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sales (Remove filter)

Recent Comments

Change Time

Change Time
Do some reps miss the selling?
When they’re between call centre jobs
Not able to close a sale for B2B
Or get a Sirius XM radio upgrade
What of reps doing tech support
Fixing broken TVs and infra-red heaters

Same shit different shift on and on
Dial dial inbound joy call queuing
Sup call where’s your TL?
They’re MIA having a secret smoke
While the reps struggle on
This shif...

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salestech supportcall centre



Look how happy the reps are

Eating the free pizza

Given by the client

Some reps have 1 piece

Another ate 16 pieces

Talk about greedy!

Free coffee was given

As only coffee went with pizza

On a call centre night shift

Plus Pepsi cold 2 litres

Wish it was drink all you can

Don’t be selfish now!

Think of your team mates

You're on the account together


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the way you feel inside/this is sales/nothing else is like this/that's why you feel this way

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salesmake or breakchasing numbers

28 Users

28 Users
It was only the 2nd work day of the month
He had exceeded the monthly sales targets
In just 2 days it broke all records
He got a 3 user sale on day 1
And on day 2 he got a 25 user sale!
The biggest user count in the account
It was like is this real?
Now he wanted more success...




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salesmetricsfeel good

Metallica Calls

Metallica Calls

The guy listens to Metallica online while taking calls off customers

His TL knows of this and lets him do it for the rep gets good sales

Each and every day 4 or more sales earning a nice incentive

Rewards and Recognition days are a breeze he sells the items

Coffee makers toasters microwaves rice cookers fridges etc

He could have his own kitchen wares distribution ...

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Big Fat 0

Big Fat 0

The rep ended the year with 0 sales

There were 10 selling reps in total

9 got sales and 1 didn’t get any

The other 9 got between 1 and 11

Number 10 rep was pegged at 0

He got 7 sales in October

And 5 in November but before then

Both August and September were 0

Why are the rep’s sales up and down?

He doesn’t know and does his best

He would have 2 or 3 but ...

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salescall centrebad metrics

Managers’ Monday

Managers’ Monday

The agents dial the leads and opportunities to try to get sales

One rep has 77 manual dials and no more

Another had 47 manual dials plus 340 outbound dials

Others have similar numbers none under 200

The 88 rep got beasted off his sup for laziness

And was made to promise to step up and do more calls

Each agent had to count then report the call numbers

The TL...

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salescall centrepressure

Power Mad

Power Mad

The power mad manager threatened to fire the worker

Who made a customer’s account so he could get the sale

This never happened for the manager saw it happen

Cancelled the new account almost fired the worker

Never said well done for using initiative or adeptness

He was power tripping made an example of him

Nobody will create a new account without my Yes!

Even if it...

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salespower tripping bosscall centre

Move It

Move It

Let the bosses deal with the shit

It’s what they’re paid for

Why should we concern ourselves?

We have our own demons to slay

There are other opportunities out there

Not just their cheap scandalous account

Let’s move on get something better

Away from their hostility mind set and vices

I plan on being an astronaut

What about you?

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