Pregnant and Nursing
Skinny as a rail
But inside I’m bursting
I guess every writer
Is pregnant and nursing
Two scripts on my hips
And three straggling behind
All needing rewrites
My agent whines
Is this how to be prosperous?
Well encapsled in blubber?
Cause if another script calls
I'll probably just wear a rubber
Saturday 13th March 2021 11:57 pm
You Write Like a Drunk
You write like a drunk
three gins in
Where small talk unravels
And truth begins
But there’s a tightrope to walk
And no net to save
And If you fall
You’ll be buried in a maudlin grave
Wednesday 20th January 2021 1:53 am
Monday 9th November 2020 4:02 am
Momma's Only Son
All my momma's dogs died fat and ugly
She loved to spoil them
She loved to spoil me too
There's a certain damage done
When you're momma's only son
And every sins forgiven
Before it is begun.
So now I simply live inside my fiction
If I'm writing about thieves, I steal candy bars
If I'm writing about a foreigner I change my diction
If I'm writing about love
I just s...
Saturday 31st October 2020 2:04 am
Your Poem
It took me a while to be friends with your poem
At first, I thought she was stuck-up
But I asked her to dance seven or eight times
And I found her rhythm
And she opened up
Sometimes the deeper ones don’t come easy
Anyways the night is young
And so am I
And there are so many complicated needy poems still to unravel
Friday 30th October 2020 1:12 am
Things My Cat Will Never Think
Man I didn’t get a lot accomplished today.
I’m not moving towards my goals like I wanted too.
You call this fresh?
No you shut the fuck up!
Take Notes…It’s all funny.
Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
I’d love to but I am married.
I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.
I before e except after c
The Buddha was right.
Sunday 18th October 2020 6:06 am
Talking to the Trees
You should have dropped your seeds farther
I tell Big Daddy pine at the edge of the forrest
In whose shade grow five saplings.
Maybe bribed a squirrel to carry your nuts to that open space …
I point
Hell, I’ve been quarantined with my teen age daughter for six months now and I’m about to lose my fucking mind.
Besides your kids aren’t going anywhere...
No graduation ceremonies ...
Thursday 15th October 2020 3:08 am
Famous or Something
My fifteen minutes of fame
will be spread across all the accidental photographs
I‘ve sauntered into
There I am in the back of your shot at the Lincoln Memorial
Or behind your family at New Smyrna beach…
Or at your wedding party at the Chateau
I’m the one with the rakish hat with the brim twisted up
And the silly smile
Like an eager extra on a movie set
trying to catch...
Monday 12th October 2020 1:11 am
Dreams of Chumash Indians
I met him at the edge of the forest
where he told me stories of the Chumash.
He told me what his friend had seen up in the mountains
And he hadn’t been the same since.
When he spoke
I felt a strange
coolness pass through me.
Later that night, I slept I on the mattress in the basement,
and dreamt of Indians trying to find their way back home...
guided by beads on the gro...
Monday 12th October 2020 1:04 am
In that Same Spot
Brother Ocey Rucker
On the exact spot where you pitched your revival tent 60 years ago
On the exact spot where you railed about Gog and Magog-America and China and the fires of heaven that will destroy them
On the same spot where you extolled Catholic priests and Jewish Rabbis to climb their roofs and shout” Jesus is Coming any day now.”
In that same dusty lot, where your beautiful wif...
Wednesday 20th May 2020 1:18 am
Quarantining with a teen
Can be challenging …. I mean
Making me into a mad mad man.
So off to the park to jog again.
At the park is an aging pine
I trip over his roots sometimes
Right below his shade I find
Five of his offspring sharply lined
“You should have further dropped your seeds
You’ll have to fight for all your needs
They’re never going to roam from ...
Thursday 14th May 2020 1:39 am
Most Likely
If you are a cook at Coney Island, and you buy a guitar in a pawn shop before work one day, most likely Sam the dishwasher will come out of the back and tell you you’re in the band.
When you tell him you’ve never played guitar before in your life, most likely he will say its punk rock, you don’t need to know how to play. Then he will say he can teach you.
After a month of practicing in a hum...
Saturday 9th May 2020 4:09 pm
Deeper Cuts
Gas light
Chevys cruising by
With longhairs jamming to metal tunes
Come drive in an FM night with me
Waving a yellow light hurries us through
As the raspy-voiced DJ settles in
And brings us a few from Mick and the gang
Emotional rescue and Only Rock and Roll
But I like it… I like it…Hell yeah…you scream
Cool mix...
County line static you pop in a tape.
Thursday 7th May 2020 12:56 am
Still Believe in Love
I'm banished for life to the childrens table
The way grown-ups talk gives me strife
I placed all my stock in fairy tales and fables
And I still believe in love
Like a child does
I don't have big face in the family circles
I can't dole out jobs or advice
And talk about money
I just find distasteful
Cause I still believe in love
Like a child does
One day th...
Friday 1st May 2020 11:48 pm
Counting Crazy Lovers
My first lover fast and wild
Went and robbed herself a liquor store as a child
I met her after her ways with a gun
She didn’t need no bullets to make me dance none... son
My second lover loved the Grateful Dead
She had stars in her eyes, acid in her head
She danced to music like a woman possessed
Feet firmly in the clouds and dancing breasts
Yet I digress
Wednesday 29th April 2020 8:02 pm
Don't Leave your Discrimination with your shoes by the Door
Because his Swami Baba had fled
With the women and the money
Shouting desire is suffering
Leaving his computer buffering
With images of young ladies in their flowering youth.
Because of that shit,
He yearned for the old-timey truth.
So he put the Cross of Jesus,
Carved in the 70s
By a long-haired freak
In polyester slacks,
And a hang-ten shirt
Channeling Rodin,
...Sunday 26th April 2020 4:54 am
Sad Poem
The glass tile window throws a rainbow across your sad poem.
Sunday 26th April 2020 4:39 am
There is hope
Even in the eyes of monsters….
Right behind their fury
Can’t you see how they secretly root for you…my hero
……even willing to sacrifice their own self
so you can overcome your fear.
And what will you find when you draw your sword?
Illusion upon illusion?
Lay your blade through it
Like vapor trails through the sky.
Sunday 26th April 2020 4:30 am
What the Times did not Say
Baby Dies in Drive-by Shooting
What the Times did not say
About the baby who caught the stray bullet
Was...that shot was fired a long time ago
And my sources from the other side say
That he is in fine spirits
And very happy
To be done with that karma
Wednesday 22nd April 2020 5:12 am
Ghost Eye
The dog with the ghost eye
down the street sees my true form
Loving you has made me transparent
Goodbye my love and hello my love are the same to a ghost
They are just windows to a building that stretches to eternity
Fashioned from eternity
Had I seen you once that would have been enough
Had I kissed you once that would have been enough
Had I never seen or kissed you that ...
Wednesday 22nd April 2020 5:06 am
Teaching is a Bear
Mrs. Jobe complains about her class…again
“I even give them the page number….but they’re too lazy to look the answer up.
With kids that lazy, how do they expect me to do my job?”
Teaching is a crazy way to put food on the table.
But then again, I could tell her about Uten the Yak herder in Tibet who has to carry a wounded calf down a dangerous mountain gorge
or Perri the Amazon fish...
Tuesday 17th December 2019 2:04 am
Thoughts of a Confederate Pallbearer
You outflanked me a thousand times
But I outlived you
General Sherman.
And after all the meaningless debates on generalship
I find it far more noble
to be able to draw another breath.
So I will dance a little jig
as I carry your coffin
to your resting place.
You won't outflank me this time.
Tuesday 19th November 2019 1:57 am
Hazy Hazy Me
Which trail did you run down dreams?
Why did you leave me?
I forswore even the deepest memory of myself to chase you.
Now I am old and tired and I can't remeber what I forgot.
Hazy hazy me.
Friday 15th November 2019 2:38 am
Everything is Funny
I had a beat-up Ford
That wouldn't go in reverse.
I lent it to my girlfriend
Who drove away........
and never came back.
Now I drink to lessons learned
And pray tomorrow's sunny.
And I hope your taking notes boy,
Because everything is funny.
Wednesday 13th November 2019 2:43 am
Proud of the Weight
I thought I could carry this love for two.
My back was strong
shouldn't true love be light as a feather?
I thought about it stooped with the weight while waiting.
My father used to recycle aluminum cans for money.
he carried his garbage bag
full of cans
down to the weigh-in station,
they would
check to make sure there was no steel hidden in there t...
Saturday 9th November 2019 1:43 am
Songs For Your Quarters
Come sit near me
Pretty senorita in the laundromat
I'll give you songs for your quarters
I'll give you a love straight out of a Mexican soap opera
I'm pining away here
Trying to look so nonchalant-that French for looking like I don't care when I really do
Black hair like down on your arms
T-shirt cut short showing ribs
I'm a songwriter.
I'm not known yet, and may never b...
Wednesday 6th November 2019 3:28 am
Shirdi Sai Baba
I found
In the apartment weed garden of Eden
A sun-Bleached Statute Of Shirdi Sai Baba
Weedwacker wounded
Hemorrhaging styrofoam
Abandoned by the immigrant Indian family he guided over the perilous ocean to aMerica.
I bondoed his wounds
And sprayed Fat Bollywood colors over his coat.
His skin tone I left to a true artist to paint.
Then I placed him on a pedestal
So he...
Saturday 26th October 2019 3:48 am
My Muse
My Muse
Drives a Chrysler barefoot…
And has three kids with a man
Stronger than me.
You know, she likes my poetry.
She said so so once.
When she called, I remembered every word.
I cracked them open looking for anything.
Then I used them to make jokes about myself… my only immunity against one-sided love.
My Muse
let me kiss her once.
My friends said I should have...
Thursday 24th October 2019 5:48 am
Eulogy for an ex-CIA Agent
You fell out the kicked window
What did that look like?
You jumped out the pushed window
What did that feel like?
You leapt from the punched window
Killing the monkeys in the lab must have upset you huh?
Didn't you learn that first you have to kill your feelings?
You big sissy.
Wait, you sailed out the manhandled window?
Can we take this step by step please?
...Tuesday 22nd October 2019 3:16 am
Two Desert Poems
Desert Poem #1
Where are you now son?
Lost Horse Canyon
With the poets-an odd bunch
They try to wrangle the desert's beauty with their lassos
made of words
It always eludes them
Desert Poem #2
Sister Silver Cholla
Sleeping through the hard times
The desert kisses her every morning
But she only wakes up
When his breath smells like rai...
Monday 14th October 2019 7:31 pm
Sharpei Skin
Suki is a Sharpei
It takes lifetimes of breeding to turn a wolf into a Sharpei.
"More skin,' cries the breeder wife.
Beauty is only skin deep...functional too.
I've seen other dogs grab rolls and rolls of Suki's beauty and shake,
while she easily manuevers around to return the favor.
I should be so lucky.
My skin comes down from lines of carp...
Saturday 12th October 2019 3:35 am
Dear Fundamentalist Friend
Dear Fundamentalist Friend
Have you stockpiled your food for the coming shit storm?
Do you have dreams of me banging on the doors of your bomb shelter… like a drowning man to Noah’s ark?
How you would hold my gaze like a prizefighter… confident that your God through you would win.
And in that way,
you lost.
Have you ever known anything of it?
Friday 11th October 2019 2:14 am
Song Production
My verses were seamless
My chorus was tight
But my bridge needed a C section with horns to be born.
So another neighbor’s house I painted and
another driveway of concrete pavers I laid…
to get paid…
to produce my songs.
Do the dreams of a young man have a shelf life?
Because I am still doing this at 50,
And have not yet sold a single song.
my neighborhood su...
Sunday 6th October 2019 3:27 am
Uncle Billy
Do you still have the gin bottle
that Uncle Teddy drowned in?
You know the one with the toothpick ship
wrecked upon the shore of an 80 proof sea.
We can trace those maritime lines
through our veins, salty and sad….
The ones I see in your watery eyes
with crushing waves
and capsized boats
and drunken tears
falling overboard.
Saturday 5th October 2019 2:49 am
The Ballad of Pablos Juan
Your Majesty I am Pablos Juan
My story is so sad to tell
I was a true conquistador
And only lived to serve Spain well
I soldiered in St. Augustine
Master of both sword and pike
In your name I wielded both
Not afraid to give my life
At the fort were dogs of war
With most of them I got along
But one was like a rabid beast
The devil in his breast was strong
...Friday 4th October 2019 3:28 am
To The Subject of Every Photo Taken Before 1900
What dragged the sides of your mouth down-down-down?
Heavy Burdens?
Bad dental work?
Did the papparazzi say “a little less smiley?"
Dark secrets? Rotten plums?
Did you want something from a noncommittal lover?
Was desire suffering? Isn’t it still?
Did you think you’re the doer?
Or were you a backward thinker in a forward thinking world?
Were you alone mixing medications ...
Tuesday 1st October 2019 1:17 am
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