The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


If our grandparents left their house, 
we'd miss the Autumn evening drive
to there after school on Fridays,
down the road where people rarely
discover their way to the village with
thirty-five locals, still quite hidden & remote.

We'd miss the night's clouds on
silent stained glass of the village
Church as it greets us just before 
the flare of trees & village green
is still distinguis...

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familyhomememories from past

Good Things


Good Things

After the poem Three Good Things by Jan Dean.


At week's end, I remember

three good things.


Maybe pencils, with their quiet apt of strokes

for a gravelly ground,

or a fading, fraying edge, or a feather,

or a pamphlet of zebra



Maybe glass, for when it never lets me miss the details,

the detail behind a history,

haberdashery sho...

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I remember us in the tall
  of balconied condominiums over there.
I remember the seemingly rainbowy effect 
drawing us towards new clothes & music for sale
in exquisite gigantesque shopping malls, the
trust we will be hearing a hello, and have a nice
day tune from shop assistants at every shop door, 
where billboards above advertised albums by Beyonce, 
fragrances, and films, us becoming f...

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Poem after Isabel Galleymore.

The cute beaded sequin-embellished firefly
 embroidered to the front of a recyclable blue
  loves to be on the show so much.
Fashion arrays, boutique sales, forest floors,
and decades of its shimmery are uncounted everywhere.
When the invitation for us to meet outside is there,
  the cute beaded sequin-embellished firefly is
a neon sign announcing a caf...

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Mouthful of Words Poem after Brian Moses

Mouthful Of Words

Poem after Brian Moses


These are the words my teacher teaches,

omnipresent, evaporating, invigilator, dichotomy,



Then there are the words at home they choose

in our chatters animated to recounting the news.


There are the words that Grandma always seems

to say that I regurgitate, no matter the situation or their

denoting: bam...

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