the-way,
His peculiar ways of thinking
Are alive today.
Some Russians worship icons,
In China there is smog,
Tuesday 14th January 2025 8:20 pm
A sycophant’s nightmare
Say to the soul, sigh
so kind & honest he seems
to be when he greets others
This abrogator of responsbility
this pretended fakir;
I cannot trust with my eyes’ intelligence
& I was stung in my heart, grievously.
He, dressed in pretended humility she
hoping she’ll prevaricate her way
into heaven.
She does not understand that if she
fails to expel the sycophants’
Monday 13th January 2025 11:21 pm
amidst soft summer breezes
keep an eye upon the future:
ice, rain, snow
danger from within: illness, pride, sin
danger from without: war, diease,,wipeout
Buddhas of Bamiyan hewn directly
from sandstone cliffs
destroyed by the Afghan Taliban
after 2000 years,
in the name of God
what an irony
for the close-minded Mullahs
their destruction of the Buddhas
Saturday 11th January 2025 7:20 pm
TALIESIN — an old Welsh witch
“Taliesin, don’t be sad if you’re alone
on Ynys Môn you have battled mightily,
despair will bring us no advantage
no woman sees what supports her.
Courage is invisible. Study The Mabinogion
God will not violate his promises.
We must suffer in Gwyddno’s weir
where our stand against the Saesneg invaders
will end in defeat! We must learn how to fail
better, being sad will not a...
Tuesday 7th January 2025 1:52 pm
Lurking around corners — on groggy-doggy, laudanum-lit
gas lit nights, whispering death came to this age of the machine,
he has much drink taken, he’ll be dead soon.
Never mind.
See the tender white crosses-row-on-row
so-many windswept nights of swirling snow.
creaking branches catch the whiff of Lady Fortune’s
croaking of a pleasing freezing breeze,
and pleased, I am, immeasurably,
Sunday 5th January 2025 6:29 pm
An epiphany of history
in the momentary blindness of a sunshine daydream;
of all that life could’ve been.
Instead we have the normal crucifixions
the splatters of human brains
all over underground trains.
In my beginning is my end, my friend,
the starting point for music and poetry and art.
The gulags and the camps, the massacres, the genocide
stretch fro...
Friday 3rd January 2025 5:34 pm
-heads weave into fragile, thin
paper-like skin
echoes the savage-silent-dread
of memories-lost, storm-tossed
dust-motes float,
gossamer webs
glitter in the rain;
words thought, but never said,
in the very eye of the storm
memories replete
old-ghosts fled,
chapped, red-raw hands
from working this mid-winter land.
Friday 3rd January 2025 11:47 am
A Splash of Yellow Beneath a Sometime Sky
When I were a boy, a nipper, a kid
wildflowers on a concrete waste
were always blindingly yellow, for me.
Flowers rooted in the cracks along the road
for me, the yellow-bloomed, only for me
whether I was hungry
or stuffed to the hilt, which was rarely,
a slash of yellow beneath the sun
was reason enough to have fun.
Later, we prisoners saw our lady Sunne
and we gazed in awe,
Thursday 2nd January 2025 3:23 pm
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