Listen, not with your ears or eyes with stubborn, instilled belief,
Beware the crawling sensation that ripples across your skin,
Your churning, upturned stomach that scuffles defiantly within,
The melodic similarities, your moral compass do they sting,
Distorted misalignment, facts that turn on the head of a pin,
Language of the body, twisted and unhinged,
For it’s not in the loudly spoken w...
Sunday 8th January 2023 4:06 am
Splash! I slipped into the frightening abyss of love
Paddling for dear life, anxious butterflies played merrily
Unaware of the fright and determination to bring you near.
Terrified you held my aching body, weary and battered,
With a softness attentive to my hurried breath,
Calming warmth that rendered me into a stillness,
Suspended in a God like state I am motionless,
In awe o...
Wednesday 4th January 2023 9:49 pm
I Will Remember
I close my eyes, in my ears your favourite songs soulfully pierce,
Amidst the words, the melodic and impassable distance, I swear I see you,
Watchfully, my startled gaze entrapped, as you lose yourself in time,
Softly spoken, selfless pearls of wisdom departing from your lips,
My heart, tangled, distorted and bleeding as you faded,
The shape of your face, in the unimagined sile...
Tuesday 3rd January 2023 12:29 am
Always Here
As I stand and wait inaudible quakes ripple across my heart craving to be near,
In the wings hopeful, reaching for the memories forever reflected in my tears,
If only I had wings to fly to the depths of your despair,
Heroically I would cradle you, secured in the ways that I care,
Consuming shadows of endless days gone by, humble in your presence,
Longing for the los...
Tuesday 3rd January 2023 12:24 am
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