The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Other Men

A system that relies on the slavery of the worker will not succumb to aiding its most vulnerable in a time of need. For that very system relies on this very abuse to keep it functioning. How else would our men survive in this world without the generous offerings of affordable alcohol and football from the terraces or the TV? Merely a pathway to tribalism. The distractions from work packed into a f...

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do not be disheartened.

do not be disheartened
from the powers that be

they shape our media,
close our borders,
delegitimise our freedom,
emasculate our men,
oppress our women,
suppress queer identity,
profile non-white skin.

they take our taxes,
pay their bankers bonuses,
privatise and pollute our water,
shape our education,
control our minds,
continue colonial wars.

they steal oil and gas from the ...

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futurepossibilitypoliticsqueerlgbt+racismclimate changeeducationtaxpollutionidentity freedommedia




colonialism.Even today it still exists

the very framework from which our empire persits divide and rule, do they take us for a fool? 

More than 2000 years of peace in palestine, built with sweat and tears, all to fall down within the last 75 years


extinction. While Israel continues it's endeavour, our leaders simply stand by

even worse, they tell lie after lie


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Goree Island

walls thick with memories 


Stone arched staircases

Coloured like a flamingos

With each step, a feeling of dread 


Towering above them

the Colonial office 

Where fateful decisions were made

Families were separated

Torn apart like cattle

And tens of thousands perished 


In the centre of this small island

Which perches on the edge of Dakar, Senegal...

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Didn't your granny ever tell you?

Didn't your granny ever tell you
Don't pick the bluebells 

If you are to stumble across one 
Hiding amongst the weeds 
Peeping above the shrubs
Stretching beyond the pavement
Swaying in an desolate park
Reaching across meadows
Gathering in countryside fields

Then just remember what granny said 
Don't pick the bluebells

There was once a young, slim built man

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