The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Day of Days

Facebook throws up lots of memories and without them I would have forgotten about this little poem. I wrote it to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the first day of the Battle of the Somme on which there were 60,000 casualties. Another seven years have passed. Lest we forget..

Day of Days

I hear a whisper rising, on this day of days.
"Remember me", they’re calling, from times so far awa...

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For Elizabeth

For Elizabeth 


Lay still your tongues and bow your heads, lower the flags, our Queen is dead.

Put down your work, set games aside, silence the songs, our Queen has died

Stand in the streets, pause in the rush, think of her now, amid the hush; in the time before the tribute drum, ‘til the bugles call and the eulogies come

Hold back the words, make no speeches today, reflect on the ...

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For anyone who is missing a loved one, especially a beloved pet x


I hope there’s a heaven for horses, 
where the meadows are deep, lush and sweet,
with a shady spot under the oak trees, 
for old friends to nuzzle and meet.

The nights will always be balmy,   
with star-studded dark moleskin skies,
and mornings wake cool, still and gentle,
‘til the sun rises soft by and ...

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No one’s told the daffodils about the pause to Spring
And no one’s told the birds to roost and asked them not to sing
No one’s asked the lazy bee to cease his bumbling round
And no one’s stopped the bright green shoots emerging through the ground
No one’s told the sap to rest, deep within the wood
And stop the sleepy trees from waking, wreathed about in bud
No one’s tol...

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