The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Only a shadow

An image captured,

a likeness drawn


But only a shadow,

a thought

and a hope


All that was painted

will melt

into base


The template uncovered,

an image misplaced.

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In the Orchard

Seedlings lie in sodden ground





their bodies splinter through the ceiling





shapes are forming, buds embellish





apples swell and leaves are quaking



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a person.

I held onto a moment and it spilled into several

in the city, where I pondered along the streets

as the leaves fell and the colours changed,

I filled my thoughts with roses.

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A memory

Did you feel that stretch?

when time went soft,

expanding over us


How odd we should be here,


So different

yet the same


But you didn't feel that stretch,

when reality got bent in...

the bulging supple arc

connecting two spaces

across ages


So time hardened again

and the world washed over,


                swallowing me

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The Hollow

I built you a chamber
in the landscape


And there I kept
your name,
your sound


The air inside
bounced all around


It sucked itself
a yawning hollow
in the earth

Then carried
on the wind,


The echo aches,
broken ice
across the face


Silver streams
pass slowly
through the space


When I look over
at the hollow

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The Therapy Shop

Hair, body, nails,

therapy for skin.

Gloss the exterior

of your mucked up interior,

do not apply within.

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On paths

On paths we cross,
threads connecting
in place 


Our alignments tangle
in a web
of time 


Flashes trapped
as water drops 
on glass


When day closes,
our vapour trails
I trace


Those moments in place,
roll like ripples 
on a lake


Those places in time,
held like snow globes 
in my mind

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