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shoulder the sky

echoes to the waters edge,
no fractured beauty in the
luminous lost in love.
from ridge
to crest
to flume, 
the olive in my skin
and glimmer.
this deadened
dock your heart to mine
as we expire,

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fireflies once a loved in falsetto

this mirror doesn't look like it used to;
jigsawed together in dichotomous consummation.

fireflies once loved in falsetto,
now plumb to umber,
no less mystical
rather walking in slumber.
windows carry weight
and light is no longer peaching.
hands never raised,
no longer reaching.
hushed desire perched on lips,
showing but never speaking.

it's the loudness of action,
reaping what y...

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his scar garden

it is in the safety of the charred night,
one whose stars have been hand plucked
from the sky,
that I observe myself
in an infinite bliss.

the cosmos purr this sacred psalm of wonder,
this fresh breath of a new love
spilling from my lips
sets fog from core.

I thrust myself to the sky
time and time again,
and time again.
this precious consequence
leaves me 
numb and hungry
for an...

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Archer meets the Bull

to grieve is to know love intimately.

to pluck his voice from a crowd,
though I've not heard it in years.
to reminisce about my fingertips
reading his calloused hands like braille
and finding my next breath in every tactile.

to recognize any morsel of his being
in any dimension
and pledging patience to the search
in every lifetime.
to finding him.
and knowing he is ever present.


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on repeat

peel your chin from the canyon,
drown your heart in rock salt,
and let the glow pour into every cleft.

feel the rumble in thunder.
let your feet meet the earth.
stand in symphony.

baptize yourself in rain.
cover your ears
and watch with marvel at the world.

let this breath be new.
strip the heat from your mouth
and gaze like linchpin.

rid your body of brittle.
soak in devotion...

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death in adagio

binding my roots to the earth 

is a sacred therapy.

my soul recognizes it

as muscle memory.

this holy walk on eternal plank,

brushing elbows with the grey

while i claw to escape my skin.

a draw of breath into infinite abdication,

bleeding out in memory.

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weaving the void

the universe plays its cruel tricks;
dressing my love in a body I must share
with a dying world.
but she is beautiful
and kind
and delicate
so I must learn to flourish in the shadows.

but I will him next to me
waiting to be enveloped in his arms,
lick the sweet sand,
and knead it against the tip of my tongue.
for the first time
I understand what it means
to summon a phenomenon 

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