'Shade of the Maple'
To start off the title is "borrowed" from a wonderful book a read a while back but is fitting here as well
While sitting under the shade of a great maple I can feel the warmth of the sun against my back for I am trying to focus on a small ant climbing over a peeble as if he was climbing a mountain. I have my camera positioned just so so when he crests the top I can capture his triumpt. A...
Wednesday 8th January 2020 4:11 am
The Bell
The bell is simple and historical.
It is used for praise and warning.
It is strong and resilent .
It has a gorgeous and reflective exterior.
The sound is like that of an angel echoing through the world.
It is a heirloom piece that can tell a story like nothing else can.
My bell is all of this, that is for sure.
I can't say that I want to collect bells - I just want to admire...
Tuesday 24th December 2019 6:33 am
The Things I have noticed
The rhythm of the heart is educational.
The burn of scotch under the moon is refreshing.
A paperclip can band a bird and a rose in the same way.
Coffee is best served in the morning with a friend, and thus never consumed alone.
The numbers 28 and 29 ar...
Friday 20th December 2019 8:05 am
Whiskey Glass
Why do some look at life through the bottom of a whiskey glass?
Are they looking for a reality that they can not see normally or are they looking at reality?
Do they search for emotions that they have hidden and locked away or are they running from the emotions they have?
Are they trying to hide from their emotions or are they trying to feel again?
What if they are trying to do a...
Sunday 28th July 2019 6:49 am
My Abyss - A Blackhole
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - light can travel through galaxies and galaxies is what is seen because of the light. Even a black hole has light about it, it is that light that exhibits a beauty like no other. This beauty and darkness is what draws people to it - in to it.
As the worlds, and stars and galaxies rotate around and look upon the blackhole they fantasize what could b...
Thursday 18th July 2019 4:00 am
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - so where does this energy we feel come from?
Is it an energy that has been stored for lifetimes just waiting for us to release it?
How is the light generated that is seen in ones eyes?
None of this sounds possible? I have been .................................................
Are we just young and naive? Or we old and stupid forgetting mor...
Thursday 18th July 2019 3:29 am
Battles Wars Crusades
Life is not a fight, treat it like one and you will fail
Life is not a battle, there are too many enemies
Life is not a war because a war consists of fights and battles with no possible winner
Life is a crusade - a crusade cant be won just experienced. We go through this crusade winning losing loving and hating. It is all about the experiences and being able to learn and grow and teachi...
Wednesday 17th July 2019 12:37 am
You decide
For every darkness there is s light
For every death a new life
For every winter a spring
Every night has a sun
This fucked up world is nothing but contradictions, mysteries, and lost souls. Then out of nowhere comes a four leave clover, a piece of blue glass and a painted sky to re...
Wednesday 10th July 2019 2:23 pm
I have decided enough is enough
i have seen the glass bottom so many times and the view is so distorted that life means nothing.
Life is what we make it - so the next life will be better
The next life will be worse
The next life is just that the next one.
I am so far from home that I do not think I will ever return.
My light is lost, it is shining on those that need it mor...
Sunday 7th July 2019 6:45 am
True love
What is true love?
True love does not involve vows
True love does not mean living together
True love is out of the control of society
True is love is what the heart wants...and it does not give two shits what we think or what we want.
True is love has no beginning and no end
True love is felt and not thought
True love is ... well ... true and honest and un biased
Sunday 5th March 2017 2:23 am
Ticking clock
The clock keeps Ticking
The earth keeps spinning - circling the sun
Things are left undone.
The truth of life,
The madness of my mind.
One in the same ...
Life without a name.
Thunder without rain
Love and pain
No one gains.
IT is all a game!
Tuesday 8th November 2016 4:36 am
Today's world is not that is yesterday; yesterday you were here and now you are not. The world is a little darker for me but because of you others will have a brighter world through me.
Tuesday 8th November 2016 3:56 am
Milking ducks
Does anyone understand me?
Does anyone really care?
All I want is to live my life to the fullest
All people want to do is hold me back and pen me up.
Why can't I just do what I want?
Why won't they support me?
All I want to do help.people...give them what I didn't have for so long and don't again.
Thoughts and words, support and concern, love and support ... but what do I kno...
Thursday 20th October 2016 11:04 am
All have is you ...
No protection... no place to hide ...
Just you to save me... just you to protect me.
I ask for help without speaking ...
You give help without offering...
Without you I am.lost ... with you I am complete...
If love is the strongest word it better start working out... this is more than love ..
Friday 14th October 2016 5:10 am
You are like my map and compass, my GPS, even if I don't know the route I can see what is out there and I am no longer lost.
Friday 14th October 2016 4:31 am
If my silence left you questioning know I am always talking to you...
If my absence left you wanting know I was holding you tight...
If my lack of action caused you to question ....
The answer is I do love you and always will ....
Wednesday 7th September 2016 12:22 pm
Life's simple truth -
There is nothing simple.
How can I understand that?
You don't.
How do I trust you?
You can't.
How can I love you then?
You shouldn't.
Why should I listen?
You won't.
I want to understand dut don't...
That's because nothing is simple and the truth to life is simplicity!
Tuesday 6th September 2016 7:51 pm
What matters in this life changes literally from day to day, minute to minute
The bottom of a glass is peaceful
Don't judge and don't ask questions...
Walk in my shoes then tell me how to live my life..not that I would listen anyway.
I do the best I can .. nothing more nothing less....
Thank you to those who care and fuck those who don't...
Monday 29th August 2016 3:46 am
Broken afraid
Broken and afraid
Sad and alone
I have upset my soul mate
I have disappointed and failed...yet again
Guess old habits die hard...
Maybe I should have stayed in my cave
Saturday 20th August 2016 5:27 am
Help more
So many questions
So many what if's
If yes then no
If no then yes
They mount, I hurt
They mount, you hurt
I'll run away that will work ... no one will miss me
The sun still rises ... the rain still falls
The darkness hides all.
The bottom of my glass hides the answers
The night is restless
The moon shines bright ... but the path is hidden
The desire is real...
Friday 19th August 2016 2:17 am
So many questions
So many what if's
If yes then no
If no then yes
They mount, I hurt
They mount, you hurt
I'll run away that will work ... no one will miss me
The sun still rises ... the rain still falls
The darkness hides all
Friday 19th August 2016 2:12 am
What is in a name
What is in a name.
What value does it hold?
Can I change my name...would anyone care?
Can't I chose who I am and what I will be?
Why do people focus on where they came from... our past makes in part who we are but WE create the final version? What will yours look like?
If I change my name will it change me?
After all this craziness of life is over how will you be remembered... w...
Tuesday 16th August 2016 12:27 pm
To world knows nothing
The world knows nothing...
You look but dont see
Listen but not hear
Touch but not feel
Eat and never taste
We have only a small number of chances to see the moon...don't waste them
We are but one salt and banana dance away from the light ...
Enjoy the dance and embrace the light
For if there is no tomorrow can you say you danced in the rain?
Or stared at the ...
Tuesday 16th August 2016 3:58 am
Free thoughts
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose" love that song...
But what is freedom and what is the cost?
Is there a price...our continued nations freedom was and is paid in blood.
Our personal freedoms wereally paid at others expenses again in blood.
I hold these freedoms near and dear....
What is the price of our emotional and psychological freedom?
Is there a proce...
Monday 8th August 2016 5:55 pm
Free thoughts
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose" love that song...
But what is freedom and what is the cost?
Is there a price...our continued nations freedom was and is paid in blood.
Our personal freedoms wereally paid at others expenses again in blood.
I hold these freedoms near and dear....
What is the price of our emotional and psychological freedom?
Is there a proce...
Monday 8th August 2016 5:14 pm
F?#k It
'It don't mean nothin'
This life is full of sick.and twisted lessons
This life can go get fucked
This life is someone's idea of a joke
I cant understand it and the list of.weird shit
Would make you commitment me.
What I know is this love is a simple thought for simple people
Love is something but not everything
People love each other, awesome; bit are they in love...
Saturday 6th August 2016 5:42 am
Those Hands part 2
Whether covered in paint
or covered in blood
They are filled with love.
Passion of saint
Gentle and strong
Those Hands will challenge the wrong
And change the song.
Friday 5th August 2016 4:10 pm
Those Hands
**picture missing**
These hands give testament to true work ethic.
These hands have deliver life.
These hands heal and save life
These hands guide and protect
These hands provide.
When you touch these gentle hands you can feel the energy, the love, passion and compassion connected with them.
These hands have worked and cared and loved in ways...
Friday 5th August 2016 1:08 pm
The Storm
The cold wind blows the leaves from the trees
The dark clouds roll in and hide the sun
The animals seek shelter as they sense the storm approaches
The angles laugh as they watch...
If only these mere mortals only knew
This storm is not one to hide from it should be embraced
As the it will bring change with its devastation
Everyone and everything is scared ...but the rebuild...
Sunday 24th July 2016 5:13 am
Regret not
The unsmoked cigarette
The unfinished drink
The envelopes not opened
The words never said
The mountains never climbed
The dance card never still has
The ice cream yet to be enjoyed
The treasures yet to be discovered
Regret not ...
Friday 22nd July 2016 3:29 am
Life ... real or imagined
If this life is real or fake I don't care if am glad you are in it
If tomorrow never comes I know I have lived and loved like no other
If I never see the sun I will feel the warmth because of you
If the rain never falls my garden will always grow because of your love
If my heart will never be lost because you found it
My path will always be illuminated because of your light
Friday 15th July 2016 5:50 am
Deafening silence
The silence is Deafening
The cold reality of selfishness screams like a tornado siren
The reality of the glass bottom is crystal clear....
My father was right all along...
It makes so much sense I am sick...
Apologies can never be made... my questions never answered in this life.
I have no one to talk to you or confide in ...
My heroes have gone... I am now the hero and I am ...
Thursday 7th July 2016 5:35 am
I.have a feeling of completeness
After years.of searching I feel complete .. lIke I have done what I was meant to do...
I feel comfort.and Joy like never before
I could move on to another life without real regret...
There are no words for this ... except thank you
The light is bright, without end....
Thursday 7th July 2016 5:24 am
Songs and memories
The song plays but the words are not heard,
They're lived.
The words are the catalyst evoking emotions,
For some the song is the want of today
WhIle others remember days ago.
But what happens when that one song takes your breath away.
When that song tells a story only 2 know...
The rhythm of crickets and frogs is no match for the rhythm of the heart beat and the harmony of br...
Wednesday 29th June 2016 4:11 am
Songs and memories
The song plays but the words are not heard,
They're lived.
The words are the catalyst evoking emotions,
For some the song is the want of today
WhIle others remember days ago.
But what happens when that one song takes your breath away.
When that song tells a story only 2 know...
The rhythm of crickets and frogs is no match for the rhythm of the heart beat and the harmony of br...
Wednesday 29th June 2016 4:11 am
The wish
I wish I had some answers
I wish I knew the questions
All I know is the altered world we see through the bottom of a glass,
Is not understood by the hearts of children or the souls of old men.
Nothing can stay forever.... well almost nothing except for the light ....
Which will last lifetimes
Thursday 23rd June 2016 6:14 am
Today... not tomorrow, that is no promise.
Today ... not yesterday, it is over move on
Today ... only today can we focus on ....
So many thoughts... no actions...
Over analyzation prohibits impulsiveness
Impulsiveness prohibits analyzation...which is right
I just know the stars are bright and the universe is the limit.
SmIle because it is contagious... maybe I can become infe...
Thursday 23rd June 2016 6:09 am
You chose
So.many thoughts .... so.much pain
So.many memories ... so.much guilt
It is only when they are gone that we realize what is missing
I just want to talk to you one more time... see you and hug one more time but I can't
I.am.missing my grounding rod my technical advisor
I.am missing my mentor and instructor
My fishing buddy and and hunting partner
Those that pushed and gui...
Thursday 23rd June 2016 5:57 am
Glass bottom
Nope not a glass bottom boat the bottom of a glass
The best part of the bottom of the glass --
The altered world you see....
You can see the world as you wish it was
You see the world you long to have
The memories of days gone by
the numbness of reality
Sunday 19th June 2016 5:03 am
The lie
Is it true that we all lie?
We lie to ourselves
We lie to each other
We hide our trueselves
Is it for self preservation...for the preservation of others
Is it because we are running away or running towards the truth
We all have a poison ... we all have a crutch
Some look in the bottom of a glass or bottle
Some at the price of a needle
Others use ancient stretching o...
Sunday 19th June 2016 4:55 am
Words, Beer and Matches
After the third round I strike a match and watch it burn till my fingers burn
After the fourth round I strike a match and watch it burn ... the flame fades and the smoke lingers just a little to long and off on an adventure I go with 20 beers in tow
The pen is moving, words appearing on the page ...but what do they mean ... why do they have to mean anything
I turn the page and start a new...
Friday 17th June 2016 5:12 am
Yet another restless sleepless night ....
I sit and listen to the twirling of the ceiling fan ... round and round never stopping ... never quiting
I ponder the day ... I ponder tomorrow ... I ponder yesterday looking for answers that allude me ... seeking questions to the answers that I possess
I ask have I been a good man ... have I done right by so many ... will anyone care when I am ...
Friday 17th June 2016 4:55 am
New beginnings
The first day of the rest of my life has started ..it is all about change
I sat and listened...I answered truthfully holding little back because of my grandfather...because of my father ...because of my adopted father
I have taken a litle of them all and made it me...they are who I am...and we will conquer....our presence will be known
The Lancashire name will be remembered for the right...
Friday 17th June 2016 4:39 am
The only guarantee in life is that it will change
The page was not turned and the book was not shut...the book was slammed shut and thrown out the window
They think they have broken me ... it is only change
They think they have won ... no only change
They think they are in charge... no only change
I have started a new volume of my life and it is on their dime
I am wiring my ...
Friday 17th June 2016 4:20 am
Why ... what a word...what a queation ....
We poke fun at our kids for asking why to everything... but damn it they are right ... WHY....
Why do we have to struggle ... to make us strong and to become the people we are today
Why do we have to experience pain ... to truely appreciate happiness
Why do we have to loss those that we love...because they are needed elsewhere ... whether it b...
Tuesday 14th June 2016 12:36 am
The window
As I look out the window everything seems dead...cold and lifeless
I don't understand what has happened....everything was great
I call out and the darkness shallows my cries like a black hole devouring the light
The only echo is that of an icy wind cutting like a knife
I wonder has everything been swallowed up and devastated...
Is there nothing left in this world.... all the happin...
Tuesday 14th June 2016 12:20 am
No title
What is a title?
Why is there a title?
How can I decide on a couple words to sum up my thoughts?
I can not ...
My thoughts flow and you may call those collection of words anything you like.
I write as I think
I write as I feel
I don't like punctuation not because of poor instructure oh NO they all tried
I don't want to stop the flow of my words to the correlation of the rea...
Monday 13th June 2016 3:48 am
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