Puppet Master
At first I was angry the only thing running through my mind was how did I not see this coming how did I not notice I was being played like a puppet and you were the puppet master . While everyone sat back and watch the show this was my My life , it was just an act in a scene for you I guess you were the major star and I was the extra, and your assistant. running a...
Thursday 5th April 2018 5:51 am
92 days
It's been about 92 days and it still feels like yesterday the pain beded deep in my veins ,consumed with anger over whelmed with rejection. My mind clutter with different view points and different angles a lot of assumptions and replaying a lot of tuning out and editing from a factual experience . I spent half of those days crying and the other half repairing , have you ever tried fixing somethin...
Thursday 5th April 2018 5:39 am
Daddy Issues
You know at first anytime I showed you vulnerability and affection I felt weak ,then I realized that I am a woman and vulnerability and love was my super powers . So then I realized that abandonment and not feeling good enough, and seeking for approval, and love ,became the norm when dealing with you and it felt so familiar bc it was .Daddy issues of my own ,hoping you can save me from them ,looki...
Thursday 5th April 2018 5:36 am
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