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I suppose it’s funny, the things that life throws at me, how it all goes to fuck by the slightest mistake! Am I destined to fail at everything I do, with defeat waiting in the wings to bring my eagle down? How does one know when a good day crashes down? I know many things but there’s always more just waiting to be shown. I have some scary weird dreams I don’t understan...

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It’s a fine line between victory and defeat. In the heat of battle do you know which is which? Think of the difference between genius and insanity, when does a brilliant mind fall over the edge? If someone spreads rumours between you and your girl, who do you believe? This is the game of life, when a wrong becomes a right and vice versa. We all go from one extreme to the other, at so...

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Different Days



Different Days

A day like no other for several reasons

I found out my wife is a man with a hidden penis


A day like no other for several reasons

For somebody stole the engine from my car


A day like no other for several reasons

Due to me falling into the river and drowning


A day like no other for several reasons

As my credit card was cloned three time...

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poem from book One Thousand Plastic Trinkets Nick Armbrister


More Wanted

How many people have it all and want more?

Just one more toffee from the box

Or one more lady to make love to

Or a car 10 miles per hour faster

Is the grass always greener?

Step over the fence to see

There’s no way back over tho

Make a choice and away you go

Cross your fingers it’s better

Are all people like this?

May I look inside their heads?


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It will take time to adjust to this new reality
There will be good days and bad days on the way
Along with other pre-discerned times unmentionable
Where life will be Mad Max esque and totally lawless
What will I do at such times and what will life do to me?
Tea and biscuits with pals or robbing banks with sawn offs?
Or both...

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Choice Made

Choice Made

This is what I don't like about my parents dying

The awful fucking grief that kills me inside

The knowing I won't see them again in this world

I will have to wait till I cross to the other side

How will I find myself for the rest of my life?

Wondering knowing feeling hating these emotions

And thoughts that have never ever been like this before

It almost feels li...

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old soul

old soul

good you understand 

not many do 

some are judgemental

yes its possible 

to have too much 

of a good thing

living on a mountain than hikes

we are all old souls

some just dont realize

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On Camera

On Camera

My life is like a movie

Seeing that replica Mustang roll in and crash at the airshow

My life is like a movie

Witnessing an ex dealer who'd just been shot in his home

My life is like a movie

Viewing Oldham riots on TV that were five minutes away

My life is like a movie

Gazing down upon Manila Bay at the enduring sunrise from Bataan

My life is like a movie


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Sing me a song of life and times together,

do me a guitar ballad of mesmerising heart strings

being pulled ever so delicately.

My end game here in this town of a quarter of a million,

to a city 28 times bigger. Got me a girl and a job

and a future down there, what my own home town failed

to give me, of how it failed me ever so bad.

Not due to my efforts...

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Why do I care for the dead more than the living?

Is it because the living are moody

Can double cross me

Always lie to me

Ruin my day in a thousand ways

Make unreasonable demands of me

Want all my time for their demands

And so much fricking more

I made the right choice

Prioritize the dead

And satirize the living

Who will all be dead in 100 years

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Why do I feel like this?

Inside of me deep within.

A tempest of emotions and thoughts and feelings.

A real wind blown cliche.

Leaving me teary eyed.

Wpiping tears away when no one sees.

Thinking of my life.

How things could be different.

What I should've done different.

Or not done at all.

Oh the list is long.

As is my list of woes.

If I could redo it all, I wou...

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inner thoughtslifeevents

to what

to what 
what to write
what to think
what to do
what to say
what to dispose
what to ask
what to answer
what to design
what to suggest
what to refuse
what to confirm
what to dream
what to add
what to discuss
what to tattoo
what to read
what to eat
what to drink
what to be
what to fuck
what to shoot
what to bomb
what to corrupt
what to believe
what to dismiss
what to slaugh...

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listto dolife


right now i miss you very much
this feeling inside that
i feel you will shrug off
for too much has happened
we've seen too much
done way too much
for this to matter to you
or me but it's there
right inside me
not going but residing
the feeling that i miss you
and we should of done more
gone to more places
cared for one another more
loved the other more
instead of fighting

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This life, these actions, the situations,

the people I meet, cars I drive, places I go.

All of the above make a life, my life.

What do you make of it?

The same as I do or something different?

Do you sum it up simply or in a complicated way?

My own views are hidden, known only to me.

Should I share them with you?

Is that wise? Not just yet.

There's more to follow...

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The weight of the world on a spider’s web.

Everything is relative, life force flows in each blade of glass.

In each house is a guy or a gal just like me.

I see them from the Edge. This epiphany is mine.

Soon to leave my northern lands, south bound.

Writing to where? Autumn views from

Oldham Edge. When will I return?



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heavy worldthin weblifemepeopleevents




Here we are celebrating harvest time,

a once a year event so important to everyone

of us, man and best alike. We light a candle,

burn some incense and drink some wine

in an offering to the gods at this sacred time of year.

You can feel the magical power all around you

coming from within and from the universe both at once.

We eat some bread and ...

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harvest timepagan festivalclose to natureplants and cropsfruit and veglife



Ireland is death.                                                                                                                

Death is an island.                                                                                                            

Hope transmutes all.                                                                                                      ...

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This high brick wall borders East and West, a Cold War frontier that symbolises the divisions between two mindsets. A time of paranoia and of being taken away in the night, soldiers only following orders, you’re going to the East, not to be seen again as you’re an enemy of the state, Stassi style.

For those who resist and fight there is only one option, eliminate ...

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cold warberlin walleast v westgunslifedeathhistorygermany



Old Hammer Divine

My anxiety is like an ambush predator.

WHAM! I’m fucked...

...fight back!


It’s fucked.


Would you manage a year in my head?

Would you?

Could you?

Should you?


I think you should...


...if you’re man enough then inbox me.

Into my head you shall go...


A mirror image of my town.

Shame it’s not Be...

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The mighty planet Earth slowly turns on its own axis through space.

There is only one planet Earth with all its myriad forms of life.

A lot of this life has been here long before Man, so long before.

When Man came he was the hunter in skins and fur.

Today he is the hunted by his own kind and the skin is burned from his back.

The planet is never c...

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planet earthplanet in spacelifeman is violent





What a life, running on twin rigid train tracks going to a certain point

but how easy it is to come off then end up hurt!

You see, this is life and we are all in it together coping how we can to do our bit.

I do things differently than you. Sometimes I succeed while others I fail.

At least when I’m down I can say I’m not the only one.

There are o...

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human spiritbehaviourlifepeople

OUT/IN series of mad poems 2001




So we went out to see a film, with cars and music:

The Fast and The Furious. It’s like old times, you know,

Nick and Deb, when we had that thing.

Now the film ends and we go to your house,

reality hits home in the usual way.

The bloke you met sends you a text “Hello beautiful…”

and then I know it’s time to leave.

The trauma starts as I realise, th...

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nick and deb split upbe friendsnew love interestshead fucklife





We fly towards the new millennium in a heady rush

of life not knowing where it will end,

or if this is only the beginning of the rest of our lives.

Who has fucked who, who is at war,

who loved who? It all seems inconsequential

compared to the death of the millennium.

Will we be happy or sad when those seconds fall

on a virgin new year?


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Brave people take control and change their lives.

Stuck in a boring job, just for the money.

Stuck in a loveless marriage, just for the kids.

Stuck with a knackered old car, falling to bits.

It’s up to you to make happiness and change your life.




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stuck in a rutchange for the bettersituationimprovelife




We were together after I was alone for so many long awful months; it seems I cope best when I’m happy with a gal. My friend Karen sees this, anyhow you left me after three months and looking back I see we’d of never worked. I saw you a couple of times, one after I’d been on a date with another strange gal in Manchester; I felt rather strange seeing you in town and you looking...

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romancenew gallifesimilar interests




Hey mate you're in the bank of idiots. You had the lady and acted out of character. Do you regret your actions? The art is in your house with positive sentiments off the lady. Signed with love and kisses, like her letter was. Do you still keep the letter and read it? What do you feel? I bet you like her art; it reminds you of your brief time together. In the pub she talk...

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To be a Goth, do I have to suffer so? Have loneliness burn into my soul, sadness fill my heart, loss bring me to my knees?

All I have is my life and a few songs to help me by in this endless grey world of mine,

no Goth girl to save me, no real escape from this morose existence to gain ascendancy to the heavens.

A soul mate I yearn for, to escape the barest mini...

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lifedarknessaloneendsuicide held at baymusicgothic





It’s hard to leave you all behind

all those times we laughed together,

once my friends but now no more.

All the special girls gone for good,

“Yes I’ll love you forever more”—

now just an aching memory.

Where are they now?

Do they think of me or block me out?

If only I could say sorry to those I’ve hurt,

turn the cloc...

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Strange lights in the sky tell that something is wrong.

The continents are shifting and our planet is dying

in her ageless agony.

When the world splits open we will all perish

in Armageddon, but a new beginning will finally come.

It will take so long, maybe fifty million years

but who then will inherit the earth?

How long can man really stay he...

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So tell me, is it because I dared to do what I wasn’t meant to

that you turned against me?

Having feelings for my sworn enemy, doing the thing I was sworn

not to, my love turning me a traitor to my cause,

my religion and all my beliefs?

The way the cards fall are often the strangest hand of all.

To save an enemy from the grave, her grave,


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lifebetrayalex friendsforbidden loveactions





I live in the desert on my own little farm near the damn secret airbase where they do their testing. My grandpa saw your nuclear tests in the 50s shook our walls and gave him cancer. I sued the government and got $36,000 a fortune back then. Re-vamped this old farm and met a girl who worked at the base, her car broke down on the road and she became my wife. She ha...

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lifecouplealiensufomilitarymen in blackincident





I’m one of the boys; I’m one of them who lives in my southern English town of Witches’ Elbow.

We just love it in our quaint little town by the sea, we chill out on the beach on the long summer nights, drinking warm beer and making love on the sand dunes knowing these moments will last forever.

I’m originally from the north and moved to Witches’ Elbow coz I ...

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movingnorth to southladsjoblifestoryseavillagejourney





She sings in such hushed vocal tones one second,

then she shatters glass in an attack of tragic beauty the next.

The truths and traumas of life seem so real and painful when her voice glides over them,

after all, isn’t this the life that you and I and her live?

We are all in the same boat on this rough ocean at the mercy of the gale.

If we...

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You’re a passenger of life livin’ out your remainin’ days on borrowed time.

You stick two fingers up to the world, life for you is not an oasis but it’s a charred blackened shell.

You steal from anyone to feed your dirty habit, as you slowly deteriorate in your own little hell.

When they find you dead in your bath, a load of needles by your side, w...

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Every generation has its own hard men

who rule the block, kick the new kids ass’s.

Who rule every bar, don’t take no for an answer,

are not to be messed with and demand respect.

They use the weapons of their trade, knives,

brass knuckles, guns, bats and more.

Take them away and their fists are a back up,

sure fire way of defence, offence.


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hard mentoughfightlifegeneration





So it is time, love is dead, I have no girl only desolate loneliness

spreading out inside me, sadness leaving tears beyond belief

in this dark hour of my blackness. Mental instability threatens

my very existence, brings trauma and flashbacks, past into focus,

fight as I might. Breaking down to cry in anger at my own loneliness,

find a knife in my...

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love is deadpainlifefailunhappinessdeath





I know a girl who is such a babe.

She walks down the street looking really cool,

not caring who looks at her ample curves.

You can’t have her coz she is mine

but I don’t mind you looking

but please don’t touch.

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Scotland, beautiful land, land of the sky, clouds
hugging your mountains, mist in the glens.
Deep black lochs full of mystery and monsters,
age-old secrets for very few to find.
Everyone can see the beauty of this land,
next to England but a million miles away.
Once we were enemies but now friends,
a country with so many moods and colours,
the sky, timeless in her ...

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My mate sent some song lyrics to me, by some band. I read them after reading my story on my nuclear armed stealth jet being used in anger. I’m trying to make sense of the cold war I grew up in now, so many years later. It’s so crazy. The younger kids have no idea but my mate does, he’s only 21 but he tries to understand what it was like growing up under the shadow ...

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lifecold wareast v westbloc of opposing forcesbeliefspasthistory




I see what you do to your fellow man, bombing him with weapons that obliterate him and destroy all before it. No mercy at all. You get told to do, when to pull the trigger or to push the button, if you refuse then you die. Think what you do to women and kids, they can’t experience life.

Their freedom whipped away, a candle flame snuffed out. Men of other nations go to stop yo...

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I’ve been on an eight mile hike with my mate, getting out of town.                                                               

Up roads, to the Waterworks to give a witch my Amelia Earhart spell.                                                                                    

Venturing through farmer’s fields, over dry stone walls and under barbed wire fences.      ...

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Peace across the skies, across the continent, for now.

Across all those people, all those faces, all those minds and lives.

Many millions died for that peace, now only fragmented memories

gone forever, forgotten by this generation but remembered by

God and Satan. All the blood has dried into the cracked earth and

the guns are silent as we trust our...

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She is the girl from Sheffield who turns heads wherever she goes.

Her name is Anne and she is a uni girl, into bands and cheap student beer.

I met her on the bus while she was going gigging; she invited me along

and away we went to see the next big thing. At that moment I knew she’d

be mine, this raven haired girl from a foreign place unknown.


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sheffield galpoemsextogetherbuslife




Aliens don’t care about our plight, if you live or die, nah they don’t give a fuck. See a man shot dead, UFO could have zapped the shooter and stopped it. Grey aliens abducting drug dealers before they sell their evil drugs, not gonna happen!

What to do next? Ask the US president to do a protocol with aliens to stop crime on earth, would it actually work? What do we do? Do ...

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I want to die in a machine and get my limbs crushed and my blood thrown upon burning metal and to die, to die, TO DIE!! I don’t fit into this world, no day job moving shit brown boxes from A2B in a warehouse, no long term girlfriend to love me and be there for me when I feel down, few real mates to back me up balls to the wall.

See on TV speeding bikes w...

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hmmm is this about me...





All he ever wanted to do was to improve his life, make a better life for himself and not be a lazy freeloader. Certain people thought he'd never make it; this view rubbed off on him through time and really depressed him. He was determined to show them they were wrong, that he wasn't lazy and could prove something to first himself, then them and finally the world.


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In the belly of the beast, dwelling within where the monster can't get to me, I'm safe for now. Will the beast stir and sense me inside? Find me and pull me out of his gut? Am I Jonah inside the whale? Safe or ask risk? Time will tell. Thinking I'm going to be free when I'm out there in the world, my world keeps ...

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THINK poem

Do you want to renounce violence against other people on a personal scale and on an international level, where countries are bombed and shelled? This isn’t good, people are injured and die. Think what happens if I hit someone and kill him with one punch, this does happen. If a mortar falls and kills a dozen people in a busy market place.
What does it solve? Each person has a relative ...

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unreal poem on a crazy sad event


Young French woman is very pregnant and about to give birth to a baby. She lives in a remote area so the air ambulance helicopter is called, a state of the art Eurocopter with a highly trained crew. Modern helicopter and trained crew, they know what they’re doing. Pick up the girl to take her to hospital, arrive in style in a cool chopper. Time moves on exceedingly fast, medic ab...

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poem on my ex and a decade on when we passed 1 another


You don’t see me;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 you ignore me totally cos I mean nowt to you.                                                                          ...

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ageingwomanex girlfriendignorelife

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