Go Hug Grandad
When you run at me with careless speed
And fling your arms about my neck
The world melts and I am lost to you
Your head on my shoulder, a soft apocalypse
Displaces time, distorts perception
I am so happy I cannot smile
I cannot smile or I will weep for weeks
I never knew the chasm was there
Until you held my hand and we stood at its edge
I w...
Friday 26th March 2010 5:40 pm
All The Pies
Middle aged bodies are like sharks;
If they stop moving they sink.
You must know that. What did you think?
You'd stored childhood's frolicsome larks
Like blubber stored inside a whale,
Or water in a camel's hump?
That from off the sofa up you'd jump
To tote that barge and lift that bale?
My friend, it doesn't work like that.
Ever tried to start a...
Friday 26th March 2010 5:36 pm
British, Not Pure
British, Not Pure
They would, perhaps, be less inclined
To rant on racial purity
If Britishness were more defined
Precise, and with more surety
But such a task is far beyond
All experts in ethnography
Genetics does not correspond
With cultures flowing wide and free
To take my case as case in point
I’m English – that is plain to see
My passport is distinct, not joint
I’ve lived...
Tuesday 9th June 2009 11:42 pm
The York's Prayer
The York’s Prayer
Our Dad, ‘oo art in Hebden,
Tha’s norra bad fella.
Tha’s County come,
Tha’s will be done,
On Earth as it is in Yorkshire.
Give us this day our daily barm-cake,
And don’t mind us when we bugger up.
We’ll try not to mind the buggers who bugger us up.
And lead us not into Southern ways,
But deliver us from t’mucky stuff.
For thine is this county, wi’ power ‘n’t glory,
...Wednesday 11th March 2009 3:27 pm
My Butter Fingered Mind
My Butter Fingered Mind
The poem I forgot
Would have been my bread and butter
A staple in anthologies
Where experts put a thousand
Of the best down to rest
And get credit for their edit
All the things I could have got
I might have bought a yacht
With the poem I forgot
I think its form was lyrical
It may have been satirical
But no! Its tone was serious
Noble and imperious
...Tuesday 10th February 2009 11:58 pm
It sometimes is a testing trial
To think of things that make me colon close bracket
And when life really gets me down
My face displays a sullen colon open bracket
It should be easy, don’t you think
To see life through a cheeky semicolon close bracket
But that eye’s never winked for me
They both close, and I cannot see
So I’ve decided, what I’ll do
To keep expressions pure an...
Monday 9th February 2009 8:49 pm
The cold tap runs hot before it runs cold
The water is old it sits in the pipe
Next to the hot one
Absorbing the heat
We should be grateful
And plunge in our hands
Absorbing the heat
That sat in the pipe
Next to the hot one
Before it turns cold
The heat is a gift
Or rather a trade
A bargaining made
Between tw...
Monday 26th January 2009 6:32 pm
Listening at the Statue to the Fallen
Do you remember how the bronze bouquet
Would sway in the wind on Angel Hill?
Those blue-green leaves against the grey
Skies are held aloft to this day still -
Though never still - the city’s thrum
Plays a chord on them for its own ear
Enticing those alive to come
Embrace the dead remembered here.
And here our grass-stained jeans would kneel,
Our bark-rough hands would press the stone.
Braving the wind we wo...
Thursday 15th January 2009 11:24 pm
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