The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I don't know what to say other than ......

I wish 
I could hold you tight
And that you'd hold me 
In a cocoon of togetherness, spun of the strongest thread
Only to break as beauty forces itself out into the world
It's metamorphosis delicate, fragile
Exquisite in its simplicity 

I wish 
I could kiss you .......

(C) Pixievic

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Sea Dreams

Barefoot she walks along the beach 
Retracing lost memories in ripples of sand
The murmur of the surf plays in her ears like muffled 
notes bowed on a cello
the sun drips down behind 
the cobalt waves casting shadows to equal those of 
her longest night 
Hushed colours paint her skin in hues of poignancy, 
her heart beats in rhythm with the tide as she glides
through the surf
Footprints ...

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Ghost Dancer

We danced to Cuban rhythms 
Late into the night 
I twirled my skirts in girlish glee
Giggling in delight
My heart it started pounding 
As you held me tight
I waited for the kiss
That would bring me back to life 
Brutally it struck me
At the stroke of midnight
You were just an apparition
Your kiss turned into frostbite 
A phantom on the dance floor 
A cruel trick of the light

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ghost storyDancinglove


I long to gaze upon your rugged beauty
Magnificent as you rise up
From soft flowing valleys
To collide with the clouds
Slate coloured eyes 
Surveying everything beneath you
Dangerously calling me to conquer 

I long to swim in your energy
Caught up in the waves of your emotion
Intoxicated by your ebb and flow
My sanity lost in your cadence 
Throbbing in your tide 
Adrift in the moment...

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I know you're out there 
I can hear your voice in the wind that rustles the leafless trees 
Like them I'm waiting for Spring 
For warmth 
To grow again inside love 

I'm searching for you
I chase my shadow in the fading colours of the setting sun
Look for your message amongst the stars 
Face upturned 
Bathed in moonlight
In awe of the universe

I've dreamt ...

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