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I am turning to face the sun, ready to face her burning power. Will I be guided or blinded by her strong glare? Sometimes I falter in the game that is called life. I have many talents and I know quite a bit but there is always more waiting to be shown. I am like an eagle, majestic in flight, but life says that the eagle can fall so easily. I have a girl who is my king f...

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You feel like a wounded bird tumbling down from the heavens with a broken wing dragging you down. The sky spins around in a crazy swirl of emptiness, you’re falling so fast you seem to be standing still. You wonder what will it be like when you hit the earth, to become one with God. Will it hurt, will you suffer, or will it be so fast that you won’t even notice? Every spin on...

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Fingerprint Cliché

Fingerprint Cliché

My dream took me into the darkest reaches of my mind

So far inside I met the black part of me where it all is

The grief of my dad who only recently died

All my past actions that hurt people and caused pain

The wrong parts of me still alive and hiding there

All this and more that I forget upon waking

A natural barrier that can’t be penetrated just now

It t...

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I see what you do to your fellow man, bombing him with weapons that obliterate him and destroy all before it. No mercy at all. You get told to do, when to pull the trigger or to push the button, if you refuse then you die. Think what you do to women and kids, they can’t experience life.

Their freedom whipped away, a candle flame snuffed out. Men of other nations go to stop yo...

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