The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Whispers from Pandemonium or Once In a Blue Midnight

There were whispers that the reaper king Mortimer once lost his human form, his body, his shell. Among the reapers, rumors changed it to his soul being stolen.
This is what really happened,
Blake Alexander bowed to his audience from his stage so did his partner in his magic act Max Starfire. They dematerialized and rematerialized in their dressing room backstage.
"Max you never do things righ...

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grim reapersgrim reaperunderworlddarkshort storiesshort story

The People From The Center of the Earth

"Yeah right mate!" said Blake Alexander Lord of the Dead skeptically to his simple-minded friend the Masked Chicken who had lectured him of why the Earth was hollow and the proof that star people who live there were real.

"Glad you are open-minded most people just say I'm mad to believe in the star people!" said the Chicken.
Blake smiled humoring his friend.
"I believe in aliens!" said Blake.

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alienalienspeople from the centre of the earthlawyerslawyerfarcemadmanmadmenscience fiction

The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my show," said a female stage medium. She was on the stage of a  small theatre somewhere in Melbourne
"I am Kelly Anne Cross, I am here to entertain you tonight," said the stage medium.
"Hope she does well! It was nice your dad giving her his theatre for the night," said Liz Alexander the wife of the theatre's owner's son.
"Yes me too," said her husband Lance.

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Exorcistexorcismmistakescrazygrim reapergrim reapersfarce

Audio books made easy

To make audiobook there are 4 ways 1 pay someone to read on Findaway voices 2 get a friend to read. 3 Read yourself. 4 or if you want to publish in places where a human voice is not a requirement like audible or findaway voices use or ivona voices the best text to speech voices work with and cdbaby sites where you can upload txt2speech...

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audiobookshow toshow tohow to publish and audiobookaudiobookwriter's help

Author advise (updated version of all in one page from my website how to publish free book)

A few places to sell books and downloads for free and how to make them. Smashwords need tax no. price free Smashwords publishes here Apple IBook, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo You can get a free author's interview here. Example here Amazon you can publish too for free. to for kindle and print Kindle...

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How to get publishedhow toshow toinstructionswriters helppublishing


Under the moon's silver glow,
I could forget everything and live in this moment forever,
tugs on the heartstring like a beautiful voice in song,
words are the dreams the heart makes,
all now of the dream I have is a requiem.

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requiemnice poempoemspoemshort poempoetry

Sky Diamonds

Diamonds made of air,
Too precious to share,
Diamonds made by man,
Made only as scientists and dreamers can.

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sky diamondsdiamonddiamondssciencedream

The Mystery of Night

They say the night has a thousand Eyes,
It's beauty no one denies,
The nocturnal passing is cool and crisp,
The mind creates ghosts from a single wisp,
No man knows night truly,
Man knows it comes by dark and cooly,
It has a feeling of enchantment,
Beholders are usually lost in the moment,
The glazed eye that is the moon comes ever slowly,
In the dark speckled sky, people watch them longi...

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nightstarsmoonthe moonthe nightpoempoetrypoems

Ghost Light

By ghost light, the lonely stage is lit,
no one is there it is lit for ghosts alone,
all of the actors are hiding from the stage,
people in crowds are shunned,
the era is one of fear,
so no one even there comes near,
only the ghost of productions past are there.

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ghost lightghost lightsempty theatresTheatertheatre

The Reign of Rain

Cool and softly falls the rain,
from the silvery sky,
it comes sweetly hissing on my roof,
refreshing the world with its life-giving nectar.

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Death's Token

Upon my grave do not grieve,
Just leave upon it death's token in reprieve,
A single lily fear not my grave be not chilly,
It is the home of love I am now in heaven far above.

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epitaphpoempoems. deathpoetry

The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

"Hello Blake," said a man dressed in a Chicken suit with a mask.
"What brings the Masked Chicken to the morgue?" Asked Dr Blake Alexander the local coroner.
"I need info for a case from my source in the morgue," said the Chicken.
"So this isn't a social visit," said Blake.
"No," said the Chicken.
"You shouldn't be in here," said Blake's Assistant, Dante walking in the room.
"Dr Alexander is ...

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alienscomedyshort storyshort stories

Bad Omens or the insane unfortunate ravings of a mad chicken

The day began like most others. Blake Alexander yawned as he got ready for work at Charing Cross hospital. Where he was the coroner in charge of the morgue.
His wife was on holiday without him in America so it would be lonely at work.
He heard the doorbell and dashed to answer the door.
He found at it a slightly nervous man a Postman.
"Hello," Blake said wondering why he was nervous.
"Here is...

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good omensshort storiesshort storyaliensthe end of the world

Dark side of the moon

The grim reaper sat drinking a cup of coffee as a man in his office peacefully until his son ran in his office. "Dad you won't believe it the moon has hatched!" The Necromancer shouted. His father choked on his coffee.
"You alright Dad?" asked Lance worried.
"Yes, you psycho! The moon did what?" Blake, his dad said to his serial killer son.
"This is more important than you and me! The moon has ...

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short storiesshort storyaliens. magicthe end of word

Rogue of Honor or The Assasin

A tall handsome man in a  black shirt and pants  with glasses sat in his dingy little office. He was scribbling on papers with some skill with a black quill and ink. He stopped when he heard his son Lance arguing with his assistant  outside the office.
"Go away Necromancer he's working!" Blake Alexander heard his assistant shouting. "But I have to see him it is important!" Lance shouted back. Bla...

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alienalienssassasinsassasinOriginal Short Storyspace operazorro

The Haunting of the Necromancer

The Necromancer knocked on the door of the office of his father the king of the grim reapers nervously.
"Come in," he heard his father shout back. He walked into the paperwork-filled office to see his dad signing and reading papers with a quill and ink.
"Glad to see you give me an excuse to put the pen down. I hate this pen," the Grand Reaper said he looked like a man at that time.
"then why no...

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comedy. funnydarkgothicshort stories

A Moon Shadow Nocturne

A play of light and  dark,
under the wan light of the moon plays with the skipping shadows of night's dance their bewitching saraband with the moonlight,
silver moonlight and darkness melt into one in the cool airs of the nocturnal bower of night,
the stars sparkle in the shadows far above the worldly cradle of man,
it is pure enchantment by moonlight,
a nocturne of moonlight and shadows me...

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nocturnesnocturnemoon shadowmoonlightmoonthe moon

The Shadow of the Wind

Under the moon's silver glow
I heard the wind blow
the autumn leaves flew past me,
like charms in night's debris,

the wind it cools,
the night was full of the airs of scented jewels,
the breeze blew on the lake causing ripples of light and shadow,
I hear the wind's cries and see its tears which fly and show,

as crystalline glowing rain, it is the coming of a storm,
the shadows of the ...

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rainstorm. lake.the windwindwinds

Nocturne or the music of the night : Extended

The night is like music it is cool and crisp,
smooth and elegant,
the stars twinkle like music,
the moon sails across the sky like a music score,
the darkness is the beat of the heart listening to music or looking in the mystery which is the night,
the night enthralls like a sweet riff of music,
the beauty of the night is the music of the stars,
the ghostly light of night is like an aria so...

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Spoken Word poetrypoetrymusic and poetrynocturne

Stand and Deliver : In the Moonlight

It was a cool and crisp night in the Epping Forest,  the stagecoach moved amongst the shadows of a full silver moon. which gave the forest a magical glow, thought Mary Gregory a passenger of the coach.  Her brother the Magistrate,  Sir Thomas Gregory,  thought it felt less magical but more eerie and dangerous. he saw highwaymen and footpads in every shadow.  the driver was also nervous as highwaym...

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HighwaymanhighwayhighwaymenromanceOriginal Short Story

Vivienne and the Reaper: The Mortal Coil

The Reaper had one dream to live as a mortal man, it came true he was human so it did seem, so he went to see a show to be with the mortals as a man,
the flesh and blood grim reaper sat feeling human, he saw a beautiful lady she was an actress, he couldn't help but love her name was Vivienne McCann, He couldn't resist meeting her she asked for a name to him address,
"Grim- Michael Gri...

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epic poetryOriginal Short Storygrim reaper

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