The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Those Boobs

No hormonal concession

Even in the time of this recession

The mole hills grew into lofty peaks

Attention they grab, attention it seeks

Those that knew wonder how did they grow

The bralette yesterday demands a full surface today

The vibrant richness is for all to rejoice and enthrall.

All this entertainment only in a year...

Corona for sure added some weight

But thirty tw...

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Bubble Butt

Impressive signs she has a design

Her eyes are like a spring divine

Love sprouting as her eyes wink

Her lips are a seductive drink

Enticing my mind with an infatuating line

Come winters and every thing looks shut

Yet she lets the world know that she has a bubble butt.


Passion fruits dangling from her chest

This is what she is at her best

When she leaves open the but...

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Seduction Unleashed

Mesmerizing she looked in that yellow attire

Captivating my heart she translated into a desire

My eyes were glued to her chiseled shape

Such were her curves that I felt seduction…

Bewitched I remained testimony to her youthful charm!


Those rosy lips of hers showcased a favor

Whatever she spoke looked like a flavor

All through my thoughts I kept thinking

Peeping at her,...

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yellowbeautiful womansexy

Incestuous Mind!

Prey to humility of the pink...

Everything wrapped in a wink...

Thinking about, my heart does sink...

Why in the first case I did link.


Soft seduction to fatal one...

The beauties are a trivia or fun...

The force of rhythm acted like a shotgun...

Ground to zero I was done.


Stormy night but a beautiful page...

Much got fuelled in the fit of rage...

I forgot t...

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Ode To A Naughty Teacher

You are a very hot teacher,
Kinkiness is your branded feature...
Although today you teach me tease me on zoom,
There was once the same activity you would do in my room...
Whenever you would call me to your house,
More than my learning I would see you playing with my mouse,
I owe it to you and your lessons till eternity,
How can I forget the first lesson on my virginity...
You taught me phy...

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Ganesha Says!

This year I am so delighted

Blessed be her the way she is gifted

Appreciate her glow and grandiosity

I am moved by her generosity

She has weaved a magic…

Such a lovely devotee…

Source of fascination, pretty lady Mitha!


तिच्याबद्दल मी आणखी काय सांगू शकतो

अशी एक सुंदर मुलगी आहे

मी देव पुत्र नसतो तर

मी तिच्या मनात कुजबुजली असती

माझे हृदय बरेचदा कसे धडधडत आहे


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mysterious woman

Mystery of that Pink Bra

Since the age of ten,

When I saw it for the first time...

I kept thinking, and wondering what it was!

By the time I grew in age,

It had turned an attractive rage.

I can never forget the mystery of that Pink Bra.


The elixer wasn't visble though,

But the cups had consumed them...

Draped in a an elegance the color pink.

I was so moved and curiously drawn

I visited s...

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Brayoung girl

Hindi Erotic Poetry - आम सरे आम!

वह आई थी पीला सूट डाल कर

हमने रखा था दिल को संभाल कर

आंखे फिर भी फिसलती रही मगर

उसकी जवानी पर जा रही थी नज़र

आज हमने देखे आम सरे आम!


होंठो से उसके छलकता है जाम

बातो में उसके एक मीठा पैगाम

चूम ले मेरा, वह होंठ; इतनी कसरत

बस चूमते रहे मेरी इतनी हसरत

हासिल मुझे हो जाए मेरा मक़ाम!

आज हमने देखे आम सरे आम!


आँखों में खंजर उसके, क़तल करती है

देखूं मैं जितना उसको ...

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Such Intoxicating You Are...

Such intoxicating is your beauty,

Guarding that grace is my duty,

But I wonder,

I shouldn’t commit a blunder!


Sexy eyes, you look very hot

I think about you these days a lot

You fascinate me when you ponder!


Beneath your eyes those pretty cheeks

My heart melts yet quietly it speaks

Into your arms I would surrender!


Waiting for someone in that posture


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Your Face Is So Charming (Hindi)

रूप तेरा मस्ताना,

जैसे छलकता पैमाना,

चूक न हमसे कोई हो जाए!


आँख नशीली, तू भी जवान है

आज नशे में दिल भी यहाँ है

होंठ तेरे यह मुझको बहकाये!


आँखों के नीचे, गाल गुलाबी

पास है तेरे हुस्न की चाबी

दांतों के बीच जो तू जीब दबाये!


किसका है तुमको यूँ इंतज़ार

बाहें पुकारे, आ मेरे यार

पहुंचे ठंडक जो गले से लगाये!


तेरी ही बातें हर कोई करता

तेरे लिए ही तो...

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Oh My Goodness!!

Some girls dress up adequately yet often they let the fabric stay so bodyhugging that they unintentionally let you know what they have worn inside outside. She may not have any intention to showcase but our minds often read that she is about to seduce someone - some one dear to her or some one near to her. Wrote few lines after falling to such a perceived seduction trick.


Wee hours and the...

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seductionerotic poem

Some lines on Kangana Ranaut

Wrote a few lines on Kangana Ranaut, the bollywood celebrity, who wears too much black to look like an assassin.

So you believe, arrows are sweet;
You have made your mind not to retreat,
Not absolving me any more…
Set sail on the track and therefore,
My agony elevated, fetching me more trouble,
I am in my lonliness unable to even wobble…
Oh God! How can you be so great?
Sealing my beauti...

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celebritywonder woman


When the lips meant to smile seduce..

To just a basic value men reduce...

When the feet walk and charm does produce...

And men walk to her and cry, "truce."


The eyes reflect a tinge, a sparkle,

And there she is around to dazzle,

Men find themselves in the maze n hassle,

Already building in the air new castle.


Her waist isn't thinnest but provocative,

She is her...

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shebeautiful womanseductiveex girlfriend

Seductive Yellow & Blue Attire

Your ravishing signs, my nefarious designs,
Back’s blue, that facade is yellow…
I wonder why I’m the fellow,
Stalking the beautiful and pristine,
Trespassing the seen unseen,
Modestly though changing the lines,
Headed to where, destiny destines.
Precarious thoughts, yet they assume,
Blatant efforts, my eyes assure…
Capturing you, cynosure…
It may seem quite bizarre,
My stalking you coul...

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Freedom To Choose

Independence from the bonds of affection,

Freedom from the worries of reduction,

Enjoyment multifold owing to seduction,

Wish such was an independence day…

Where I could relax and have my say.


No more fixations, no more accusation…

A feeling of elation and total elevation,

Wish I could choose my every relation,

Wish such was an independence day…

I get all that I pra...

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freedom of expressiondesire

Diwali – What better than this?

Priya was all set to resign,

The moment was a trap cum design,

I was busy pampering mine,

When the clock struck thirty past nine,

She undressed to showcase her body divine,

Time beyond was special and absolutely fine.

Amazing night Diwali – Rise from Ignorance!


The shield was broken so was the sacred shame,

Dehradun turned into battlefield with a new game,


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Addressing a Mystery Charmer

That look of yours kindled an old fantasy which had preferred to stay silent since offices cannot be even purposely used for play activities. Although the Human Resources people say big about engagement but it hardly does happen on the floor not even in those silent corridors. These days the camera follows us everywhere perhaps they would have planted some secretly in washrooms also. Coming back t...

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