The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 33 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

The fairytale

Do you remember the fairytale you told me?

Nothing else mattered when you read it line by line
For I was in love with the story, you read about a time

A few chapters down the line, we'd still be together
You looked me in the eyes as you said "forever"

Promised me this book is the only one you need
You forgot to mention that you didn't really mean it

So engulfed in the stories I didn...

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Like you left me

I hope you feel alone 
With a stranger in your bed

I hope they make you feel wanted 
And tickle your head 

I hope they tell you that they love you 
Just to make you theirs 

Feed you stories of the future 
They  know will never come to be 

I hope they make you feel oh so safe  
And then they leave you like you left me. 

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It's been a while


It’s been a while since we’ve spoken

I don’t know what’s going on In your life


But I hope you’re alright 

I still catch myself smiling

And looking to the side 

When something along the lines

Of our inside jokes comes into a conversation

With strangers or friends 

I quickly wipe away my grin 

For they simply wouldn’t understand 

There’s no point in delving in...

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Feelings we cannot ignore.. 
Insecurity and jealousy 
prying open the door 
we had closed so tightly

When we had agreed 
not to take things so seriously
The intensity overwhelms me 
Lets just be friends and see..

"maybe its possilble
its impossible
let's just try
please don't cry 
I am yours, commited don't you see
I don't belong to you,
nor you to me 
but don't get it confuse...

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You can learn a lot about yourself in the dark..

The things that once terrified you no longer appear so large 
and that flame that you had to light for yourself 
will guide you to places that you didn't know existed

Thank yourself that you persisted 
You lit that fire in the damp, in the cold 
You nurtured it as it turned from a flicker to nothing but coal

Really, thank yourself for n...

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A precious gift 
Your choice is how you spend it 
Loving others, or yourself 
A difficult thing to achieve both 
when it is limited 

Investing in a future self that may never arrive 
I do not even feel alive
I am breathing, speaking, running out of words
running out of breath
What is left

I am sinking 
My legs are tired 
I have struggled for a while 
struggled with a smil...

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A beautiful curse

Your presence in my life was a gift 
for you showed me what I had missed 
The deepest emotions, you showed me they exist 

A love so deep is a beautiful curse 
for the harder you love 
the deeper it hurts

So now I find myself in agony 
Learning to live with missing what once was 
As well as never knowing what could've been. 

Robyn Holmes 
scribbles of a broken heart 


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Change is the most natural part of life 

The summer cannot last forever 
I have learned simply to never say never 

I change my mind 
Perspectives and feelings move with time 

Nothing is certain 

Before you know it, it is Autumn 
and your leaves are turning into shades of gold 

To begin something new you must let go of the old 
It is okay to fall

Winter may be harder and it wi...

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I think about you

I think about you 

I think about you on the good days 
when everything is going well
I want to share them with you, celebrate 
The first that comes to my mind is your name 

I think about you on the bad days 
when everything feels a little too much 
I could use your hugs, your touch 
Your warmth is the very thing that I need 

I think about you in the moments in between 
In the secon...

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You are an artist

You are an artist

Every morning as your eyes open up
you reach for your paintbrush 

You are the canvas 
and your actions are the splatters
Inspired by your dreams 
and all to you that matters 

You bring to life the beauty that you think
Transforming the formless into reality
your desires turn to ink

Do not downplay the smaller things you do
as every single brushstro...

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