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     The deception wasn’t warranted,

We only came to see the heavens,

To spiral through galaxies from the Black Hole

Hidden within the Sun,

     To find the paradise that across the universe,

Holds everything, in awe!


     The deception

Came so fast, collected

All aboard for incarceration

And for what,

For why in this quarter do

We sit wit...

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All For Love

All For Love


Love is not your hope,

Love, is not the dope that brings tranquil waters,

Love, is not kicking fuck,

Out of the partner seeking to destroy your heart,

Love, is not to celebrate retaliatory abuse,

When protecting your own children,


We only know it to be false,

Love never, makes a man

Humble at the caress and the touch,

Love, is always tr...

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The Devil Be In Our Ignorance

The Devil Be In Our Ignorance


     We balk at the treatment of children,

When shouts upon the Dark Continent label

Them as witches,


Here in Europe,

Here among the Christians who

Claim the higher ground,

     The copper coloured top

Upon a babe, can signal superstitious ways,


     Some will shout a blasphemy,

Some will clearly move away,

Some ...

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Waking Moments

A clever man can manipulate a people,

By tarnishing the wise as fools,

But the real fools upon this day,

Are those that follow blindly - everything he says,


He’ll shout upon the rafters

The stupidity of compassion;–

Fashioning thoughts from those

In fear in poverty,

He’s keeping ignorant.


He’ll claim he knows a better way,

And how his politic is best,


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No-one Really Understood Until the Blood Sapped From Their Face!



     They must feel quite the superior being,

Leading you away,

Taking you away by force –

If necessary,

     And it’s thirty years on

Since the book of the dead

Became the reality we all fear for,

     Who can truly state they are alive –

     Who can say they can express to the full –

     Liberty and freedoms??


     Thirty years on the technology


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Seasons of Blood and Humanity's Cloth

Seasons of Blood and Humanity’s Cloth



     My skin, is your skin,

My eyes are yours too,

I see the same things as you,

In every macabre detail!


     I see the smiles,

I hear the cries,

I feel the heart only knowing

Our love,

     I feel the tension

In a town where the burning boy lives,

And the old are beaten to death;

     What choice;-

for - ...

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King Only of Fools

Nobody, Likes the Pious



     Do you think Mr Cameron,

Do you really think you’re above pain?

Do you think Mr Duncan Smith,

Do you believe you’re an isolated case

     Of rage?

Do you see like I,

The Syrian Children

Sleeping between corpses

Of dad and ma,

Do you, in full

Conservative fashion,

Rebuke the cries of war?


Are you really sure,


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A Jealous Recreation - Denied

A Jealous Recreation - Denied



     I got on the central line just to evade

The putrid smell of the green perfume,

     Even then,

I could smell it so badly,

So badly it brought back

The memories of being upstairs

On the one six three to Piccadilly Gardens,


     ‘Is every cunt and his dog on it?’

A garage attendant remarked to me earlier,

Having served a...

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What’s your life worth? What’s it really worth in monetary value? Maybe, you’re thinking ‘my life is worth more than money!’ Well let me put you straight on that, it isn’t. It isn’t worth any high ideals, nor is it what we term priceless in monetary value. I will tell you what your life is worth and that is……….nothing! Your family and friends, now they may differ, they may say, you’re worth a mint...

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Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity


     Some years ago,

I wrote a letter of hope,

It was addressed to you as if,

     As if you cared how people felt,

It talked of young people  – their world

And our fears for their future,

And begged of you a look at

Alternative realities,


I should have saved the money

For the stamp!


     Four years,

Four years it took t...

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The World Be Nothing We Own

The World Be Nothing We Own



     I am so tired from all that’s been said,

I am so very tired from all that I’ve heard,

I have spoken my mind but that means nothing,

For my mind has been ill for many a year,

And to think most declare themselves sane

In a world full of madness,

Just does not equate to all that I’ve seen,

People in ignorance not realizing

All that...

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For My Family

For My Family


     I don’t want to die my love,

Not yet, not while the bairns are so small,

I don’t want to die

     And leave you a widow

And the kids without their father,

I have courted the coffin before

But not now, not with all the battles

We’ve won for Wyatt and Sahara.


     My intellect has often robbed me

In the past, my tongue believing there are


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Humility's Loss

Humility’s Loss


     What is the right of passage to greatness?

What can we reasonably expect from life?

Who can we help with our last dying breath?

What can be learned of our-self?




     The struggle remains fully conversant

With our thoughts upon hope,

We are each here to learn humility,

We each seek meaning in all this defamatory,

While wishing in ...

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Let Not The Ink Run Dry

Let Not The Ink Run Dry



     I share because I care

And dare to say words

That some find ill at ease,

     But one thing

I’ve found within

The realms of poetry,

We’re all as daring as each,

We all open our minds our

Hearts our soul and speak,

     And yes,

I see we’re all hankering

For change,

     I see many

Who care just as much

As me, and i...

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PoetsWarWritingDon't Give Up





     Alone the Kings stand,

Preparing for war again and again,

Their foe their equal pacifist state,

Humouring the torso without the will to speak,

     So many haunted,

So many taunted,

So many a serf leaves behind

Morality and normalcy,

So many the people tire

Then tire some more,


     The Kings are at will,

Their demons the paranoid

Of ...

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Pissing Against The Wind

Pissing Against The Wind


     We know it’s bad,

We know within and without

Till our core screams for clemency –

The taking of another’s life,

     But we never let peace

Never seem to want peace to evolve,

We’re clinging on to both

The rifle and the bible,

The sabre and the Koran,

Teaching children – it’s okay

To kill in the name of deities,

     Deities we...

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Hurt Beyond the Medicine

They all laugh,

They all laugh and don’t give a fuck,

But if it happened to any of their


     You wouldn’t want to look!


I may as well be dead,

I may as well have caught the round,

I may as well be six foot under and,

I may as well be dead.


Let the comedy commence,

Let them reel off every word,

Let them peel away the many layers

Of a human be...

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On Drink

On Drink


I drink like I’m a bastard,

Some say it suits me thus,

A soldiers quarrel with hard knock life,

And feelings bordering gluttonous,


Yet inside of me the clown refrains,

Let’s sorrow evolve its incubus,

Gives depressive daily states of pain;

The tears that bleed for all of us!


Michael J Waite 2nd September 2014.




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A Librarians Concern

A Librarians Concern



     Once the word has been written,

You cannot necessarily erase it,

For no matter how hard you rub

The page,

     The word remains.


     You could if you so wished,

Rub so hard that the page itself,

Becomes tatty and frayed,

Leaving blemishes

Upon the page underneath,

A page that may have been

A future not yet written,


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Big Brother.

Who Goes There?

Who Goes There?


     So what do you do

When you’re a racing car driver

Without the car?

     What then do you do

To occupy the time and

How do you set your goals?

     I guess, like me

You lose your marbles

As you try to comprehend

The life ‘they’ laugh at you for -

And it’s no joke really,

For, how do you become

A wordsmith when you’re education -


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The Farming of Innocense

The Farming of Innocense


     You know me God,

After all you’ve done,

After all that makes no sense,

      You’re circling right above

Each time I leave the house,


It’s not much of a house,

Not like the houses that state

Pageantry and jolly hockey sticks at dawn,

Still, what the fuck would you know,

Or perhaps Princess Anne,

The Queen or her devot...

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The Habitable Zone

Hey there fellow poets and writers, I know some of you may be a little miffed at my musical offerings, my wordage put to music, but I cannot seem to stop this kind of creativity. I guess it's in me. I just hope you don't get too upset by my wafflings. This track may have you crying, or laughing, either way, I hope it puts a smile on your face and that you enjoy it. All words and music are my own d...

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An Apathetic State of Being

An Apathetic State of Being



We’re all here,

Complaining of life love

The Gaza Strip and Syria,

But we’re not compelled to

React the way some

Still have the balls to express,

And I guess,

It’s not for want

Of compassion,

It’s just that,

We’re tired,

We’re not the makings

Of epic feelings or

Playing to the gallery

On any particular crusade,


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Beyond the Realms of Murder

Beyond The Realms of Murder



     They paid their respects in their own way,

Not too far away from present time,

Their only trace they’d ever been,

They thought of them as primitive,

Giving little confidence in their successes,


     So slow, so slow

They progressed.


Upon higher council,

Time and time again

The case was argued for interventi...

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Balance of Emotions

Balance of Emotions



     Someone take the cot away,

For the child was never wanted,

Someone take the bottles and bibs,

For this child wasn’t born through courtship,

Take the rubber pants,

The terry towelling nappies,

Take the vests and bodysuits,

The pram and all his dummies


Take the gloves and booties,

The teddy bear that stares,

Take away his curly...

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The Brave and The Battered

The Brave and the Battered


(Pushing Through Life With Scattered Their Hearts)


     In-line hypnosis,

We all know it happens

We all fear it,

We all wonder in later years

Why is it, there is something

Missing from memory,


     Everyone’s looking on,

Brushing over the details

In favour of exasperation,

     And they’re all marvelling

At such a vivid ...

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An Essay On State Sponsored Child Abuse

Ah yes, the sixties! The Beatles, poker dot bikinis, Carnaby Street and Free Love. Yes yes, the sixties with retarded children bum fucked for being put up for adoption! Have I caught your attention oh quiet populous of Britain? Some information came my way some years ago, that children who were put in adoption homes back in the late sixties - early seventies, were experimented on by our own UK Mil...

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child abusethe unknowingmothers taboo subjects.

The Love You Knew We Could Be

The Love You Knew We Could Be


I miss my cousin,

I miss more I miss people,

Real people neither white ghosts

Or black shadows, but people,


I miss life too,

Always have done as I sit

Nursing injury and wondering,

Wondering whether

They are nearer cures.

Or whether my hopes should fade?


I long for my death when I shall live

Once again,

Live amongs...

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'Like An Angry Woman'

Like An Angry Woman


     I could feel it growing deep inside my chest,

A slow pain stinging,

Making me grasp my side

As I tried control its hold,-

It made me lurch,

Made me stoop

And double over

Yet I carried it every day.


     ‘You’ll not come here again,’ –

She said through clenched teeth,

I clutched my chest

But nodded in agreement,

My eyes winci...

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Considered Fit for Human Consumption

Considered Fit For Human Consumption



     She thought it was oh so funny

Did Mrs Mclure,

She laughed so much

And so, did her children,

Pointing and jeering at the boy

She used as a mop,


     It was oh so funny

Watching him dangle

Wearing his shorts that

Were holy and smelling of urine,

His hair curly and blonde

For the jealousy of the girls,


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The Government Standard

The Government Standard



     The band didn’t want to play,

They didn’t want to march

Through streets paved with

Gum and fag butts and poverty,

     They didn’t want for glancing

At bloodstains from a

Previous night’s brawl,

They didn’t want for none of it

At all,


     But as soon as the note

Struck, they knew their place,

Knew of nothing else


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PovertyChild AbuseNorthern Town.

In Our Hands Everything - But Worlds

In Our Hands Everything - But Worlds


     On nights like this,

When the air is clear,

When no shrouds of covers

Blanket the Earth,

    I could,

I could stay with God till dawn,


     Looking up,

I see a million twinkles -

A million jewels

To comfort - inner thoughts,

Each dancing to distant

Mesmerising synths that

Tell of only wonder;

Open all my ...

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Carbon Shaped Life-forms

Carbon Shaped Life-forms



     Aye, carbon based we are,

Carbon based within integrations

Of H2O,

     And it’s not just molecular,

It’s not just cells though,

We may be ‘carbon based’ but,

We make angles of our carbon forms,


     Ninety degrees of humanity,

One-eighty degrees an animal,

We move we flow,

We structure our courtship

With one another ...

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In Every Day An Hour

In Every Day An Hour



     I cannot lie to you,

I cannot relate my experience

As anything of any worth,

I cannot deceive you into

Believing this be a life worth

Living and beholding,

For in simple truth,

I cannot lie to you!


     My world is very different

From yours,

I share this ball - this globe

With you,

     But I am not here,

I am not u...

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The Earths Core

The Earths Core


I am sat in front of its secret eye,

And I wanna kick fuck out of it,

It watches everything I do,

I pick my nose in front of it,

Wack off,



Bite my nails

And pick my scabby scalp,

     It looks at me with pleasure,

For it seeks only the demeaning

Of my being,

And I find nowadays

My dick is cold,

My mind colder still,


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Expanding On a Guit - Raw!

Okay, you know me, slightly unorthodoxed at times. I want you to picture a man, a man with delusions of grandeur. He is, slightly off key and heading off askew as his mind goes kilter. That's the impression I am trying to give in this track. Yes it needs more work, but hopefully it will break up your day. You can laugh or cry, or just not listen if you wish. But all feedback greatly appreciated. I...

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Music with Spoken Word.




If doubt were a wall,

And I; Limbless,

Would you throw a rope

For I to bite with

Clenched teeth?

     Or would you rather

Open floodgates

Of a lovers tears to drown?

     And if this wall,

Was covered with

The moss of many moons,

Many Suns – days – nights

Years of expectation,

Would you make

Me there disabled

Just to watch it grow fo...

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Tales of Love and Hate

Tales of Love and Hate


     Some would say;

‘Losing, isn’t an option!’

But to cherish a victory,

You must first understand

The possibility of defeat,


     It’s a tough game

Where nothing is balanced

But if you play,

If you want the glory,

Be prepared to lose.


     It’s called Roulette,

And you can make a mint –

If your lucks in,

Alas, time i...

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To Write a World

To Write a World


     I wish I had the power to write a world,

And if I did,

     It wouldn’t be like here,

We wouldn’t be suffering like

We are now,


Of course,

I would write the many

Wildlife’s and flora,

Of course I would write

The many features –

The mountains, the forests,

The jungles, the seas,

    And yes; peoples!


But where it would d...

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This Island of Goons and Hot Air

This Island of Goons and Hot Air


     I dreamed I was a cabbie,

Driving Spike home from war,

And I dared not bore his genius

With comedy of my own,

And then the comedy left,


     I glanced and looked,

And looked again at this man

Inside my mirror,

His eyes alive in distant place

And filled with utter terror,

He never gave an address,

Just told me there...

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This Island of Goons and Hot Air

This Island of Goons and Hot Air


     I dreamed I was a cabbie,

Driving Spike home from war,

And I dared not bore his genius

With comedy of my own,

And then the comedy left,


     I glanced and looked,

And looked again at this man

Inside my mirror,

His eyes alive in distant place

And filled with utter terror,

He never gave an address,

Just told me there...

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This Island of Goons and Hot Air

This Island of Goons and Hot Air


     I dreamed I was a cabbie,

Driving Spike home from war,

And I dared not bore his genius

With comedy of my own,

And then the comedy left,


     I glanced and looked,

And looked again at this man

Inside my mirror,

His eyes alive in distant place

And filled with utter terror,

He never gave an address,

Just told me there...

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A Peoples Trust Replaced by Sorrow

A Peoples Trust Replaced by Sorrow



     What has life become here upon this world?

Why have we become so soured in our endeavours?

Why is flesh and bone considered expendable,

While brass and paper - treasured?

     Why have governments forgot

Whom they actually govern for?

As peoples go wasted both in heart

And physical form,

Why is it we look only

To celeb...

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To The Valley

To The Valley


     Such a beauty be the valley

On a crisp spring morning,

The dew clean and crystal

Like carpets of cut diamonds,

Each one reflecting

The presence of the sun;

Beholding the sun as jewelled,

The early birds swoop,

Soar and play their game of life,

And there is not the rumble

Of beings quickening - their time,


     I can see for miles her...

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Charmed and Dying

Charmed and Dying


     I am reaching a very sad conclusion,

This place we spill blood,

This place we eat the flesh

     Of ‘others,’

This place we incarcerate

The good and glorify the bad;

Be a place not unlike

A Hell we all fear,

     And yet,

We’re living it

Never fully understanding

Why existence be this way!


We don’t realize because,

We’re lo...

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The English Oak

The English Oak


     Fifty gallons a day he needs,

Fifty gallons of life’s richest blessing,

Without it,

     He dies -

Withers and falls,


     He no longer grows

Within the sanctuary

Of England’s finest pastures,

For he be a memory

Of countryside and churches,

Villages and steeples,

And it’s peoples

Who claim his plot,

Peoples with axes,


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Tender Hearts!

Tender Hearts




     I prove myself favoured in comedy,

Not even consciously,

Aside from my own wit

There is a clown of a protégé,

Someone for those to howl at,

Someone to grin at

As they pass my ill gait

Walking streets no longer caring,

     And I will never forgive

This curse,

Never forgive the worst

‘They’ made of me!


     My guess is, ...

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ViolenceNeglectChild AbuseDepressionSuicide.

The Great Illusion

The Great Illusion


Are we here?

Are we here on this planet?

My guess is,

     You couldn’t be further from the truth!


A soldier knows a thing or two,

Each one has their tales,

And all,

      Face a point where time becomes


Becomes saturated with guilt

For the life they had bestowed,

For none,

     In realization would choose

To dance...

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