The World’s Best Suicide Bomber
Forty Seven missions to his name
But he hadn’t killed a single person
Just couldn’t have stood the shame.
Not totally convinced that
Ninety Virgins awaited
And non too sure about
Some other terms stated,
He’d just accept the mission
Then he’d take off his vest
In some secluded place
Which he thought was best,
And blow up a bi...
Sunday 8th May 2016 12:24 pm
Universal Suffrage
Oh we British love to chunter
About politics and such
But if they don't bother to vote
They just can't care very much.
And if they don't use that right
Then get shat on from on high
Serves them bloody right for
Letting that rare chance roll by.
For many people fought
And many people died
To give us the right
To help decide.
If you're one of those
Who voted for the far right
Wednesday 4th May 2016 6:52 am
When young you had a beauty
But you were born poor
So you will eat cheap food as
Your family can't afford any more.
You'll lose your teeth early,
Prematurely age,
Eek out an existence
On a minimum age.
You’ll be old when you're young,
No matter how you try
Downtrodden and disregarded
Until the day you die.
And generation come
And generations go
...Sunday 10th April 2016 1:23 pm
The nearly men
I am one of the nearly men
Never quite the best
Not really of the crowd
Not quite one of the rest.
You see us in every photograph
When the prizes are handed out
Making up the numbers yet
Never standing out
For we nearly men and dreamers
Just stand back and allow
The doers and the action men
Their triumphal bows.
We feed our children humour
And tell them it’s no disgr...
Thursday 4th February 2016 9:41 pm
A conversation with a stranger
Across a rumpled unmade bed
The sound of her voice rolling
Against the thunder in my head
And I felt so low and tired
So full of hurt despair
Didn’t know where I was
Or how I’d arrived there
But I was talking to this stranger
The way I’d not talked for years
And she was sitting listening
Through all my words and fe...
Sunday 31st January 2016 12:02 pm
A tribute to their glory,
Reminder of War’s shame,
Each stone simply bears
Unit, Rank and name.
They are there like Regiments
Arrayed in Open Order Parade,
Every single cross there marking
Where a Hero was finally laid.
I suppose an air of sombre peace
Overhangs this mass resting place;
You can see so many emotions
Etched on each visiting face.
Friday 29th January 2016 10:46 am
Flags Jousting
The plain song moves
Drifting on the wind
Flags riffle
At its passing
A nervous horse
Prances and kicks
Death pauses
Wipes his plate
For rich feeding
Combat approaches
They are weaving flags
Long silk threads
Twined and intertwined
Shrouds for the dead
For the not yet dead in truth
For the battle is yet to start
...Sunday 13th July 2014 2:28 pm
deep dreams
in the deepest of my deep dreams
I shall take my little dream boat
away and away from the earth
I shall gently slowly surely float
outwards in between the planets
I shall haul and jib tack and run
setting my sheets to catch in full
the wind streaming off the sun
past the outer giant’s shining rings
to the very edge of solar space
my little boat will gather speed
Thursday 26th June 2014 4:44 pm
444. Lives Later
Four hundred and forty four British lives
Later The Taliban has won
As troops prepare to withdraw from
A task that never could be done,
And politicians will talk
Of pragmatism and peace
At the conference table
Sitting there at their ease.
In spite of the troops'
Conflict sacrifice and bravery
The fanatics will be back,
The women returned to slavery.
They will have their treaty
Wednesday 25th June 2014 5:46 pm
Picket, 1993
The Union is the Union and
It's only because of its fights
That the working man
Had any employment rights
It was lonely on that picket
Just Dennis and me
Wielding huge picket boards
For everyone to see.
Just two standing with us
Which was just fine.
They wouldn’t join the picket
But wouldn’t cross our line.
Just standing on the pavement,
We weren’...
Wednesday 25th June 2014 8:58 am
d-day 6th june 2014
d-day, 6th june 2014
booted and suited bereted badged
campaign medals on display
on these beaches of normandy
seventy years on from d-day
some of them are three legged
resting on stout walking sticks
and some of them are hale
and some are obviously sick
and for many this parade
will be their very last
so many years have gone
since their glorious past.
Sunday 22nd June 2014 11:45 am
They are coming with the needle They think they are being kind Sending me back to The jungles of my mind. There are creatures in the forest, I can feel them closing in Screaming in my mind In a brain jarring din. The fire is burning well Sending out heat and light Keeping at bay Those creatures of...
Friday 11th October 2013 5:09 pm
Just Passing Water
They say the playing fields of Eton
Have given this nation so very much:
This current set of mental inbreeds
Who’ve lost the common touch?
They’ve taxed our beer, cigs and patties,
Expect us all to work some years longer
All in the cause and the name of making
Both us and the nation that much stronger.
They’re the one nation Tories;
Thursday 3rd October 2013 12:55 pm
Monday 9th September 2013 5:16 pm
V For Victory
Monday 9th September 2013 2:39 pm
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