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The Magnitude of Love

The Magnitude of Love


      Every sentiment has been written before,

Every ounce of love mentioned

In prayers and wishes;

Done in deeds and actions,

But we are born again

To say it over and over,

     And I’ll never tire of repeating it -

Will never succumb to

A weariness that defies

All emotion!


     They play and

I am humbled from

Their high vanta...

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A Worlds End

Hello guys, I have a poem here that I have entered. It makes reference to space and distant galaxies and such, so I have included the latest track I have produced to go alongside it. It doesn't have any vocals to the track and is only there to add to the experience of the piece. I hope you like both the track and the poem.


A Worlds End


     I sit here, my quest stone - broke

My ...

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Dying PlanetSpaceloneliness

A Crimson Respect

A Crimson Respect


     A poppy – red bold in bloom

Hold’s sorrows head low and stooped,

The wilting pride of yesteryear now

Besieged by conflicting forms of politics;

Still bleeds the same as every death -

Every ‘Ypres’ since then,


     They argue,

Instil the battle never dies on foreign fields


Upon the souls of Britain’s

Sacrificial lambs,


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The Death of All Hope

The Death of All Hope


     There is always the counterstrike,

A reply to anything and everything encouraged,

Every altruistic benevolent deed,  

Any reference at all to gestures of good will,


      It  has always existed;- teasing and tarnishing a good many -

And make null and void - every positive thought,

No choice but to experience its wrath,

None understanding...

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Such Fallacy As This

Such Fallacy As This


     There is nothing but the obvious,

For from the obvious we’re born,

     No more heroes,

No more true delinquents,

Just distasteful decomposing memes

With visions that tease a humanity

Bereft of skills!


     Should we care,

Should we dare dream

That feelings remain

Intact after the keel haul,

     Are we, like those we pay pass...

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Chambers of Death

Chambers of Death


     The duel,

Makes liars and cowards of each,

Sends us brave into quarrels bold of design,

     And it’s very perplexing but oh so fulfilling,

Killing the gospel, for shilling and fare,

     And we’re -

Daring the speak of the masculine soldier,

Not wanting neither the truth or the falsehood,

Battling the conscience for doubt or for ego;


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war ptsd

A Violent Snub

I know music with prose is not everyones cup of tea. But I do hope you give it a go. 

A Violent Snub


You believe in God do you?

And state that all existence is down to karma,

In your eyes, if you are the recipient of bad luck,

It is Karma. 

For the child that had his face torn open

By a Machette in Rwanda, It is karma.

For the refugees of Iraq that cannot scream f...

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To Dust

To Dust

How I walk, 
How I stumble, fall 
Then gather my senses,
Get up and stride again,
Now I see the dead before me,
Slouching, crawling,
Staring and vacant,
Their last look of fear
Tells all; Quatermass
Be once again upon us.

Ghosts of Mars extinguish
All life, and I see them too,
The same vacant look upon
A grotesque and disfigured face,

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nuclear war

The Vile, The Disgusting

The Vile, The Disgusting



We have a new PM,

A burning of injustice fighter,

An unelected with assets that,

That wreak, of injustice.


But what does that mean to you,

What does it mean to a soldier?

Those willing to lay down

Their lives for freedom of country,

For freedoms of the Vile,

The Disgusting;

‘The Rich!’


Michael J Waite 14th July 2016


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Beyond the Bunker


Beyond the Bunker. 

     There is a contender - a threat to Man's 
Disgraceful history born of self,
It doesn't belong to Id, 
But seats itself firmly in a house
That comforts the lazy, 
     It totes a spliff of ignorance,
Getting high as it passes with 
Kindred that have 'done'
With themselves,
Shining their eyes with only
Murder in mind for anyone
Keen to disturb their pret...

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A Worthy Fellow

A Worthy Fellow


    One day in deep regret,

With no affection upon myself –

I declared;

     ‘I have not done enough,

     There is yet more I could do upon the world.’


Is that you my friend?

Is that you?


     I shouldn’t have gone,

Shouldn’t have left,

Should have kept the two twenty-six

SLR rifle for mine own and robbed -

The four by two to drag...

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The Dulled Compass

The Dulled Compass


     Humanity has not recoiled,

It’s still gorging on new found psychologies,

New found violations that incarcerate a soul;

     New found paradoxes,

New found sentences for innocent rejoice!


There is no rebuke,

No counterpoint - no random assertions,

No incriminations – just you, and I.


And you’re there,

Pitching a battle for authori...

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Resolutions Encore

Resolutions Encore


     The year was never meant to be,

Not this year – it cannot possibly,

     For deceased is how I am -

Dead before the man,

At least, that’s how I thought!


     Pain killers make me retch,

The taste repeating an event

Outside this loan of life,

And my God I am married with wife,

Children too - all of whom I adore,

Yet I cannot help bu...

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Between Scenes

Between Scenes



Between scenes there are pauses to recollect,

To regroup, rekindle, revisit, admire and replay again,

But not for the reluctant actor!

The reluctant actor,

     Never ‘acts’ the norms and values

Determined to ridicule life,

He’ll not conform to sadistic

Undertakings written with desires on wit,

     She’ll not surrender the question –


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Live On - Awake Till Death

Live On – Awake Till Death


Aye Aye Aye


Aye Aye


So what are you dreaming,

What visions are keeping you entertained night, and day??

Loved ones, hated ones - winning ones - losing ones.


What’s on your mind?

That’s what ‘they’ want to know!

That’s the secret see, keeping it to yourself,

Keeping it all to yourself,

Your dreams, your fantasy’s, no matte...

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Life's Own - Ill

Life’s Own - Ill


     What World we could write,

If we valued all life,

A tenacious understanding

To protect all that’s living,

Be a human worth being!


Then what of death?

     No longer a morbid curiosity,

     But the celebration of what had chance,

What breathed and gave fruit,

What lived by the Sun, Stars and Moon.


     What is here and now?


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Apocalypse Song

Apocalypse Song


     The human offering to war is quick,

Never fully thought through or negotiated,

     It is the dullest of symposiums

Where bombs blast the ears,

The body, limbs and head,

And it’s always bought and paid for –

Always money to protract

Its insanity,

     Always a labour force to

Manufacture the bullets,

Always a queue of fresh faces

To add...

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Wood, has life,

Has meaning beyond the browns and greens,

     And they talk,

Give alarm and signal – danger,

     Animals thrive beneath -

Above and beyond and I;-

In my loneliness have met

With their solitude and know

The roots that tether,

The roots that bind to places

Outside of their belief,

Are never chosen for their own.


     They are...

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No Intellect of Mine

No Intellect of Mine


     I am not so terrible,

I am not what you call ‘twisted,’

     But I am disturbed,

I am touched by so much pain

That in some way,

     I can only recognise it as love,

For love is not all roses and chocolates,

That’s if I am to believe those

Whom have wielded the whip!



So frightening I do not

Inflict so much pa...

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There Is No Enemy

There Is No Enemy


     Don’t surround yourself with negative people!

They say,

     Tones of propaganda and brainwashing

Committed to the none committed


Let’s take a good look at what

This cliché known as Earth expects,

Expects of each and every citizen,

Citizens born upholding compassion,

Now trained in each and every kind

Of killing.



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Northern Lights

Northern Lights


     She must be so tired –

     Plotted all along

To move this way,

     And she’s big,

Too big for rings – more-so

Her moons can never tether

Tails to secure her,

     And yet,

She is not so free,


     She twists and bows daily,

And she is neither cold or hot but both,

     But if wanting for reason

To her existence I am sure,


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Never A Lie, Never A Lie

Hello you guys, please see the art in this before labelling it grandiose.

Best wishes from Noetix.


Never A Lie,

     Never a Lie!



     I like it so – when things are natural,

When we don’t need ask what comes next between us,

When we latch each other’s gaze and never look away

When our union ventures the psychic realm -

     And we know,

We know the love ...

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Migrations To Life

Migrations To Life


     Out there I found my calling,

Loud, voluminous shining

Singing bright and wide!


     See the World they said,

See how the third World lives too,

For it is tougher than the

Ghetto speak of Manchester,

Rougher than the drug dens

Where the lens of an eye

Claims its prize of blood upon

Rooms filled with offerings

Of scag;


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     I am like you!

Breathing the same air

And walking the same ball

As they, tolerating this

Poor existence -

While destroying everything;

The monsters play,

     And God save me from

Their cliché,

     Let not future

History be written

As heresy for

We all change

The nearer personal

Outcomes we become.


     Life be a - forev...

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D. O. A.......An Ode To The Pathetique!

D. O. A.


     A narcissi they call him,

They cannot see the neglected

Offering of youth,

More is to the point,

(it doesn’t serve their ego)!

     He never knew -

His father,

His mother;

He once begged her to write

To him, write all she knew

About the world that rejected,


     She didn’t care,

     Didn’t care at all!


      He watched the...

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     I could grow my hair long,

Manifest a beard,

Wear a robe and don a crown,

But then,

     I couldn’t be a gimp like that,

Taking it up the arse for all humanity

To try impress a father,

     Alas, I would rather

Watch the world pray

To an absent God as,

End of days is now upon us.


     I could protrude some horns,

Change the colour of my ...

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Upon Deaf Ears

Upon Deaf Ears


Some are using foodbanks,


Other’s in the January sales,


Some believe in God,


Those believing in Allah,



The gun carriers,


Children at school,


A black man


A white man


A black woman


A white woman,





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The Future Harvest

The Future Harvest


     It isn’t new,

Except if you’re at year zero

And we talked, really talked

Of having more,

     But the thought

Of bringing another child

Another lifeform

To this world,

Sparked only nightmares

And fear for the bairns

Already born,

     Let alone,

     Let alone; a new soul.



Has been condemned already,


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