The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Death Brought Us Closer

Death brings us closer #25


The only connection I truly had with this young man was the darkness that beholds us both,

He could speak with such talent and such words, you would think it was a bible oath,

This young, charming and daring man was a fighter,

However, all fights but come to an end,

In his case, it was the end, however, I will remember this, and I will defend,


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Death Part II

The reaper has come to pay me another visit,

I thought it was the last time we will see each other again for a long time as I thought I was feeling fine.

But I was a fool to think this, I asked him what crime have I committed?

Death laughs at me, he asks me, why do you think you have done something wrong to see me,

I paused and thought he was playing a game,

He likes doing this, as ...

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deathbipolarmental health

my webiste

hey guys,


I have a website that I blog on.. the link is as followed;


thanks guys

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Lie & Run

In this world, it's sometimes better to be lied to, than the truth,

When I am flying high, the truth to me is a total lie,

It makes no difference if I was to live in the world that is full of truth

When I am manic and free, I am advised by people

I should take medication and they become all forgetful,

When I manic I see more clearly,

Yes the people who love me, just want to break...

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liescheat. lieare you running from love


For 4 years now, I have been dormant,

Not through choice, along this way, I have lost my voice,

Through a dead romance that has extended its warranty,

I need to end this, as if I don’t, I will never be able to get to my wish,

The needing of  feeling free,

The reason why I used to love being me,

I used to make people laugh,

I would act rather daft,

Silly, unpredictable, risk...

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bipolarmental health

Dont Quit


I sometimes wonder where I would be if I didn’t have that voice inside me,

Telling me I should give up, I’m not worth it, I’m ugly, stupid & fat,

That voice inside me screaming at me, making me feel I have to see the local quack.


The screams get louder and louder, while I become weaker & weaker,

However, what that voice don’t know, is I get more eager,

Eager to win the bat...

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bipolarmental healthfighterdon't quit

I Lied


I have lied for so long I cant remember the truth,

Even though this is something I should,

I have lied for so long it has become my norm,

But when the lies are exposed, it will be a man-made storm.


I have lied to the very people I pretend to be close too,

Only for me to fool them all,

I feel I have been betrayed by the very people that love me,

However after all this...

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I feel trapped inside a cage,

The longer I am in this, I feel the rage,

It builds and builds without any time for notice,

It will become too late to know what I am heading for,

When its unleashed it will become known to everyone making everyone feeling sore.


When this mad and manic phase comes,

It will be too late for the innocence’s,

When I am manic, ...

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mental healthbipolarDepression black dog bipolar

Lovers or Friends?

What are we, friend or lover,

I feel so far from you, not knowing if we are together,

You said when we got together it would be forever,

Forever is cut short, as you know you can't be faithful, not at all,

You would prefer to ask for attention of a guy you don’t know,

Instead of getting the affection of your lover you act towards him, as you’re a foe.


Are you my friend or lo...

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Loversfriendshiplovelove and hate

Bipolar & My Brother

I wear a mask every day of my life,

It causes me pain & stress,

It makes my life such a chaotic mess,

I wish this mask would lift,

However, nevertheless, it’s a part of me.


I wear the mask of lies,

There are so many things in my life, that I am in denial to myself,

I wear this mask, it causes me to feel torn,

My eyes are broken,

They make me see such things like a u...

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poetry and mental healthbipolaremotional pain

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