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Trump (Remove filter)


I’ll show to him the courtesy

He never showed to me;

I’ll meet him at the White House

With no conspiracy.


I’ll help with the transition

In ways he never did,

And will not throw my toys about

Like some spoiled teenage kid.


And won’t pretend we won the vote

Or claim to have been cheated

And will not start a riot

Because I was defeated.


I’ll shake hi...

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US electionBidenTrump



(Up to August 2023, there have been SIX evidence-free attempts in the US to impeach President Biden. Each time Donald Trump is accused of a crime, his friends call for the impeachment of the prosecutor. Where will it all end?)


Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!

All those who govern, judge or teach.


Impeach the man, impeach the boy,

The redwood tree, the cuddly toy.



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