The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

You hurt me again

You hurt me again 

There is no tone of surprise in my voice any more, why should there be? 

You hurt me time and time again and over and over I forgive - I make some weak, half hearted excuse for you

If I forgive you the hurt goes away quicker, until next time when I forget how bad the pain was and disappointment comes crashing down in waves like an avalanche of emotion. I cry and you tel...

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I love you

I love you.

I have since the day I met you and I will love you deep in my wretched soul until the day comes when I take my last breath.

That breath, even then when it is my last precious ration of air, I will breathe it for you. I always breathe for you. That's what you taught me you see. By refusing to open your eyes to what could've been and what could always be you made me breathe for bot...

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