"Diana Prince Forever!"
That's what my parents always called me with a smirk
But I wasn't
I was just different
The highlight of my week wasn't watching Knight Rider like the other boys
It was Wonder Woman
Imagining myself wearing her gold tiara and bracelets
Her lasso of truth
Spinning round and saving the world
Then going back to being normal Diana Prince
My older brother bought me Action Man
And ...
Thursday 30th November 2017 3:54 am
A Picture of You
If I had a picture of you
I’d keep it to myself
Held tightly against my heart
To feel closer to you
Our bond would be strong
Strong enough to make me feel safe
If only I had a picture of you.
If I had a picture of you
I’d sleep with it on my pillow
Hoping to bring sweet dreams
Of the days we shared long ago
The fun days, holidays and time spent together
Sunday 12th February 2017 10:37 pm
Flowers mark the spot
Flowers mark the spot
Once fresh
Sweet scent
Since faded
Brittle petals
Tied to the railings
Marking the spot
The shrine beside the road
For the passing world to see
Never forget
Never allowed to forget
Sun-bleached photo at it’s core
Decaying flowers surrounding
A reminder for the careless drivers
Too busy pedestrians
Texting as they walk
Thursday 14th April 2016 8:46 pm
Those feelings
The ones that hold you back
Make you want to stop
stay home and hide
they haunt me
You get that sinking feeling
an ache in the pit of your stomach
can’t shake it
leaves you feeling helpless
and hopeless
that you thought you’d hidden
or dealt with
come flooding back
vivid as if it was just today
haunting you like a ghost
...Tuesday 26th January 2016 7:49 pm
My Lottery Win
I spotted a slip of paper
Blowing around the floor
Nobody else had noticed it
So I had to go and explore
I chased it around the pavement
Through the bus station door it blew
I managed to catch it and pick it up
It was last weekend's lottery ticket, who knew?
It was for the big, multi rollover
Thirty million they said
And they were still seeking the winner
All sorts were going thro...
Saturday 20th June 2015 1:11 pm
Coffee shop blues
Cup of coffee
cup of tea
hot chocolate
cheese toastie
tuna melt
bacon butty
fruit cake
custard cream
vanilla slice
blueberry muffin
tray bake
Drunk them all
ate them all
now I've got
Tuesday 9th June 2015 11:25 am
I quite like raisins, except for the one that got stuck up my nose!
The prompt from our writing group was to write an ode to your favourite fruit, this is my attempt, and it's a true story too...
I quite like raisins
Except for the one that got stuck up my nose
The more I sniffed and snorted
The further up it rose
My mum couldn't ease it out
She just forced it up even higher
She took me to the neighbours
And tried to use some plie...
Friday 13th February 2015 4:32 pm
Did you ever really love me?
Did you ever really love me?
If you're told you're worthless so many times you start to believe it
I believed it
I am ashamed that I let it go on for so long
The snide remarks
The insults
The oppressive atmosphere
I couldn't go out on my own
Couldn't be trusted you said
I had never done anything to justify this
It's the small things that add up
We never h...
Friday 13th February 2015 4:27 pm
Brew Time
There's nothing like a lovely cup of tea
When the world seems tough
And you've had enough
Try a cuppa and I'm sure you will agree
But in the morning coffee is the best
It wakes you from your slumber
Jolts you just like thunder
Keeps me awake until I'm fully dressed
Although fresh orange juice is also very nice
From the fridge, icy child
Slips down like liqui...
Friday 13th February 2015 4:16 pm
My aching heart
My heart It aches
Engulfed by emptiness
Drowning me with loneliness
Moments apart feel like a lifetime
No idea how to cope
Don't want to cope
Just want to be with you
Yet I know I'm loved
I feel your love
It surrounds me
Protects me
My happiest times are when we're together
Side by side In bed
Why can't t...
Friday 13th February 2015 4:14 pm
Postcard from the edge!
Written while on a coach holiday in Torquay, listening to a couple of old dears...
We've been traveling since dawn
The coach isn't warm
And then catastrophic
We ran into traffic
The food, it was cold
It's because we are old
Though I may have been late
But I don't like to wait
It drives me so mad
That they treat us so bad
You should see the hotel
The hotel f...
Friday 13th February 2015 4:11 pm
New Year, New Year Resolutions
New year, New year resolution
Gotta be strong, want absolution
This year I'm going to lose some weight
But what will I do without my cake?
Carrot cake, is that one of my 5 a day?
That areas always been kinda grey
And New York cheesecake, that's not so bad
Without the cheese it could be a new fad
Lovely and rich, chocolate fudge
Keep eating that and the weight w...
Friday 13th February 2015 4:08 pm
What's going on inside my head
Wish I could turn it off
Voices echoing around
Wish I could reboot my brain!
I keep it all inside
All my worries
But I'm scared Scared I'm going to crack up
There's only so much I can think about
Keep it bottled up
Even though it's not healthy
I need to release the cork
Don't want to be in that dark place again
Friday 13th February 2015 4:03 pm
If you dance to the music, you’ll find yourself…
Had a prompt from our writing group last time of "
If you dance to the music, you’ll find yourself…" so I thought I'd give it a go, although I've not mentioned the prompt anywhere in the piece!
If you dance to the music, you’ll find yourself…
I can’t dance.
Anyone that takes a glance
Will see me prance and realise
That I can’t dance.
My Macarena is more macaroni
...Monday 29th September 2014 3:18 pm
Early Morning
~~Early Morning
Warm early morning sun breaking through the tiniest crack in the curtain
Tongue tracing the outline of your lips
The gentle caress of your hand on my thigh
I feel loved
Fingers gently tracing the curves of your chest
Stroking your fine hairs
Mouth wanting more
I feel loved
Creased sheets telling tales on what came before
Musky scent lingering in the air
Sunlight re...
Sunday 21st September 2014 7:14 pm
The Sea (Part two)
~~The Sea (Part two)
Feel so small
Sat close to the crashing waves
The vast ocean stretching between lands
Tiny boats bobbing on the surface
Could be dragged under with no effort
No warning
Roaring like a wild animal
Getting louder each time
But also deadly
Sunday 21st September 2014 7:07 pm
The Sea (part One)
~~The Sea
Waves gently lapping against the shore
Dragging away the soft red sands
Warm, hazy sunshine breaking through crisp, white clouds
Seagulls calling, mocking with their laughter
Waves gently lapping against the shore
Powerful enough to drag you away
Far out to sea
Never to be seen again
Waves gently lapping against the shore
Sunday 21st September 2014 6:53 pm
Our eyes meet
Nothing else matters
Pure animal magnetism
Nothing else matters
I could die a happy man
Feelings so strong
I could die a happy man
I am not afraid
Nothing can hurt me
I am not afraid
I feel so strong
Love can conquer all
I feel so strong
That what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger
We can take on the world
That what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger
Stronger ...
Sunday 21st September 2014 6:41 pm
Is it safe?
Had a dream last night that I entered a poetry competition, the prompt was Is it Safe? This silly poem was buzzing around my head when I woke up this morning.
Is it safe?
That dangling wire
Swinging like Tarzan’s rope.
Is it safe?
The dog over the road,
Barking at everything is sight.
Is it safe?
Going for a swim,
After you’ve had lunch.
Is it safe?
...Friday 5th September 2014 9:10 am
Loving Heart
14 years of being half of a couple
Indescriminating illness, not caring who or what it tears apart.
The fear
The loneliness
the darkness
Then in the distance
a glimmer
a spark of hope lighting up the shadows
Could it be?
You taught my heart to love again,
penetrated my barriers
Let me become the man I was always supposed to be.
You saved my life
Friday 5th September 2014 9:09 am
I am here
I am here
Remember I am here for you
no matter what you say or do
I will not judge
my love won't budge
my feelings are so pure and true
My heart skips a beat when you are near
Feel giddy and excited, head can't think clear
I feel so proud
I shout it aloud
"I'm madly in love with this man, here!"
The things you do melt my heart
Can't imagine out lives apart
you're so gentle ...
Friday 5th September 2014 9:08 am
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