The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Just a teenager

Grind it
Pack it
Light it
Inhale it
Exhale it
And just like that
I feel lighter, calmer, happier
Even though, I am technically a criminal
But in reality, I am just a teenager
I’m just a teenager that needs a break from the
mental health issues that seem to rattle around 
my overcrowded skull




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decrimilizefinding yourselfmedicationteenagersweed

The modern day captor

Scrolling , scrolling 
Hoping to distract myself
From the thoughts that run laps in my head
Never stopping to admire

Liking, liking
So maybe when I post
People might return the favour
And I can have that false sense of belonging

Watching, watching
Looking for something to entertain me
Unable to find it 
So my eyes glaze over

Playing, playing
Games with no meaning
Never finishin...

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Social mediamobilephonesinstagramfacebookYouTubemoblie games

Loving You Hurts

Loving you hurts

There are mornings I wake up, wondering if you survived the night

Hoping and praying that you didn't hurt yourself

Knowing that you probably


I worry I don't do enough

That I don't tell how much you mean to me enough

Waking up crying because I dreamt you had died

And it felt so real


If I could do anything to make stop your pain I would

But I'm p...

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self harmbest friendssuicide preventionsuicidal thoughts13 reasons why

The Hypocrisy of Fashion


We’re told “express yourself, no matter what anyone else says”

Unless you’re different than me

Because anything different is repugnant and must be deterred

We make fun of others for not being original

While looking exactly like your group of friends

We’re blissfully unaware of how unoriginal we are


Who decides what’s deemed “cool”

Because I really don’t agree with a ...

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It's Easier Not to Care

Despite me wishing it was different, you and I are more alike than not. But the biggest difference between us is you only care about yourself.

You choose to drink, so you can forget, while I smoke up to not care.

Not care about the millions of times you showed up late, drunk, or both. If you didn't cancel.

Not care about the times you've said things I know you don't mean, because it's not...

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alcohol abusefather issuessmoking weedweed

Love Not Hate

You know I keep hearing that we’re experiencing all these epidemics. Obesity epidemic, gun violence epidemic, suicide epidemic, and the debt epidemic to name a few. The way I see it, we’re only suffering from one and that’s a hate epidemic.

    We hate ourselves so either stuff our faces, or starve ourselves. We hate others, so we shoot up our schools, churches, clubs, and concerts. We hate the...

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Love not hatehatelove heals

We Have a Dream

(Just a note, that this is supposed to be set in the suffragette era)


We have a dream

That one day we’ll be more than our looks

More than our fathers or husbands accomplishments

We want to be valued for our intelligence


We have a dream

To have the possibility for success

To be more than wives, mothers, and maids

We want to have our chance at greatness


We h...

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equalitySuffragettewomans issueswomans rights

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